Mitch Daniels Says Public Unions Should Be Abolished

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
About damn time someone started calling for it. Ironically, this is the stance that FDR, huge supporter of unions, had too. He wouldn't support them in the first place because he foresaw the conflict of interest they would create and the corruption they would bring.

On the heels of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's history-making recall victory, the governor of nearby Indiana with his own record of curtailing union benefits suggested public-sector unions are past their prime and should be abolished.

"I think, really, government works better without them," Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels told "Fox News Sunday," when asked whether public-worker unions should even exist.

Daniels had cracked down on collective bargaining for state workers as soon as he took office in 2005, six years before Walker and his GOP allies in the state legislature started down the same path -- triggering a backlash that forced him to stand for election this past Tuesday. Walker made history as the first governor to survive the recall test, beating Democrat Tom Barrett.

Daniels said that vote should send a message about the problems with public-sector unions.

"I think the message is that, first of all, voters are seeing the fundamental unfairness of government becoming its own special interest group, sitting on both sides of the table," he said.

After Walker victory, Indiana governor suggests public unions should go | Fox News
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WTG Mitch! I've been saying this for years. Their time has now passed. The Taxpayers have had enough.
Couldn't agree more.
Public worker unions existed before FDR came along and while he did not support them he recognized their right to exist under the constitution, that's more than we can say about some of these jerks who wave the constitution around all the time without bothering to understand it.
Public worker unions existed before FDR came along and while he did not support them he recognized their right to exist under the constitution, that's more than we can say about some of these jerks who wave the constitution around all the time without bothering to understand it.


Throughout American history -- and as recently as the 1950s -- there were no unions for government workers

About damn time someone started calling for it. Ironically, this is the stance that FDR, huge supporter of unions, had too. He wouldn't allow them to be implemented in the first place because he foresaw the conflict of interest they would create and the corruption they would bring.

On the heels of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's history-making recall victory, the governor of nearby Indiana with his own record of curtailing union benefits suggested public-sector unions are past their prime and should be abolished.

"I think, really, government works better without them," Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels told "Fox News Sunday," when asked whether public-worker unions should even exist.

Daniels had cracked down on collective bargaining for state workers as soon as he took office in 2005, six years before Walker and his GOP allies in the state legislature started down the same path -- triggering a backlash that forced him to stand for election this past Tuesday. Walker made history as the first governor to survive the recall test, beating Democrat Tom Barrett.

Daniels said that vote should send a message about the problems with public-sector unions.

"I think the message is that, first of all, voters are seeing the fundamental unfairness of government becoming its own special interest group, sitting on both sides of the table," he said.

After Walker victory, Indiana governor suggests public unions should go | Fox News

Unions were established because of necessity of effectively negotiate with a management that was determined to keep costs down. Public sector unions are not negotiating with a management attempting to keep costs down; rather, they are negotiating many times with someone that was in their exact position a year later.

The public sector unions negotiated wholly unsustainable pensions and healthcare programs that required, in many instances, zero contribution for the member.

Yet fear not, the American people are not so stupid that they do not see past the rouse. They recognize the inherent bullshit of taking their money and squandering it away while the state budget goes further and further in the red.

The American people understand this, and 2012 is going to be a landslide rejection of everything Obama stands for.
Public worker unions existed before FDR came along and while he did not support them he recognized their right to exist under the constitution, that's more than we can say about some of these jerks who wave the constitution around all the time without bothering to understand it.


Throughout American history -- and as recently as the 1950s -- there were no unions for government workers


FDR’s Letter To Union President Luther Steward Regarding Public Unions – A Liberal’s View | Republic-MainStreet
About damn time someone started calling for it. Ironically, this is the stance that FDR, huge supporter of unions, had too. He wouldn't support them in the first place because he foresaw the conflict of interest they would create and the corruption they would bring.

On the heels of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's history-making recall victory, the governor of nearby Indiana with his own record of curtailing union benefits suggested public-sector unions are past their prime and should be abolished.

"I think, really, government works better without them," Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels told "Fox News Sunday," when asked whether public-worker unions should even exist.

Daniels had cracked down on collective bargaining for state workers as soon as he took office in 2005, six years before Walker and his GOP allies in the state legislature started down the same path -- triggering a backlash that forced him to stand for election this past Tuesday. Walker made history as the first governor to survive the recall test, beating Democrat Tom Barrett.

Daniels said that vote should send a message about the problems with public-sector unions.

"I think the message is that, first of all, voters are seeing the fundamental unfairness of government becoming its own special interest group, sitting on both sides of the table," he said.

After Walker victory, Indiana governor suggests public unions should go | Fox News

yup, neither did George Meany ......lib/proggies hate hearing that, just like they hate hearing other inconvenient truths like Caesar Chavez wanting to curb illegal immigration from ..............Mexico.
Public worker unions existed before FDR came along and while he did not support them he recognized their right to exist under the constitution, that's more than we can say about some of these jerks who wave the constitution around all the time without bothering to understand it.


Throughout American history -- and as recently as the 1950s -- there were no unions for government workers


FDR’s Letter To Union President Luther Steward Regarding Public Unions – A Liberal’s View | Republic-MainStreet

and....from the holy of the holies;)

F.D.R. Warned Us About Public Sector Unions - Room for Debate -
That freedom of association is a bitch when the drones team up together isn't it?
Hitler belonged to a Public Union. It was called the 'National Socialist German Workers' Party.'
Hitler belonged to a Public Union. It was called the 'National Socialist German Workers' Party.'

LOL the only labor union allowed to exist in Nazi Germany was founded after they executed all the labor leaders and abolished all independent labor unions. Anyone else want to advance the notion that present government safeguards negate the need for labor unions?
Let's start with the teacher's unions. Get rid of the NEA and all unions associated with it. Get the federal government out of education. Let the states determine the curriculum, the qualifications required to teach in the state and the performance requirements for continued employment.

The more successful states would be copied by the less successful states and the education of our children would continually improve. There is no need for federal interference in the field of education.

It would be up to the states to force compliance with the U.S. Constitution regarding all facets of their school systems.

Standardized testing for each grade level would support fair comparison of each state's success (or failure) to educate their students.
The Soviets also had a very large Public Union. It was called 'The Communist Party of the Soviet Union.'

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