"Moon Beam" Brown And Soft On Illegals Whitman Face off Tonight


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2004
Dang! I'm a Californian, and always vote.......

What a lousy choice or menu I have for Governor.

Jerry Brown is a far-left tax and spend liberal with ultra Greenie leanings that will just make our state a worse-mess, if that is actually possible.

Whitman.......Ok......She's an ex-CEO........That can be good credentials if you are to lead a financially screwed-up state........

But..................Whitman is I'm worried just one of the old "softy" "Rhino" Republicans...............

I think that her stance on illegals/aliens from South of our border has me concerned most of all.

I think she is no different that the current governator..........She'll let the California Air Resources Board ruin our economy by isolating California from the rest of the country with unreal environmental mandates.........i.e. our mandated home-blend fuels that cost Californians dearly at the pump, but have been proven to be no better at reducing emissions that Federal EPA fuel blends.

I voted for the Governator, and he's been a total disaster IMO.

He let the San Juaquin Farmers go bankrupt over a stupid little Smeltfish's protection, and didn't allow these important farmers both big and small to have irrigation water for their crops.

Voting for Whitman is my vote for the lesser of two evils.............

Whitman is a "progressive".........

I love this state, but we have the most messed-up politics........and self serving, dewy eyed bunch of liberals running it.
Anyway, there's a debate tonight/Tuesday between Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman. Ho........Hum.........Yawn..............."up chuck".......
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Is there a third candidate for whom you could, in good conscience, vote? That's the route I took when Arnold was up for re-election. I didn't like the work he'd done after the recall, and I didn't like the Dem candidate, but the Libertarian on the ticket that year hit a positive on many of the issues that concerned me so that's where my vote went.

I am old enough to remember Brown's time as Governor, lived in California at the time, I would never want to see him in that office again. Proposition 13 succeeded largely because of Brown. If you ask around, many a Californian will mark the beginning of the state's decline to the passing of Prop 13.

Good luck out there Eightball, you're going to need it.
Dang! I'm a Californian, and always vote.......

What a lousy choice or menu I have for Governor.

Jerry Brown is a far-left tax and spend liberal with ultra Greenie leanings that will just make our state a worse-mess, if that is actually possible.

Whitman.......Ok......She's an ex-CEO........That can be good credentials if you are to lead a financially screwed-up state........

But..................Whitman is I'm worried just one of the old "softy" "Rhino" Republicans...............

I think that her stance on illegals/aliens from South of our border has me concerned most of all.

I think she is no different that the current governator..........She'll let the California Air Resources Board ruin our economy by isolating California from the rest of the country with unreal environmental mandates.........i.e. our mandated home-blend fuels that cost Californians dearly at the pump, but have been proven to be no better at reducing emissions that Federal EPA fuel blends.

I voted for the Governator, and he's been a total disaster IMO.

He let the San Juaquin Farmers go bankrupt over a stupid little Smeltfish's protection, and didn't allow these important farmers both big and small to have irrigation water for their crops.

Voting for Whitman is my vote for the lesser of two evils.............

Whitman is a "progressive".........

I love this state, but we have the most messed-up politics........and self serving, dewy eyed bunch of liberals running it.
Anyway, there's a debate tonight/Tuesday between Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman. Ho........Hum.........Yawn..............."up chuck".......

So, who has Caribou Barbie endorsed in this race?
Is there a third candidate for whom you could, in good conscience, vote? That's the route I took when Arnold was up for re-election. I didn't like the work he'd done after the recall, and I didn't like the Dem candidate, but the Libertarian on the ticket that year hit a positive on many of the issues that concerned me so that's where my vote went.

I am old enough to remember Brown's time as Governor, lived in California at the time, I would never want to see him in that office again. Proposition 13 succeeded largely because of Brown. If you ask around, many a Californian will mark the beginning of the state's decline to the passing of Prop 13.

Good luck out there Eightball, you're going to need it.

I'll have to take a look at things and see if there is someone else..........But......If I go for the 3rd party candidate........I'm concerned that I'm just helping Jerry Brown get into office.

