Minneapolis Police Standing Down Against Muslim Congresswoman


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
After a criminal complaint was filed with the Minneapolis Police Department, against Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, for assault & battery, at a campaign event for fellow Muslim and "Squad" member Rep Ilhan Omar, in Minneapolis, the case has apparently been discarded. It was filed about a year ago, and has since languished in police files, unattended.

The complaint alleged that Tlaib violently lunged at Laura Loomer, a well-known Jewish investigative reporter, interacted with her physically and grabbed her phone, which Loomer was using to film the event which took place at a Palestinian restaurant. This put Loomer in alleged fear of immediate severe bodily injury.

During the campaign event which Tlaib attended in support of Omar's candidacy in 2018, Loomer asked simple and straightforward questions of the future congresswoman about her stances toward Israel, Jews and terrorist groups such as Hamas," Freedom Watch explained.

In response, and in the presence of Omar, who looked on approvingly, Tlaib, it is alleged, physically attacked Loomer. The case, appearing to be discarded by Minneapolis Police doesn't seem to have good chance of going forward, "likely because the police do not want to be smeared as Islamophobic' by Tlaib and Omar, especially given that Minnesota's powerful Attorney General, Keith Ellison, who is a Muslim political ally of Tlaib and Omar, is also an anti-Semite and close to Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam." Freedom Watch, who has filed a civil complaint, also said.

Loomer's civil complaint states >> "By the acts alleged herein, the Defendant Rashida Tlaib, committed assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and violation of religious rights against the Plaintiff Laura Loomer,"

It remains to be seen if Islamic privilege will enter into this complaint, or if it will proceed on its own merits.

Journalist sues Tlaib for assault and battery - WND


tlaib assaults loomer - Bing video
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After a criminal complaint was filed with the Minneapolis Police Department, against Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, for assault & battery, at a campaign event for fellow Muslim and "Squad" member Rep Ilhan Omar, in Minneapolis, the case has apparently been discarded. It was filed about a year ago, and has since languished in police files, and unattended.

The complaint alleged that Tlaib violently lunged at Laura Loomer, a well-known Jewish investigative reporter, interacted with her physically and grabbed her phone, which Loomer was using to film the event which took place at a Palestinian restaurant. This put Loomer in alleged fear of immediate severe bodily injury.

During the campaign event which Tlaib attended in support of Omar's candidacy in 2018, Loomer asked simple and straightforward questions of the future congresswoman about her stances toward Israel, Jews and terrorist groups such as Hamas," Freedom Watch explained.

In response, and in the presence of Omar, who looked on approvingly, Tlaib, it is alleged, physically attacked Loomer. The case, appearing to be discarded by Minneapolis Police doesn't
seem to have good chance of going forward, "likely because the police do not want to be smeared as Islamophobic' by Tlaib and Omar, especially given that Minnesota's powerful Attorney General, Keith Ellison, who is a Muslim political ally of Tlaib and Omar, is also an anti-Semite and close to Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam." Freedom Watch, who has filed a civil complaint, also said.

Loomer's civil complaint states >> "By the acts alleged herein, the Defendant Rashida Tlaib, committed assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and violation of religious rights against the Plaintiff Laura Loomer,"

It remains to be seen if Islamic privilege will enter into this complaint, or if it will proceed on its own merits.

Journalist sues Tlaib for assault and battery - WND


tlaib assaults loomer - Bing video
The DA is a Liberal to the Core and she will be given extra passes just because she is a Liberal Muzzy no other reason. It is a violation of the equal protection under the Constitution..The DA is in violation of the law himself.
Minnesota's Islam fellatio is absolutely genetic; that state is filled with the descendants of Swedish immigrants (the most Islam-cocksucking, muslim-rape-capitol of this planet). MN is to Sweden what Massachusetts is to Ireland: the hub of that country's American immigration.
Minnesota's Islam fellatio is absolutely genetic; that state is filled with the descendants of Swedish immigrants (the most Islam-cocksucking, muslim-rape-capitol of this planet). MN is to Sweden what Massachusetts is to Ireland: the hub of that country's American immigration.
It's also full of Lutheran and Catholic mush heads, who've been profiteering off of bringing Somali muzzies to the state.
After a criminal complaint was filed with the Minneapolis Police Department, against Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, for assault & battery, at a campaign event for fellow Muslim and "Squad" member Rep Ilhan Omar, in Minneapolis, the case has apparently been discarded. It was filed about a year ago, and has since languished in police files, unattended.

