Mo' Toons 2015 and Moslem Rage™


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
Yes infidels. Prepare yourselves for the inevitable whining and screeching from the perpetually aggrieved Peaceful Inner Strugglers™ who will seize upon any opportunity to riot and murder on behalf of Muhammud (swish).

Muslims protest over Charlie Hebdo s Prophet Mohammed cartoon Daily Mail Online

#noapology: Muslims stage angry protests over Charlie Hebdo's Mohammed cartoon as Boko Haram terror leader hails Paris massacre
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  • Others feared the cartoon would trigger yet more violence from extremists
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  • Filippino protesters burn banners with pictures of Israeli PM Netanyahu
  • He became symbol of massacre response after Jewish hostages were shot
  • Security stepped up after Turkish paper publishes section of Charlie Hebdo
  • Boko Haram leader: 'We are happy over what befell the people of France'

What I find tragically comic with these episodes of Moslem Rage™ is that they expose a rather unique hypocrisy that seems to haunt the Moslem psyche but It's worth a chuckle nonetheless.

Moslem'dom has restrictions on displaying or illustrating images of Muhammud (swish). Apparently, moslems fear that such illustrations might promote or encourage idol worship of Mo' (swish), and that represents the offense to moslems' tender sensibilities here. Clearly, the Mo' Toons were far from being caricatures intended to encourage worship of Mo' (swish). The caricatures were innocuous satire that other religions managed to survive with similar caricatures of their holy idols.

Moslems however, in response to mere cartoons, organized into raging groups of Peaceful Inner Struggler™ death cult squads and went out looking for mob inspired mayhem which includes rioting, death and property damage which, after all, are pretty much the usual events that accompany Peaceful Inner Struggler™, shenanigans to include Moslem rage of other calendar years.

So… lets examine this, shall we? In response to cartoons that ostensibly "hurt moslems' feelings" and could otherwise cause idol worshipping of Mo' (swish), moslems resort to violence, murder and go on fiery rampages…in idolization of Muhammud (swish).

Well with people like you still living, I can't say I blame them :-D

As identified by the estimable Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilali: "if she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab [the headdress worn by some Muslim women], no problem would have occurred."

Considering taking that advise. Put on your hijab (your Islamist "Shame Sack") and assume your role in Ummah'istan.
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