Mittens gets more positive coverage than Obama

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mitt Romney Alleges Media Bias, As Study Finds He Receives More Positive Coverage Than Obama

I've wondered about this. What I've found is that you really have to dig to find FACTUAL coverage of President Obama. you also have to dig to find negative stuff about Mittens. Mittens is a chronic liar but its not that easy to find that TRUTH about him. Obama has accomplished some pretty amazing things for this country yet, you seldom hear about those accomplishments.

And, of course, the rw's here STILL have not been able to find even one positive accomplishment attributable to the pubs. :badgrin:

Instead, the media and the desperate and hypocritical rw's just keep talking about something the president did when he was nine years old.

Now watch ... cuz here they come with more of their lies.
The PEJ study, which examined coverage from the period between Jan 2 and April 15

The Supreme Court oral arguments on Obamacare last month wouldn't have anything to do with this particular time frame would it?

That period also covered Romney's essential wrapping up of the GOP nomination. I would imagine winning a presidential primary necessitates positive coverage.
Mitt Romney Alleges Media Bias, As Study Finds He Receives More Positive Coverage Than Obama

I've wondered about this. What I've found is that you really have to dig to find FACTUAL coverage of President Obama. you also have to dig to find negative stuff about Mittens. Mittens is a chronic liar but its not that easy to find that TRUTH about him. Obama has accomplished some pretty amazing things for this country yet, you seldom hear about those accomplishments.

And, of course, the rw's here STILL have not been able to find even one positive accomplishment attributable to the pubs. :badgrin:

Instead, the media and the desperate and hypocritical rw's just keep talking about something the president did when he was nine years old.

Now watch ... cuz here they come with more of their lies.

How unsurprising that your HuffPo story "quotes" the PEJ study by saying...
The PEJ study, which examined coverage from the period between Jan 2 and April 15, found that "Obama's negative coverage exceeded positive coverage in 14 or 15 weeks studied, while positive coverage outweighed negative coverage for Romney in six of the 15 weeks and was fairly evenly divided in four more."
...considering the fact that the study they are supposedly quoting How the Media Covered the 2012 Primary Campaign | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) DOESN'T CONTAIN THAT PHRASE anywhere in it.
America's corporate media benefits from a tight race.


Dummies who think there is a conspiracy to give Obama an easy life are fuckin' dumb.
The press has always been conservative.

Yep, because its the right wing that has the most money. Ask the crooked koch bros.
The Koch Brothers Exposed | Julian Brookes | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Which party tends to want to help those who cannot help themselves? Who feeds children and the elderly, vets and the disabled?


Which party holds on to their money, says Let Them Eat Cake, 'pull yourself up by your boot straps even if you don't have any boots' and who is it that says, "any day now, the ultra rich will produce a job".

Not long ago, I did a search with a term of something like, 'who owns media'. It was a real eye opener. But, Murdoch had it "right" when he coined the lie, "fair and balanced".

Watch the documentary, Orwel Rolls In His Grave. Murdoch says to his people that they must repeat that lie as often as possible and that's what they do.

Guess who believes and defends that lie ... ?

Not the libs.
obama has had a bad run lately. His health care bill will fail. His foreign policy with North Korea ended in tatters. He was discovered to have leaked sensitive information about Israel to Iran. He was caught trying to made deals with the Russians behind the backs of Americans. Starting with the failure of each and every stimulus receiving energy company, right though Fast and Furious, the GSA scandal and the various failures of the Secret Service obama has developed a reverse Midas Touch. It would be the complete end of the media to not report these and ignore them. The presss tried its very best to spin all of obama's failures the fault of Bush or just the Republicans. The failures were so intense and so glaring that no matter how they tried to spin, they couldn't weave a credible cloth.

Right now, obama's foreign policy of containment and sanctions against Iran is failing, badly, horribly, and the press is too frightened to say so.
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