The complaint alleged that Tlaib violently lunged at Laura Loomer, a well-known Jewish investigative reporter, interacted with her physically and grabbed her phone, which Loomer was using to film the event which took place at a Palestinian restaurant. This put Loomer in alleged fear of immediate severe bodily injury.

During the campaign event which Tlaib attended in support of Omar's candidacy in 2018, Loomer asked simple and straightforward questions of the future congresswoman about her stances toward Israel, Jews and terrorist groups such as Hamas," Freedom Watch explained.

In response, and in the presence of Omar, who looked on approvingly, Tlaib, it is alleged, physically attacked Loomer. The case, appearing to be discarded by Minneapolis Police doesn't seem to have good chance of going forward, "likely because the police do not want to be smeared as Islamophobic' by Tlaib and Omar, especially given that Minnesota's powerful Attorney General, Keith Ellison, who is a Muslim political ally of Tlaib and Omar, is also an anti-Semite and close to Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam." Freedom Watch, who has filed a civil complaint, also said.

Loomer's civil complaint states >> "By the acts alleged herein, the Defendant Rashida Tlaib, committed assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and violation of religious rights against the Plaintiff Laura Loomer,"

It remains to be seen if Islamic privilege will enter into this complaint, or if it will proceed on its own merits.

Journalist sues Tlaib for assault and battery - WND


tlaib assaults loomer - Bing video
Deport them
It's also full of Lutheran and Catholic mush heads, who've been profiteering off of bringing Somali muzzies to the state.
Response to that should be 50 lashes & 20 strokes with a hot stick.
Oh, Laura Loomer. Explains everything.
Right....Because opposing voices should be physically accosted and assaulted.

I know. That Catholicrap (my SECOND most hated religion on this planet) is so treasonous, they've been importing the criminal dregs of the third world to America (at everyone else's expense) since time out of mind. Basically, the Catholic fucks are the most Islamic-human-condoms I've ever seen in Christianity. Fuck their pederast, America-harming, dreary, guilt-ridden, masochistic piece of shit church. Whose papal pig gets on his knees and sucks on muslim men's feet every time that Pisslam ball of vomit commits large-scale violence against non-muslims. Fuck the Catholidiots, fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em, fuck 'em and just for variety, fuck them even more. Up their "beautified, canonized" assholes with their own stupid little rosaries.
Minnesota's Islam fellatio is absolutely genetic; that state is filled with the descendants of Swedish immigrants (the most Islam-cocksucking, muslim-rape-capitol of this planet). MN is to Sweden what Massachusetts is to Ireland: the hub of that country's American immigration.
It's also full of Lutheran and Catholic mush heads, who've been profiteering off of bringing Somali muzzies to the state.

Catholic Charities and others used to get some $70 K per refugee in fees for 'resettling' them; don't know what they get now, but probably more. It's a big profit center for them and other 'charities'.
She committed immigration fraud, marrying her brother, so she should be deported anyway. Where is that investigation at? Are they even looking into the obvious re that fraud?
Minnesota's Islam fellatio is absolutely genetic; that state is filled with the descendants of Swedish immigrants (the most Islam-cocksucking, muslim-rape-capitol of this planet). MN is to Sweden what Massachusetts is to Ireland: the hub of that country's American immigration.
It's also full of Lutheran and Catholic mush heads, who've been profiteering off of bringing Somali muzzies to the state.

Catholic Charities and others used to get some $70 K per refugee in fees for 'resettling' them; don't know what they get now, but probably more. It's a big profit center for them and other 'charities'.
Pay them more to bring them back
She committed immigration fraud, marrying her brother, so she should be deported anyway. Where is that investigation at? Are they even looking into the obvious re that fraud?
That was Omar.
The freedom of the press should be sacrosanct. People have a right to know the facts and make an informed decision.
Color me surprised, leftist goes free without explanation.

But there is a bigger problem, she should not even be in the country, and especially, not under any circumstances have an American citizenship.
Color me surprised, leftist goes free without explanation.

But there is a bigger problem, she should not even be in the country, and especially, not under any circumstances have an American citizenship.
Let alone have political power as a congresswoman.
The freedom of the press should be sacrosanct. People have a right to know the facts and make an informed decision.

Nah. The press shouldn't be 'free' to lie and spread fake news. Propaganda isn't 'facts' and 'news', especially when leftists are dominant in media jobs. You Commies don't believe in freedom of the press anyway; any journalist who does tell the facts and the truth gets fired and smeared out of the business.

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