Mitt's pop was on "welfare relief" and Ryan was on SSI. They moochers too?


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
VIDEO: Romney's mom, Lenore, on how her husband received 'welfare relief' -


All for me? None for thee?
Operative word, "WAS" as it was meant to be.. FAIL THREAD.. Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net to help people get back on their feet.. NOT A WAY OF LIFE. You liberal bums don't see the difference and you never will.. you're the Entitlement herd.
Operative word, "WAS" as it was meant to be.. FAIL THREAD.. Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net to help people get back on their feet.. NOT A WAY OF LIFE. You liberal bums don't see the difference and you never will.. you're the Entitlement herd.

Correction: Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net ONLY AFTER HE THREW 47% OF AMERICA UNDER THE BUS IN FRONT OF HIS MILLIONAIRE BUDDIES. So, basically over and over for 2 days.

Giving people 2 minutes to post before going with the "they cant respond because they have no response" ploy is hackery at its finest.

Try to sink a bit lower next time.

Now in response, again, it is not the concept of the safety net that is at issue, it is the duration and the requirements for that safety net. It should be designed to get you the hell off it as soon as possible, not to entrench you into a sense of entitlement, with a dose of "vote democrat forever" over fear of losing such benefit.

Plus democrats want all of this to be guilt free.
"Mitt's pop was on "welfare relief" and Ryan was on SSI. They moochers too?"

Good! I would think this would bring them a large percentage of the liberal vote...
Operative word, "WAS" as it was meant to be.. FAIL THREAD.. Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net to help people get back on their feet.. NOT A WAY OF LIFE. You liberal bums don't see the difference and you never will.. you're the Entitlement herd.

Correction: Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net ONLY AFTER HE THREW 47% OF AMERICA UNDER THE BUS IN FRONT OF HIS MILLIONAIRE BUDDIES. So, basically over and over for 2 days.

I'm sure you have the link to where Romney said EXACTLY what you claim, right?? Your lies and propaganda don't do anything but make liberals look all the more foolish.. NO ONE believes a word that comes out of you liberals and your lying President's mouth any longer.. SEE LIES ON THE 9-11 attack now surfacing..
Operative word, "WAS" as it was meant to be.. FAIL THREAD.. Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net to help people get back on their feet.. NOT A WAY OF LIFE. You liberal bums don't see the difference and you never will.. you're the Entitlement herd.
So you are saying that Willard was lying when he said that government payments to individuals produces dependency.

Although, it may be true Lyin' Ryan is still collecting a check from the government. :D
Operative word, "WAS" as it was meant to be.. FAIL THREAD.. Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net to help people get back on their feet.. NOT A WAY OF LIFE. You liberal bums don't see the difference and you never will.. you're the Entitlement herd.

No "fail".

They got there start by depending on government.

The 'fail' is your selfish and greedy Gordon Gekko wanna be candidate.
Romney should quit acting like a "victim" and take "personal responsibility" by showing us his tax records.
Operative word, "WAS" as it was meant to be.. FAIL THREAD.. Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net to help people get back on their feet.. NOT A WAY OF LIFE. You liberal bums don't see the difference and you never will.. you're the Entitlement herd.

Correction: Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net ONLY AFTER HE THREW 47% OF AMERICA UNDER THE BUS IN FRONT OF HIS MILLIONAIRE BUDDIES. So, basically over and over for 2 days.

I'm sure you have the link to where Romney said EXACTLY what you claim, right?? Your lies and propaganda don't do anything but make liberals look all the more foolish.. NO ONE believes a word that comes out of you liberals and your lying President's mouth any longer.. SEE LIES ON THE 9-11 attack now surfacing..

If you are too poor to own a TV or simply too stupid to watch it, I can't help you. And I don't know who that ugly vampire looking bitch is in your sig, but could you make her please go away?
Swallow, it's ok to need help, but at some point get the fuck off.....if you cant find a job in a year, you're not trying, even in this shit economy. If you have to give up the Direct TV and not get that playstation, so fucking what.
Operative word, "WAS" as it was meant to be.. FAIL THREAD.. Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net to help people get back on their feet.. NOT A WAY OF LIFE. You liberal bums don't see the difference and you never will.. you're the Entitlement herd.

Correction: Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net ONLY AFTER HE THREW 47% OF AMERICA UNDER THE BUS IN FRONT OF HIS MILLIONAIRE BUDDIES. So, basically over and over for 2 days.

The creative reality of some is amazing.

Please explain how stating statistical facts he threw anyone under the buss.

Oh wait you are part of the 47 % that will not ever vote form him,just as I am the part of the half of the equation that would most likly not ever vote for Obama and you are willing to drum up false outrage.

You people make shit up daily,like Romny wants to eliminate SS and medicare.

Did your parents ever teach you about honesty and integrity ??
Libtards are failing to equate belief in a temporary safety net to the dependency mindset of the typical Obama-voting freeloader.

That's quite the claim, there.

America knows the difference.:

64% Think Too Many Americans Dependent on Government Financial Aid

64% Think Too Many Americans Dependent on Government Financial Aid - Rasmussen Reports™

Leftists are soooo insane and out of touch with reality they don't see a train-wreck coming or know the difference in ideology and where middle America stands.. They are the brainwashed Stooges.. I think it's hilarious.. LOL

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