My hope is that if the GOP get's enough pressure from the conservative element that Whitman, if elected will have to "bend" and move more to the right than she is at this time.

I know it's a long-shot in this state.
Dang! I'm a Californian, and always vote.......

What a lousy choice or menu I have for Governor.

Jerry Brown is a far-left tax and spend liberal with ultra Greenie leanings that will just make our state a worse-mess, if that is actually possible.

Whitman.......Ok......She's an ex-CEO........That can be good credentials if you are to lead a financially screwed-up state........

But..................Whitman is I'm worried just one of the old "softy" "Rhino" Republicans...............

I think that her stance on illegals/aliens from South of our border has me concerned most of all.

I think she is no different that the current governator..........She'll let the California Air Resources Board ruin our economy by isolating California from the rest of the country with unreal environmental mandates.........i.e. our mandated home-blend fuels that cost Californians dearly at the pump, but have been proven to be no better at reducing emissions that Federal EPA fuel blends.

I voted for the Governator, and he's been a total disaster IMO.

He let the San Juaquin Farmers go bankrupt over a stupid little Smeltfish's protection, and didn't allow these important farmers both big and small to have irrigation water for their crops.

Voting for Whitman is my vote for the lesser of two evils.............

Whitman is a "progressive".........

I love this state, but we have the most messed-up politics........and self serving, dewy eyed bunch of liberals running it.
Anyway, there's a debate tonight/Tuesday between Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman. Ho........Hum.........Yawn..............."up chuck".......

So, who has Caribou Barbie endorsed in this race?

Caribou Barbie?............If your referring to Sarah Palin.........I don't think Palin and Whitman are too close. Whitman has been distancing herself from the Tea Party. Again, Whitmans statements about illegals is left-wing amnesty talk. "Illegal" means "illegal".........Whitman is just another progressive who wants to redefine right and wrong and make it "maybe, and not-so-sure".

I'd take Palin in a heart beat over Hillary Clinton.......
Dang! I'm a Californian, and always vote.......

What a lousy choice or menu I have for Governor.

Jerry Brown is a far-left tax and spend liberal with ultra Greenie leanings that will just make our state a worse-mess, if that is actually possible.

Whitman.......Ok......She's an ex-CEO........That can be good credentials if you are to lead a financially screwed-up state........

But..................Whitman is I'm worried just one of the old "softy" "Rhino" Republicans...............

I think that her stance on illegals/aliens from South of our border has me concerned most of all.

I think she is no different that the current governator..........She'll let the California Air Resources Board ruin our economy by isolating California from the rest of the country with unreal environmental mandates.........i.e. our mandated home-blend fuels that cost Californians dearly at the pump, but have been proven to be no better at reducing emissions that Federal EPA fuel blends.

I voted for the Governator, and he's been a total disaster IMO.

He let the San Juaquin Farmers go bankrupt over a stupid little Smeltfish's protection, and didn't allow these important farmers both big and small to have irrigation water for their crops.

Voting for Whitman is my vote for the lesser of two evils.............

Whitman is a "progressive".........

I love this state, but we have the most messed-up politics........and self serving, dewy eyed bunch of liberals running it.
Anyway, there's a debate tonight/Tuesday between Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman. Ho........Hum.........Yawn..............."up chuck".......

So, who has Caribou Barbie endorsed in this race?

Caribou Barbie?............If your referring to Sarah Palin.........I don't think Palin and Whitman are too close. Whitman has been distancing herself from the Tea Party. Again, Whitmans statements about illegals is left-wing amnesty talk. "Illegal" means "illegal".........Whitman is just another progressive who wants to redefine right and wrong and make it "maybe, and not-so-sure".

I'd take Palin in a heart beat over Hillary Clinton.......
For what?
Dang! I'm a Californian, and always vote.......

What a lousy choice or menu I have for Governor.

Jerry Brown is a far-left tax and spend liberal with ultra Greenie leanings that will just make our state a worse-mess, if that is actually possible.

