Mom's Demand Action- no more dead children

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Moms Demand Action | Common Sense Gun Laws

One Million Moms For Gun Control Becomes Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America | Reuters

Moms Demand Action's middle-ground solutions to the escalating problem of gun
violence in the United States are straightforward:

1) Ban assault weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

2) Require background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases.

3) Report the sale of large quantities of ammunition to the ATF, and ban online
sales of ammunition.
4) Counter gun industry lobbyists' efforts to weaken gun laws at the state
Moms Demand Action | Common Sense Gun Laws

One Million Moms For Gun Control Becomes Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America | Reuters

Moms Demand Action's middle-ground solutions to the escalating problem of gun
violence in the United States are straightforward:

1) Ban assault weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

2) Require background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases.

3) Report the sale of large quantities of ammunition to the ATF, and ban online
sales of ammunition.
4) Counter gun industry lobbyists' efforts to weaken gun laws at the state

None of which would have stopped the newtown massacre.

Appealing to emotion once again. And its more like a few thousand democratic activist moms, not a million.
All right, where are the moms to stop abortions for their grandchildren?
All right, where are the moms to stop abortions for their grandchildren?

Well, the smart ones are probably in a thread about abortion.

THIS thread is about mothers working to stop the shooting deaths of children. There will always be those who throw up their hands and whine that there's nothing to be done. We can all be thankful that no one said that about, oh, say, driving deaths, alcohol, drugs, etc.

We could just stand around and say nothing will save every life but my hope is that intelligent and caring Americans will join these women.
Moms Demand Action's middle-ground solutions to the escalating problem of gun
violence in the United States are straightforward:

1) Ban assault weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

2) Require background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases.

3) Report the sale of large quantities of ammunition to the ATF, and ban online
sales of ammunition.
4) Counter gun industry lobbyists' efforts to weaken gun laws at the state

1) I do not believe that this would solve the issue. Criminals and (some) insane people do not follow laws. I know little of guns, having only fired a few handguns, but I don't believe the magazine limiting will do much. It does not seem to be a complicated procedure to reload a weapon.

2) I agree with this for gun purchases. As for the purchase of ammunition: I don't believe it should be necessary, though if it is done it should only be done once, or once every few years. To require a check for every purchase of ammunition would solve little I believe. Besides, it would not stop the acquisition of ammunition as people could merely use hand loaded rounds.

3) That depends on your definition of large amounts. Should someone order five-hundred rounds I would not feel alarmed. Should they order five million I'd feel some concern. I don't feel banning of online sale would change much, especially if the previously mentioned background checks were enforced.

4) I do not know much about lobbying so input here would be appreciated. How would you counter them? I thought they were just parts of a voter group that stand around nagging elected officials to do as they say. If we selectively limit one group's ability to influence their representatives doesn't that defeat the purpose of democracy?

I appreciate the concern over safety of children and people in general, but this does not seem to be the best course of action to me.

(I apologize for editing out the links of the original post; it would not let me post otherwise. Is this against the rules?)
How about the headline "Moms Demand Consistent Law Enforcement to
Stop ALL Abuse, Bullying and Violence (and to quit exploiting news stories
to push political agenda that doesn't solve the real problems)"

Moms Demand Action | Common Sense Gun Laws

One Million Moms For Gun Control Becomes Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America | Reuters

Moms Demand Action's middle-ground solutions to the escalating problem of gun
violence in the United States are straightforward:

1) Ban assault weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

2) Require background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases.

3) Report the sale of large quantities of ammunition to the ATF, and ban online
sales of ammunition.
4) Counter gun industry lobbyists' efforts to weaken gun laws at the state

I agree that there should be Constitutional requirements and training for gun
buyers and users to use arms for defense and upholding laws or else forfeit
their citizenship if guns are abused to commit premeditated crimes or violence.

Also holding companies, corporations, religious organizations as well as nonprofits
and political parties to consistent Constitutional principles of due process, checks
and balances, and conflict resolution to prevent oppression by abuse of collective
authority or influence, would also help correct problems and check against abuse.

So both these solutions would depend on CONSISTENT Law Enforcement,
NOT violating Constitutional laws by threatening to undermine rights of
law-abiding citizens who haven't committed crimes or gone through due process.

You can achieve all these objectives and MORE by enforcing laws consistently.
Otherwise, if you abuse political power and govt to BULLY your way over the
rights of others, what authority do you have to hold criminals to laws against
abuse of force to coerce and violate the rights of others? You'd be subverting the same laws!
And you wonder why there is not consistent respect and enforcement of laws, if the people running govt resort to the same bullying tactics of violating rights to get what they want!
No dads? The child mortality statistics for 2007 indicate that "natural deaths" among children 0 to 19 was around 36,200 with a 44% per 100,000 population. Unintentional deaths were around 11,500 with a 14% per 100,000. Drowning was 1.3% and Motor Vehicle accidents was 8.1 % accidental death by firearm was .02%. Shouldn't the million moms be more concerned about motor vehicle accidents and accidental drownings?
All right, where are the moms to stop abortions for their grandchildren?

