Mitt Romney's Nutty Professor


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Tim Murphy

Meet W. Cleon Skousen: conspiracy theorist, slavery apologist, tea party icon. Mitt Romney says you should read him.

To hear Mitt Romney tell it, President Barack Obama's three years at Harvard Law School helped turn him into an aloof, big-government-loving radical. "We have a president, who I think is a nice guy, but he spent too much time at Harvard, perhaps," Romney told an audience in Pennsylvania in April. But if the de facto GOP presidential nominee wants to make educational experiences a focal point of his candidacy, he could be playing with fire.

In an interview with an Iowa radio station five years ago, the former Massachusetts governor acknowledged the influence of a controversial figure from his own schoolboy past—W. Cleon Skousen, the late Mormon historian and tea party hero who taught Romney at Brigham Young University. A former FBI agent, Salt Lake City police chief, and professional conspiracy theorist, Skousen fashioned a narrative of American history that held a unique appeal to religious conservatives—all based on the notion that the Founding Fathers were members of a lost tribe of Israel. His work also sparked a fierce backlash over racist passages and baseless, bordering on conspiratorial, assertions that prompted the Mormon church to take steps to quash his influence.

More: Mitt Romney's Nutty Professor | Mother Jones
[Regard the clearness of purpose, the deftness of his moves following the BP Deep Water Horizon explosion. "James Cameron? Jim, this is Barry in DC! The president! Yeah, I gotta problem with a fire in some water here. Help! Please!" After his encounter, Cameron was so impressed he renounced his US citizenship and moved to New Zealand. Very ominous move. There are a lot of Americans here that wish they could join him there.]

"Pic: President Barack Obama During News Conference With Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda

Gutsy Dumbass."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Pic: President Barack Obama During News Conference With Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda

"Obama Campaign Scolds Supporters For Being More Excited To Meet George Clooney Than Dear Leader…

Bad Obamabots, don’t forget you worship Dear Leader.

Via Beltway Confidential:

George Clooney proved so powerful an attraction to President Obama’s supporters that his campaign sent out a condescending reminder that they’re supposed to care more about Obama than the actor."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Obama Campaign Scolds Supporters For Being More Excited To Meet George Clooney Than Dear Leader…

[You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy]
"Scripted Question From Reporterette Moves Courageous Leader of the Free World to Smirk, Gloat, Taunt, and Spike the Football During Press Conference, After Lengthy End Zone Dance

Does he wink at two seconds?

“I’d just recommend that everybody take a look at people’s previous statements in terms of whether they thought it was appropriate to go into Pakistan and take out bin Laden. I assume that people meant what they said when they said it"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Scripted Question From Reporterette Moves Courageous Leader of the Free World to Smirk, Gloat, Taunt, and Spike the Football During Press Conference, After Lengthy End Zone Dance
Because as we all know Mitt Romney's Massachusetts Governorship was FILLED with examples of his extreme Morman views affecting the way he governed the State. Oh, wait...that never happened. (Eye-roll)

These pathetic attempts to use Mitt Romney's religion against him SHOULD embarrass anyone with a shred of ethics. Barack Obama has 3 1/2 years of running this country that his supporters SHOULD be touting as the reason to reelect him...however it's quite obvious that won't be the case. Pretty sad when you have to start this kind of silly shit this early in a campaign. Usually it's saved for the last few desperate weeks when your candidate is slipping badly.
Come on OS. LOL Barry can't run on his sucky record.

Its gonna be class warfare and any toilet seat they can fling at Romney.

Should be an interesting and funny run up to the GE.

By Tim Murphy

Meet W. Cleon Skousen: conspiracy theorist, slavery apologist, tea party icon. Mitt Romney says you should read him.

To hear Mitt Romney tell it, President Barack Obama's three years at Harvard Law School helped turn him into an aloof, big-government-loving radical. "We have a president, who I think is a nice guy, but he spent too much time at Harvard, perhaps," Romney told an audience in Pennsylvania in April. But if the de facto GOP presidential nominee wants to make educational experiences a focal point of his candidacy, he could be playing with fire.

In an interview with an Iowa radio station five years ago, the former Massachusetts governor acknowledged the influence of a controversial figure from his own schoolboy past—W. Cleon Skousen, the late Mormon historian and tea party hero who taught Romney at Brigham Young University. A former FBI agent, Salt Lake City police chief, and professional conspiracy theorist, Skousen fashioned a narrative of American history that held a unique appeal to religious conservatives—all based on the notion that the Founding Fathers were members of a lost tribe of Israel. His work also sparked a fierce backlash over racist passages and baseless, bordering on conspiratorial, assertions that prompted the Mormon church to take steps to quash his influence.

More: Mitt Romney's Nutty Professor | Mother Jones

Google the not so lost tribe that mentored Mr. Obama.. you know, Frank Marshall Davis, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, etc.... it's a who's who of everything from terrorists to communists.

Have fun with that.
Ah yes, attack the source instead of the content. Why? Because you can't dispute the content of course!

Funny, not one question on Obama's past could be brought up without cries from the idiot left of "RACIST"!!!!!

Now, all of the sudden you guys have a new-found intellectual curiosity?


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