Mitch McConnell Promises a Massive Government Shutdown If Republicans Win The Senate

The congress has been effectively shutdown since 2010. They really have not done much. So he's proposing more of the same?


RWs want to blame Obama for the Republican attack on the US but it will/would be the same if the R controls the senate and/or the WH.
Hell. Half the Govt could disappear tomorrow and no one would notice. Bloated and way to big and interfering everywhere. Thats our Govt.

They are here to help ya.
As filtered through Real Liberal Politics!

Mitch McConnell has a game plan to confront President Barack Obama with a stark choice next year: Accept bills reining in the administration’s policies, or veto them and risk a government shutdown.

Yep. Stop acting like a deranged monarch or we will take your marbles away. YAYYYYYY.

I know you lost your marbles a long time ago kd, but why try to steal obama's? Doesn't this violate a republican's pure as the driven snow, righteous morals?
I fully expect them to take the Senate in 2016 but the repubs will overeach and will get shellacked in 2016 having to defend way more seats than the dems.
Leave it to Politico to lie and the left wing knee padders to suck it down.

{quote]Accept bills reining in the administration’s policies, or veto them and risk a government shutdown.[/quote]

In other words, you can't keep getting your way if we win.
Leave it to Politico to lie and the left wing knee padders to suck it down.

{quote]Accept bills reining in the administration’s policies, or veto them and risk a government shutdown.

In other words, you can't keep getting your way if we win.[/QUOTE]
Wait, what?

No one's been having "any way".

Republicans want:
XL Pipeline.
Tax cuts for the rich.
Tax cuts for corporations.
ObamaCare Repealed.
More military spending.
Cuts or elimination of SSI and Medicare.
Elimination of SNAP.
Reproductive and Abortion rights repealed.
Frank/Dodd repealed.
Obama impeached.
EPA eliminated.

Democrats want:
Infrastructure spending.
Raise in minimum wage.
Spending on SNAP and Unemployment.
Targeted Tax Cuts for hiring domestically.
Closing off shoring tax incentives.
Closing the tax loopholes for corporations.

The only thing they got through recently:
Bill to help veterans.

Not sure what you are looking for here, ace.
it's clear the republicans aren't working for the majority of or the American people they represent. I don't understand what they have to offer to anybody but the super rich and only a fool would vote for any of them. I know, you reps all think you are the winners and deserve it all. you are gonna get what you all deserve if you keep voting for them.
This statement simply is not true at all. If you think about the numbers of Republicans that have been slowly taking over the House of Representatives, you'd have a better grasp of why you are wrong.

The Republicans will likely go along with the Democrats because they will feel the best way to keep getting elected is to give away more benefits to the people.

This is in no way a good thing for America.
Leave it to Politico to lie and the left wing knee padders to suck it down.

{quote]Accept bills reining in the administration’s policies, or veto them and risk a government shutdown.

In other words, you can't keep getting your way if we win.
Wait, what?

No one's been having "any way".

Republicans want:
XL Pipeline.
Tax cuts for the rich.
Tax cuts for corporations.
ObamaCare Repealed.
More military spending.
Cuts or elimination of SSI and Medicare.
Elimination of SNAP.
Reproductive and Abortion rights repealed.
Frank/Dodd repealed.
Obama impeached.
EPA eliminated.

Democrats want:
Infrastructure spending.
Raise in minimum wage.
Spending on SNAP and Unemployment.
Targeted Tax Cuts for hiring domestically.
Closing off shoring tax incentives.
Closing the tax loopholes for corporations.

The only thing they got through recently:
Bill to help veterans.

Not sure what you are looking for here, ace.
Republicans want:
XL Pipeline. Yes, it will create jobs.
Tax cuts for the rich. A lie
Tax cuts for corporations. Yes, it will create jobs.
ObamaCare Repealed. Yes, the majority of the country wants this.
More military spending. Yes. In case you missed it, the world is in flames right now.
Cuts or elimination of SSI and Medicare. A lie
Elimination of SNAP. A lie
Reproductive and Abortion rights repealed. Reproductive rights, no that is a lie. Abortion. Yes. Murder is wrong.
Frank/Dodd repealed. Yes. It is a failure.
Obama impeached. A lie.
EPA eliminated. It has morphed into a fascist regime. Yes.

Democrats want:
Infrastructure spending. But didn't when they controlled the entire government.
Raise in minimum wage. Solves a problem that doesn't exist.
Spending on SNAP and Unemployment. There is already spending on these programs.
Targeted Tax Cuts for hiring domestically. Solves nothing.
Closing off shoring tax incentives. Illegal legislation. Private property rights cannot be violated.
Closing the tax loopholes for corporations. Jobs killer
Leave it to Politico to lie and the left wing knee padders to suck it down.

{quote]Accept bills reining in the administration’s policies, or veto them and risk a government shutdown.

In other words, you can't keep getting your way if we win.[/QUOTE]
But IF you win it will be Hell to pay in future elections for your party. No doubt about that.
Spam From the Republican Side That Is.
Mitch McConnell Promises a Massive Government Shutdown If Republicans Win The Senate

Of course this is what it's all about for Republicans and what we've come to expect from them. They want to play politics and be King of the Hill at all times. They don't have your best interests in mind as McConnell is plainly telling you with his threat.

It's high time to give this guy the BOOT!! Get him out of the Senate, Posthaste! If you don't, you will only be hurting yourself, your family, and the ones you love after November and the CUTS to follow will hit you very hard in your pocketbook. Know and understand that well.