Well, the smart ones are probably in a thread about abortion.

THIS thread is about mothers working to stop the shooting deaths of children. There will always be those who throw up their hands and whine that there's nothing to be done. We can all be thankful that no one said that about, oh, say, driving deaths, alcohol, drugs, etc.

We could just stand around and say nothing will save every life but my hope is that intelligent and caring Americans will join these women.

Mothers that want to save their children from violence should make sure that their kids are raised in a 2 parent family, get a good education, stay away from drugs and stay out of gangs.
Guns don't kill. Criminals use guns, knives, hammers, baseball bats and their bare hands to kill. A gun with a 30 round magazine is no more dangerous than an automobile.
These mothers who are so upset about scary black guns should look at how they are raising their kids.
All right, where are the moms to stop abortions for their grandchildren?

Well, the smart ones are probably in a thread about abortion.

THIS thread is about mothers working to stop the shooting deaths of children. There will always be those who throw up their hands and whine that there's nothing to be done. We can all be thankful that no one said that about, oh, say, driving deaths, alcohol, drugs, etc.

We could just stand around and say nothing will save every life but my hope is that intelligent and caring Americans will join these women.

Mothers that want to save their children from violence should make sure that their kids are raised in a 2 parent family, get a good education, stay away from drugs and stay out of gangs.
Guns don't kill. Criminals use guns, knives, hammers, baseball bats and their bare hands to kill. A gun with a 30 round magazine is no more dangerous than an automobile.
These mothers who are so upset about scary black guns should look at how they are raising their kids.

Yes because those little kindergartners were certainly raised wrong and that' what got them all killed. :eusa_whistle:
Moms Demand Action's middle-ground solutions to the escalating problem of gun
violence in the United States are straightforward:

1) Ban assault weapons and ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

2) Require background checks for all gun and ammunition purchases.

3) Report the sale of large quantities of ammunition to the ATF, and ban online
sales of ammunition.
4) Counter gun industry lobbyists' efforts to weaken gun laws at the state

1) I do not believe that this would solve the issue. Criminals and (some) insane people do not follow laws. I know little of guns, having only fired a few handguns, but I don't believe the magazine limiting will do much. It does not seem to be a complicated procedure to reload a weapon.

2) I agree with this for gun purchases. As for the purchase of ammunition: I don't believe it should be necessary, though if it is done it should only be done once, or once every few years. To require a check for every purchase of ammunition would solve little I believe. Besides, it would not stop the acquisition of ammunition as people could merely use hand loaded rounds.

3) That depends on your definition of large amounts. Should someone order five-hundred rounds I would not feel alarmed. Should they order five million I'd feel some concern. I don't feel banning of online sale would change much, especially if the previously mentioned background checks were enforced.

4) I do not know much about lobbying so input here would be appreciated. How would you counter them? I thought they were just parts of a voter group that stand around nagging elected officials to do as they say. If we selectively limit one group's ability to influence their representatives doesn't that defeat the purpose of democracy?

I appreciate the concern over safety of children and people in general, but this does not seem to be the best course of action to me.

(I apologize for editing out the links of the original post; it would not let me post otherwise. Is this against the rules?)

I believe you need 15 posts before you can post links. Keep at it and welcome.
Well, the smart ones are probably in a thread about abortion.

THIS thread is about mothers working to stop the shooting deaths of children. There will always be those who throw up their hands and whine that there's nothing to be done. We can all be thankful that no one said that about, oh, say, driving deaths, alcohol, drugs, etc.

We could just stand around and say nothing will save every life but my hope is that intelligent and caring Americans will join these women.

Mothers that want to save their children from violence should make sure that their kids are raised in a 2 parent family, get a good education, stay away from drugs and stay out of gangs.
Guns don't kill. Criminals use guns, knives, hammers, baseball bats and their bare hands to kill. A gun with a 30 round magazine is no more dangerous than an automobile.
These mothers who are so upset about scary black guns should look at how they are raising their kids.

Yes because those little kindergartners were certainly raised wrong and that' what got them all killed. :eusa_whistle:
That was 20 kids. 500 died in Chicago about 300 in Philly close to that in Detroit and New Orleans.
Mass shooting make big news, but compared to inner city gang violence... no comparrison.
Mothers that want to save their children from violence should make sure that their kids are raised in a 2 parent family, get a good education, stay away from drugs and stay out of gangs.
Guns don't kill. Criminals use guns, knives, hammers, baseball bats and their bare hands to kill. A gun with a 30 round magazine is no more dangerous than an automobile.
These mothers who are so upset about scary black guns should look at how they are raising their kids.

