Mitt Romney and the White Horse Prophecy.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Mitt Romney and the White Horse Prophecy

Why might this cause some type of storm?

Well, other than the fact that this group is considered outside of the mainstream by the vast majority of Americans, within its history is an interesting prophecy that some have wondered may have applicability to Mitt Romney.

Other than the fact that Mitt Romney is a member of the LDS church, there are other reasons that Mormons are often quite interested in him possibly becoming the President of the United States:
Read more;

White Horse Prophecy - Mitt Romney could fulfill Prophecy of Mormon.

This should scare the shit out of anyone. Leading up to the "Great Mormon Conspiracy"
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I expect that very few people buy into such concepts. Very few is not none however. I would like so much to have the percentages of people who are voting for whichever candidate for whatever reason. How many are voting on economics, foreign policy, race, religion, wife's dress cost, etc. I am sure the numbers would be truly enlightening.
Mitt Romney and the White Horse Prophecy

Why might this cause some type of storm?

Well, other than the fact that this group is considered outside of the mainstream by the vast majority of Americans, within its history is an interesting prophecy that some have wondered may have applicability to Mitt Romney.

Other than the fact that Mitt Romney is a member of the LDS church, there are other reasons that Mormons are often quite interested in him possibly becoming the President of the United States:
Read more;

White Horse Prophecy - Mitt Romney could fulfill Prophecy of Mormon.

This should scare the shit out of anyone. Leading up to the "Great Mormon Conspiracy"

The Mormon Church Conspiracy

It's Revelations.

This is bible study 101. Come on. Crack me up This why I know you are not American and you post falsely.

You should know this. It's not the "great Mormon conspiracy" It's the last book in our Bible.

No matter which version you pick up. It's just Revelations.

"behold the pale horse"
Now lets address "out of the mainstream"

I do not understand Mormon at all. I'm trying to get a grip on it. But I do know this. Romney is a man of faith.

At the end of the day, that is all I need to know. He is a good man.

Somewhere down the road this will all be sorted out. All I need to know is that Romney is a man of faith and we will figure it out in the end.
This senile old bat needs supervision.


I don't like doing the smiley thing and I can't give you rep because it appears I have been too generous today.........................................

but what a funny post; :lol:
Seriously, how many times do we have to go over this before you guys stop regergitating the same things.

The white horse prophecy is not a Mormon prophecy. in fact, it's not a prophecy. Because the source is completely unreliable. There is only one aspect of the prophecy that has any legitimacy in mormon theology.

1) The Constitution will hang by a thread
2) The Elders of Israel will be the only one who can perserve it, if anyone can.

Anything about horses or anything else is not authentic nor legitimate.

There is no prophecy about a Mormon President. Zip Zero Nada. Nor is there one person who is supposed to save the constitution. Nor is there any Mormon conspiracy.

Though, honestly i would welcome the fulfillment of the prophecy that the Constitutin will be restored. Because as of now, it pretty much is hanging by a thread.
Don't vote for Romney, he's white.
As a white person I am going to vote for Obama, because I think he deserves it, as white people we should be ashamed of the 400 years of oppression upon blacks, so all white people must do the following:
1. Learn to speak Ebonics
2. Sag you pants
3. Where a baseball cap backward or sideways

Don't think about the well being of yourself and your family or the well being of the United States in General, as whites we must pay RESTITUTION to blacks, so vote for Obama.
Mitt Romney and the White Horse Prophecy

Why might this cause some type of storm?

Well, other than the fact that this group is considered outside of the mainstream by the vast majority of Americans, within its history is an interesting prophecy that some have wondered may have applicability to Mitt Romney.

Other than the fact that Mitt Romney is a member of the LDS church, there are other reasons that Mormons are often quite interested in him possibly becoming the President of the United States:
Read more;

White Horse Prophecy - Mitt Romney could fulfill Prophecy of Mormon.

This should scare the shit out of anyone. Leading up to the "Great Mormon Conspiracy"

The Mormon Church Conspiracy

Jesus! Do you ever have an independent thought?
Don't vote for Romney, he's white.
As a white person I am going to vote for Obama, because I think he deserves it, as white people we should be ashamed of the 400 years of oppression upon blacks, so all white people must do the following:
1. Learn to speak Ebonics
2. Sag you pants
3. Where a baseball cap backward or sideways

Don't think about the well being of yourself and your family or the well being of the United States in General, as whites we must pay RESTITUTION to blacks, so vote for Obama.

Well we haven't been here for 400 years, so our guilt has been exercised by Bammy's failure.

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