That's Why Unless You're Independently Wealthy You Can't Ever Afford To Vote Republican Especially In the Next Few Elections, If Ever Again.

McConnell "promised" no such thing, of course.

More blatant misrepresentation and dishonesty from the far left. What a fucking surprise.
if either group does what's best for a few on top, that is not democracy. our government is bought by those willing to sell it and you all agreed to sell it to the highest bidders so.... there goes your so called democracy etc... because most of the spending money isn't in the peoples pockets. dah
Leave it to Politico to lie and the left wing knee padders to suck it down.

{quote]Accept bills reining in the administration’s policies, or veto them and risk a government shutdown.

In other words, you can't keep getting your way if we win.
Wait, what?

No one's been having "any way".

Republicans want:
XL Pipeline.
Tax cuts for the rich.
Tax cuts for corporations.
ObamaCare Repealed.
More military spending.
Cuts or elimination of SSI and Medicare.
Elimination of SNAP.
Reproductive and Abortion rights repealed.
Frank/Dodd repealed.
Obama impeached.
EPA eliminated.

Democrats want:
Infrastructure spending.
Raise in minimum wage.
Spending on SNAP and Unemployment.
Targeted Tax Cuts for hiring domestically.
Closing off shoring tax incentives.
Closing the tax loopholes for corporations.

The only thing they got through recently:
Bill to help veterans.

Not sure what you are looking for here, ace.
Republicans want:
XL Pipeline. Yes, it will create jobs.
Tax cuts for the rich. A lie
Tax cuts for corporations. Yes, it will create jobs.
ObamaCare Repealed. Yes, the majority of the country wants this.
More military spending. Yes. In case you missed it, the world is in flames right now.
Cuts or elimination of SSI and Medicare. A lie
Elimination of SNAP. A lie
Reproductive and Abortion rights repealed. Reproductive rights, no that is a lie. Abortion. Yes. Murder is wrong.
Frank/Dodd repealed. Yes. It is a failure.
Obama impeached. A lie.
EPA eliminated. It has morphed into a fascist regime. Yes.

Democrats want:
Infrastructure spending. But didn't when they controlled the entire government.
Raise in minimum wage. Solves a problem that doesn't exist.
Spending on SNAP and Unemployment. There is already spending on these programs.
Targeted Tax Cuts for hiring domestically. Solves nothing.
Closing off shoring tax incentives. Illegal legislation. Private property rights cannot be violated.
Closing the tax loopholes for corporations. Jobs killer

Nothing I posted was a lie.

The Ryan budget effectively guts SNAP, Medicare, SSI, and cuts taxes on the rich. Multiple Republicans in Congress have called for Obama's impeachment..and since 2010. And the whole move toward theocracy is proof that the Republicans want to cut both reproductive rights and abortion. They pull this shit on local levels as well.
Leave it to Politico to lie and the left wing knee padders to suck it down.

{quote]Accept bills reining in the administration’s policies, or veto them and risk a government shutdown.

In other words, you can't keep getting your way if we win.
But IF you win it will be Hell to pay in future elections for your party. No doubt about that.
Spam From the Republican Side That Is.[/QUOTE]
No the spam is from you and that is pretty much 24/7.
it time to revolt against the entire corrupted system and government of might makes right and power is money etc... we always knew there would be hell to pay for living this way. time to pay up to minimize cost
Mitch McConnell Promises a Massive Government Shutdown If Republicans Win The Senate

Of course this is what it's all about for Republicans and what we've come to expect from them. They want to play politics and be King of the Hill at all times. They don't have your best interests in mind as McConnell is plainly telling you with his threat.

It's high time to give this guy the BOOT!! Get him out of the Senate, Posthaste! If you don't, you will only be hurting yourself, your family, and the ones you love after November and the CUTS to follow will hit you very hard in your pocketbook. Know and understand that well.

That's Why Unless You're Independently Wealthy You Can't Ever Afford To Vote Republican Especially In the Next Few Elections, If Ever Again.

From the link:

The emerging strategy: Attach riders to spending bills that would limit Obama policies on everything from the environment to health care, consider using an arcane budget tactic to circumvent Democratic filibusters and force the president to “move to the center” if he wants to get any new legislation through Congress.

Funny isn't that the same arcane budget tactic the commiecrats used to pass the ACA and the Stimulus?

I don't care if they shut the government down as long as the don't give government employees pay for work they haven't done like the last time.
Leave it to Politico to lie and the left wing knee padders to suck it down.

{quote]Accept bills reining in the administration’s policies, or veto them and risk a government shutdown.

In other words, you can't keep getting your way if we win.
Wait, what?

No one's been having "any way".

Republicans want:
XL Pipeline.
Tax cuts for the rich.
Tax cuts for corporations.
ObamaCare Repealed.
More military spending.
Cuts or elimination of SSI and Medicare.
Elimination of SNAP.
Reproductive and Abortion rights repealed.
Frank/Dodd repealed.
Obama impeached.
EPA eliminated.

Democrats want:
Infrastructure spending.
Raise in minimum wage.
Spending on SNAP and Unemployment.
Targeted Tax Cuts for hiring domestically.
Closing off shoring tax incentives.
Closing the tax loopholes for corporations.

The only thing they got through recently:
Bill to help veterans.

Not sure what you are looking for here, ace.[/QUOTE]

How about we close all your tax loopholes?

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