Mitt Romney Criticizes Defense Cuts That Paul Ryan Voted For


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Alana Horowitz

Mitt Romney criticized defense spending cuts that were part of last year's debt ceiling deal in an interview that will air Sunday on NBC's 'Meet The Press'.

"I thought it was a mistake on the part of the White House to propose [the defense cuts]. I think it was a mistake for Republicans to go along with it," Romney said.

Among the Republicans who supported the deal was Paul Ryan, the chair of the House budget committee and Romney's running mate. Paul not only voted for the cuts, he bragged about them afterwards.

"What conservatives like me have been fighting for, for years, are statutory caps on spending, legal caps in law that says government agencies cannot spend over a set amount of money," Ryan told Fox News last year, according to TPM. “And if they breach that amount across the board, sequester comes in to cut that spending, and you can’t turn that off without a super-majority vote. We got that in law.”​

He also called the cuts "an important step in the right direction."

More: Mitt Romney Criticizes Defense Cuts That Paul Ryan Voted For
Get out of the middle east and put all that money into our economy.

Nation building begins at home!

I agree completely, but you know that's not what will happen. They'll start by kicking people out of the military and closing domestic bases.
"I thought it was a mistake on the part of the White House to propose [the defense cuts]. I think it was a mistake for Republicans to go along with it," Romney said.

Among the Republicans who supported the deal was Paul Ryan, the chair of the House budget committee and Romney's running mate. Paul not only voted for the cuts, he bragged about them afterwards.

Clearly Romney hasn’t even been briefed as to Ryan’s positions, statements, and voting record.

The Romney campaign is a mess.

Imagine the disaster he’d be as president.

Romney/Ryan hypocrisy knows no bounds.

It’s not only hypocrisy, but incompetence.
"I thought it was a mistake on the part of the White House to propose [the defense cuts]. I think it was a mistake for Republicans to go along with it," Romney said.

Among the Republicans who supported the deal was Paul Ryan, the chair of the House budget committee and Romney's running mate. Paul not only voted for the cuts, he bragged about them afterwards.

Clearly Romney hasn’t even been briefed as to Ryan’s positions, statements, and voting record.

The Romney campaign is a mess.

Imagine the disaster he’d be as president.

Romney/Ryan hypocrisy knows no bounds.

It’s not only hypocrisy, but incompetence.

No big deal, Romney'll just change his position again.
Nothing to get in a sweat about.
Is that a crisis in the radical democrat mind? Democrats kicked their former V.P. out of the freaking party for being too moderate.
"I thought it was a mistake on the part of the White House to propose [the defense cuts]. I think it was a mistake for Republicans to go along with it," Romney said.

Among the Republicans who supported the deal was Paul Ryan, the chair of the House budget committee and Romney's running mate. Paul not only voted for the cuts, he bragged about them afterwards.

Clearly Romney hasn’t even been briefed as to Ryan’s positions, statements, and voting record.

The Romney campaign is a mess.

Imagine the disaster he’d be as president.

Romney/Ryan hypocrisy knows no bounds.

It’s not only hypocrisy, but incompetence.

The Romney people have shown themselves to be not one iota better at vetting a VP candidate than McCain's nattering nabobs of negativism were.

Ryan said that “almost 44,000 jobs” are at stake if the cuts go through, breaking with his usual small-government argument that federal spending does not spur employment.

Despite Ryan’s new attack, he not only voted for the bill containing the cuts, he went out of his way to tout just how difficult it is to undo them.

“What conservatives like me have been fighting for, for years, are statutory caps on spending, legal caps in law that says government agencies cannot spend over a set amount of money,” Ryan told FOX News’s Sean Hannity shortly after the agreement was reached last August. “And if they breach that amount across the board, sequester comes in to cut that spending, and you can’t turn that off without a super-majority vote. We got that in law.” ~ Paul Ryan, August 2011
By Alana Horowitz

Mitt Romney criticized defense spending cuts that were part of last year's debt ceiling deal in an interview that will air Sunday on NBC's 'Meet The Press'.

"I thought it was a mistake on the part of the White House to propose [the defense cuts]. I think it was a mistake for Republicans to go along with it," Romney said.

Among the Republicans who supported the deal was Paul Ryan, the chair of the House budget committee and Romney's running mate. Paul not only voted for the cuts, he bragged about them afterwards.
"What conservatives like me have been fighting for, for years, are statutory caps on spending, legal caps in law that says government agencies cannot spend over a set amount of money," Ryan told Fox News last year, according to TPM. “And if they breach that amount across the board, sequester comes in to cut that spending, and you can’t turn that off without a super-majority vote. We got that in law.”​
He also called the cuts "an important step in the right direction."
More: Mitt Romney Criticizes Defense Cuts That Paul Ryan Voted For

Obama criticized the war that Biden voted for, did you make a thread about that, or did that little factoid escape your all seeing and eternal search for idiocy because it came from a Democrat?
That's your job, Windbag - not mine. Apparently Obama wasn't too worried about that mushroom cloud Bush was selling. Turns out Obama was right.
That's your job, Windbag - not mine. Apparently Obama wasn't too worried about that mushroom cloud Bush was selling. Turns out Obama was right.

If Obama was right why did he try so hard to keep troops in Iraq past the date that Bush negotiated?
That's your job, Windbag - not mine. Apparently Obama wasn't too worried about that mushroom cloud Bush was selling. Turns out Obama was right.

If Obama was right why did he try so hard to keep troops in Iraq past the date that Bush negotiated?

Please explain with "credible" facts. BTW, the Bush Administration assumed an extension would be negotiated to keep troops in Iraq past the deadline. Also, as I understand it, Obama had all or some of the former Bush negotiators trying to negotiate the extension.

You're a major dumbass.
Get out of the middle east and put all that money into our economy.

Nation building begins at home!

I agree completely, but you know that's not what will happen. They'll start by kicking people out of the military and closing domestic bases.

Do you really need such a huge military though?
Honest question.

The military can be scaled back, of course. But military members and domestic bases should be last on the list. First things first, close foreign bases and end certain projects (like building more F22s)
You hear that, that's your job sucmbag...the op's job is to spam the board with every petty thing they can find..
Ryan was forced to vote against the DoD as part of the deal to prevent defaulting on our debt. It's like some criminal holding a gun to your family's heads then telling you to rob a bank to save their lives....that doesn't make you a criminal bank robber.

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