Mobile phones

I still have my push button low profile phone that they aren't listening in on...
Are you ,like, old ?
Fifty six...I find them annoying as I don't want to be found when hiding....
I use my phone to call people,as a sat nav and when I want to take a photo. It can be useful sometimes but Mrs T can get hold of me at any time of the day or night.Its not right.
The beepers were what really turned me off to instant communication.....
I do plan on getting my youngest a IPad with cell phone capabilities for his birthday....And I get his old Iphone porn...
I still have my push button low profile phone that they aren't listening in on...
"Share your screen to your other Samsung screens, hassle-free.
Easily share photos and videos you've made by syncing your devices through your Samsung Account. So you can be at home even when you're someplace else."

* Images simulated for illustrative purposes.

* Available functions may vary by country, carrier, network environment, or product.

How empty my life has been.
At least Apple are bringing out a UK version.

iPhone update includes Brexiteer Mode that enables caps lock and disables spell check

A spokesperson for Apple has confirmed that the next version of their iOS software for iPhones will have a ‘Brexiteer Mode’ where the Caps Lock is activated and the spellcheck is switched off.

According to VP of Consumer Engagement and Patriotism Steve Vidiwudakowski, the feature will allow Leave voters to communicate on social media in their native tongue without the inconvenience of correct grammar.

He added: ‘We conducted extensive research on Facebook, and noticed that 68% of all messages advocating a Leave vote were in capital letters with a variety of spelling forms.’
I still have one of those things called a home phone.. I'm old fashioned...And my internet provider requires I have it to get my internet fix for my addiction....

Do you still use telephone lines for the Internet? In Russia ADSL is used only by those who switched to these technologies about 15 years ago and do not want to change anything since then :) Providers are laying their dedicated communication lines for free. And where they can not, people usually use the mobile Internet.


By the way, Russians are always amazed that Americans in the movies often use stationary home phones and often do not use mobile phones. That is, in the movies is very common phenomenon, when a person can not reach his friend, because he calls to friend's home phone, but the person is not at home. Is it really a common practice in the US, or is it specifically shot in a movie for drama? :)

In Russia, home phones are very rare today, everyone is calling friends on their mobile phones.

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