Yes because those little kindergartners were certainly raised wrong and that' what got them all killed. :eusa_whistle:
That was 20 kids. 500 died in Chicago about 300 in Philly close to that in Detroit and New Orleans.
Mass shooting make big news, but compared to inner city gang violence... no comparrison.

Agreed. Just saying you cant just say one thing is the cause of anything. And certainly lots of kids who were raised right ended up dead, and lots of idiots who had crappy parents end up never being shot.

Not only will the things they are pushing for have zero influence on saving anyone but it simply is not going to happen. the more time passes, the less likely your appeals to emotion are going to overpower the reality that further gun control is ineffective and useless.

The time to get such asinine legislation passed is fading away and so far we have nothing. It is a good thing too.
Yes because those little kindergartners were certainly raised wrong and that' what got them all killed. :eusa_whistle:
That was 20 kids. 500 died in Chicago about 300 in Philly close to that in Detroit and New Orleans.
Mass shooting make big news, but compared to inner city gang violence... no comparrison.

Agreed. Just saying you cant just say one thing is the cause of anything. And certainly lots of kids who were raised right ended up dead, and lots of idiots who had crappy parents end up never being shot.

Of course, but take 1000 deaths and look at the victims. I'm betting a kid who's dropped out of school on the South Side in Chicago is at least 20 times as likely to end up shot to death that a kid from a 2 parent family in Newtown Connecticut.
What people fail to see is that ifthe second amendment rights can be restricted or deleted then so can the first and all the others.
This is not a gun issue - it is a rights issue and a crime issue. Those who commit crimes are not supposed to have guns - nothing in the list will prevent criminals from getting guns. Criminals won't go through the background checks.
Criminals already get guns that are banned for them to have. Keeping guns from the law abiding citizens will not prevent criminals from getting those guns. We need to prosecute criminals to the full extent of the law to get them off the streets.
Limiting the amount of ammunition that can be sold to lawful individuals will not stop criminals from getting it. Reporting legal sales to the ATFE will not do anything to stop criminals - they don't purchase ammo and guns from legal sources.
Subverting the political process to favor one side of a discussion is not how this country opperates. If you limit the pro-gun side then you have to limit the anti-gun side as well.

We live in a Republic with guarnteed rights for individuals. We are against crime too - 3000+ times a day law abiding citizens stop crime with their personal guns. There are times when that gun is an AR-15 or derivitive. Why disarm those who use their guns responsibly?

Go after the violent offenders if you really want to stop violence. It does no good to go after legal gun owners.
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... 3000+ times a day law abiding citizens stop crime with their personal guns. There are times when that gun is an AR-15 or derivitive. ...

Now that's a link I'd really love to read.

... It does no good to go after legal gun owners.

I haven't hear of anyone "going after legal gun owners". Another link Id like to see.
... 3000+ times a day law abiding citizens stop crime with their personal guns. There are times when that gun is an AR-15 or derivitive. ...

Now that's a link I'd really love to read.

... It does no good to go after legal gun owners.

I haven't hear of anyone "going after legal gun owners". Another link Id like to see.

You want to restrict my rights to certain weapons and magazine capacities. You want redundant back ground checks each time I buy a weapon or ammunition. I am a legal gun owner. You are going after my 2nd Amendment rights.
... 3000+ times a day law abiding citizens stop crime with their personal guns. There are times when that gun is an AR-15 or derivitive. ...

Now that's a link I'd really love to read.

... It does no good to go after legal gun owners.

I haven't hear of anyone "going after legal gun owners". Another link Id like to see.

You want to restrict my rights to certain weapons and magazine capacities. You want redundant back ground checks each time I buy a weapon or ammunition. I am a legal gun owner. You are going after my 2nd Amendment rights.

No I'm not and you have no reason to say that I am -

BUT your post doesn't address what I wrote, which is that I would really like to read links that prove that

3000+ times a day law abiding citizens stop crime with their personal guns


There are times when that gun is an AR-15

Thanks anyway.
That was 20 kids. 500 died in Chicago about 300 in Philly close to that in Detroit and New Orleans.
Mass shooting make big news, but compared to inner city gang violence... no comparrison.

Agreed. Just saying you cant just say one thing is the cause of anything. And certainly lots of kids who were raised right ended up dead, and lots of idiots who had crappy parents end up never being shot.

Of course, but take 1000 deaths and look at the victims. I'm betting a kid who's dropped out of school on the South Side in Chicago is at least 20 times as likely to end up shot to death that a kid from a 2 parent family in Newtown Connecticut.

I'm sure you left at least 1 zero off that number, maybe 2. but I'm not sure you can blame it on parents. Not entirely anyway. I think environment outside of the home play into it quite a bit to. An awful lot of inner city kids of single mothers make their way out of that life just to condemn single mothers as the cause.

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