Whitman.......Ok......She's an ex-CEO........That can be good credentials if you are to lead a financially screwed-up state........

But..................Whitman is I'm worried just one of the old "softy" "Rhino" Republicans...............

I think that her stance on illegals/aliens from South of our border has me concerned most of all.

I think she is no different that the current governator..........She'll let the California Air Resources Board ruin our economy by isolating California from the rest of the country with unreal environmental mandates.........i.e. our mandated home-blend fuels that cost Californians dearly at the pump, but have been proven to be no better at reducing emissions that Federal EPA fuel blends.

I voted for the Governator, and he's been a total disaster IMO.

He let the San Juaquin Farmers go bankrupt over a stupid little Smeltfish's protection, and didn't allow these important farmers both big and small to have irrigation water for their crops.

Voting for Whitman is my vote for the lesser of two evils.............

Whitman is a "progressive".........

I love this state, but we have the most messed-up politics........and self serving, dewy eyed bunch of liberals running it.
Anyway, there's a debate tonight/Tuesday between Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman. Ho........Hum.........Yawn..............."up chuck".......

++He let the San Juaquin Farmers go bankrupt over a stupid little Smeltfish's protection, and didn't allow these important farmers both big and small to have irrigation water for their crops.++

You're wrong on that one ... The Governator could do nothing.. It's the EPA and your friendly Democratic Representatives and Senators.. As the the Dust Bowl signs say .."Congress created-Dust Bowl"
In California Alcohol is for drinking and water is for fighting. It's been that way since Mark Twain wrote for the San Francisco Morning Call.
It is really sad and an indictment of the right that they continue to repeat lies about Jerry Brown. It is a sign of the character of Whitman and her crew that they too lie and repeat lies even when exposed.
If Whitman becomes governor the right will get what they want in Washington here in California: Instant Inertia. We've had gridlock for years, if Whitman comes on board it will be bedlam by design and nothing will get done.
She has offered nothing but platitudes and negative attack advertising. Only fools will vote for Whitman.
In California Alcohol is for drinking and water is for fighting. It's been that way since Mark Twain wrote for the San Francisco Morning Call.
It is really sad and an indictment of the right that they continue to repeat lies about Jerry Brown. It is a sign of the character of Whitman and her crew that they too lie and repeat lies even when exposed.
If Whitman becomes governor the right will get what they want in Washington here in California: Instant Inertia. We've had gridlock for years, if Whitman comes on board it will be bedlam by design and nothing will get done.
She has offered nothing but platitudes and negative attack advertising. Only fools will vote for Whitman.

Name one major success Olde Jerry.. career politician...had in Oakland....:lol:
In California Alcohol is for drinking and water is for fighting. It's been that way since Mark Twain wrote for the San Francisco Morning Call.
It is really sad and an indictment of the right that they continue to repeat lies about Jerry Brown. It is a sign of the character of Whitman and her crew that they too lie and repeat lies even when exposed.
If Whitman becomes governor the right will get what they want in Washington here in California: Instant Inertia. We've had gridlock for years, if Whitman comes on board it will be bedlam by design and nothing will get done.
She has offered nothing but platitudes and negative attack advertising. Only fools will vote for Whitman.

So what you are saying is that prop13 is working out for you...:lol:

brown is still looking to spend CA into a third world state. And that shit has got to stop.
In California Alcohol is for drinking and water is for fighting. It's been that way since Mark Twain wrote for the San Francisco Morning Call.
It is really sad and an indictment of the right that they continue to repeat lies about Jerry Brown. It is a sign of the character of Whitman and her crew that they too lie and repeat lies even when exposed.
If Whitman becomes governor the right will get what they want in Washington here in California: Instant Inertia. We've had gridlock for years, if Whitman comes on board it will be bedlam by design and nothing will get done.
She has offered nothing but platitudes and negative attack advertising. Only fools will vote for Whitman.

Name one major success Olde Jerry.. career politician...had in Oakland....:lol:


Whitman ad attacks Brown's Oakland mayor years - ContraCostaTimes.com

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