MN REP lawmaker abruptly drops re-election bid after daughter accuses him of sex abuse


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
What's worse than a REPUBLICAN'S daughter telling the world he molested her for years? Telling it on a PUBLIC RADIO station. Now that's gotta hurt, right?

Republican lawmaker abruptly drops his re-election bid after daughter accuses him of sex abuse


21 SEP 2018 AT 16:45 ET


Rep. Jim Knoblach

Minnesota Republican state Rep. Jim Knoblach abruptly dropped his re-election bid Friday, after Minnesota Public Radio reported that his grown daughter is accusing him of sexual abuse.

Knoblach’s 23-year-old daughter Laura told MPR that Knoblach had touched her inappropriately for most of her life, with her first memories of the abuse beginning at age nine. She says she told authority figures at her school and at her church for years.

Knoblach denies the allegations, but his attorney says he’s dropping out of the race because he “does not want to drag his family through six weeks of hell.”

Laura told MPR News about the abuse and provided the station with documentation chronicling her efforts to get help.

Republican lawmaker abruptly drops his re-election bid after daughter accuses him of sex abuse
After seeing the pictures of Trump and Ivanka, nothing about the Republicans surprises me anymore.
The GOP is the Party of No Values, led by trump, the King of Sleaze.
If that man truly has nothing to be ashamed of, getting up off his butt and fighting back with everything that he has in him is the move that he should be making.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Those who do nothing but paint others to look like something that they are not...may there be a special place in Hell for them.
The GOP is the Party of No Values, led by trump, the King of Sleaze.

The DOPer Party has real Alt-fact values. BS 2017 Tax Scams and Tariffs that hurt themselves. And lying to us they are GREAT!

The Feel up their daughter club. As Jim Knoblach is a real Families value pimper.

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