Mitt Romney should donate a few million to help people hurting from Sandy!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Should Mitt Romney donate 2 million dollars of his own money to help feed, clothe and shelter the people hurting from hurricane Sandy? He used to help people all the time, so I believe it would be great for him to do so now.

Show the country what a great person you're Mitt Romney!


Go hand out meals to people!
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How do you know he hasn't?

Unlike the attention seekers, Romney has a tradition of acting quietly charitable.

Get a grip, Matthew... go back to ranting about race... that makes you look so smart. Really.
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I am never disappointed by the utter lameness of the dummies here. And they never seem to grasp what the other is trying to say.

Matthew is not criticizing Mitt here, fools. He is suggesting.....quite seriously.....that the weird loser guy should donate money as a means of winning over undecided voters.

He neither wants Obama to donate ( reverse logic ) nor wants Mitt to keep his charity a secret.

How do you people function with so little ability to comprehend things?
LoneLoser struggles to comprehend that I couldn't give a shit what some ranting racist thinks Mitt should do. I would be incredibly surprised if Mitt announced how much he's donated... he has a history of not announcing his charitable works. I see no reason why he should change that now - particularly since the left would hang him for it. I can see the headlines now "Romney tries to buy voters" blah blah blah.
LoneLoser struggles to comprehend that I couldn't give a shit what some ranting racist thinks Mitt should do. I would be incredibly surprised if Mitt announced how much he's donated... he has a history of not announcing his charitable works. I see no reason why he should change that now - particularly since the left would hang him for it. I can see the headlines now "Romney tries to buy voters" blah blah blah.

Except his charitable donations are very easy findable. Here I'll help you:

Click me!
LoneLoser struggles to comprehend that I couldn't give a shit what some ranting racist thinks Mitt should do. I would be incredibly surprised if Mitt announced how much he's donated... he has a history of not announcing his charitable works. I see no reason why he should change that now - particularly since the left would hang him for it. I can see the headlines now "Romney tries to buy voters" blah blah blah.

Doubling down, I see. Way to go. You sure do seem not to give a shit what Matty has to say.

You also seem like a really committed Romney supporter. Interesting.
LoneLoser struggles to comprehend that I couldn't give a shit what some ranting racist thinks Mitt should do. I would be incredibly surprised if Mitt announced how much he's donated... he has a history of not announcing his charitable works. I see no reason why he should change that now - particularly since the left would hang him for it. I can see the headlines now "Romney tries to buy voters" blah blah blah.

Doubling down, I see. Way to go. You sure do seem not to give a shit what Matty has to say.

You also seem like a really committed Romney supporter. Interesting.

I tend not to give a shit what racists say.... racists are stupid. You cannot be a smart racist, it is genetically impossible.

I am a Romney supporter. I voted for him. I've been pretty clear about that but if you missed it, that's not my problem. He is a very charitable person.... I like charitable people.
Should Mitt Romney donate 2 million dollars of his own money to help feed, clothe and shelter the people hurting from hurricane Sandy? He used to help people all the time, so I believe it would be great for him to do so now.

Show the country what a great person you're Mitt Romney!


Go hand out meals to people!


He pays taxes, millions a year, and fema went, sans non union workers
Obama should donate $5,000,000.00 by releasing his college transcripts.
He can't do that. If he did, they would show that he is a foreign national student, and as an alien, he would not have been eligible to run for President, because the president must be a citizen of the USA, not Great Britain, and not Indonesia.

Barack Obama is an alien, a fraud, and a liar. It was nothing for him to promise to cut the deficit in half:

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Sorry Matthew, but this is what Romney does with "charity"...

In 1997, Congress cracked down on a popular tax shelter that allowed rich people to take advantage of the exempt status of charities without actually giving away much money.

Individuals who had already set up these vehicles were allowed to keep them. That included Mitt Romney, then the chief executive officer of Bain Capital, who had just established such an arrangement in June 1996. [...]

In this instance, Romney used the tax-exempt status of a charity — the Mormon Church, according to a 2007 filing — to defer taxes for more than 15 years. At the same time he is benefitting, the trust will probably leave the church with less than what current law requires, according to tax returns obtained by Bloomberg this month through a Freedom of Information Act request.

In general, charities don’t owe capital gains taxes when they sell assets for a profit. Trusts like Romney’s permit funders to benefit from that tax-free treatment, said Jonathan Blattmachr, a trusts and estates lawyer who set up hundreds of such vehicles in the 1990s. [...]

Romney’s CRUT, which is only a small part of the $250 million that Romney’s campaign cites as his net worth, has been paying him 8 percent of its assets each year. As the Romneys have received these payments, the money that will potentially be left for charity has declined from at least $750,000 in 2001 to $421,203 at the end of 2011.

About those charitable donations...
LoneLoser struggles to comprehend that I couldn't give a shit what some ranting racist thinks Mitt should do. I would be incredibly surprised if Mitt announced how much he's donated... he has a history of not announcing his charitable works. I see no reason why he should change that now - particularly since the left would hang him for it. I can see the headlines now "Romney tries to buy voters" blah blah blah.

Except his charitable donations are very easy findable. Here I'll help you:

Click me!

No need to 'help' me. I got the information directly from PWC who do his taxes, and have provided a breakdown.

I go direct to the source, I tend not to waste my time with partisan bullshit.
Should Mitt Romney donate 2 million dollars of his own money to help feed, clothe and shelter the people hurting from hurricane Sandy? He used to help people all the time, so I believe it would be great for him to do so now.

Show the country what a great person you're Mitt Romney!


Go hand out meals to people!

he's too busy flailing...

and maybe he just isn't a nice person.
You really believe that he is charitable?

Aren't you just the cutest little thing.

Romney paid for food and water and for the vehicles it took to drive to the area. That isn't exactly cheap.

Obama flew in, had a couple of photos snapped, said a few words, then left and went back to Vegas or wherever the hell he is today. The only help Obama is giving is state and local access to federal money, our money, not his own.
Should Mitt Romney donate 2 million dollars of his own money to help feed, clothe and shelter the people hurting from hurricane Sandy? He used to help people all the time, so I believe it would be great for him to do so now.

Show the country what a great person you're Mitt Romney!


Go hand out meals to people!

he's too busy flailing...

and maybe he just isn't a nice person.

I guess you missed the part where he bought, and transported, supplies to the victims... Not surprising.

You really believe that he is charitable?

Aren't you just the cutest little thing.

Romney paid for food and water and for the vehicles it took to drive to the area. That isn't exactly cheap.

Obama flew in, had a couple of photos snapped, said a few words, then left and went back to Vegas or wherever the hell he is today. The only help Obama is giving is state and local access to federal money, our money, not his own.

Yea... but the facts are not important to the left... they prefer mindless bullshit and lies. They prefer 'revenge' over 'love of country'.

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