Ministry Puts NGOs Under Watch, Alleging CNRP Bias


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Several civil society organizations and their employees, including the leaders of rights NGOs Licadho and Adhoc, are under watch by the Interior Ministry for allegedly aiding the CNRP, and will face legal action if the allegations prove true, a ministry spokesman said on Thursday.

As the NGO leaders denied the charge, a CPP spokesman said any ministry investigation would be a “big mistake.”

Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak said it had not yet put any NGOs or civil society organizations on the blacklist—referring to a list the government uses to initiate formal investigations—but “we will take action if we find those organizations are working to serve the opposition party.”

“We will not take action at this time because the activities of those organizations are not so serious,” he added. “But we will take action immediately if the activities of those people affect the national interest.”

While General Sopheak did not name all the organizations in question, he said they included Adhoc and Licadho.

“Those two organizations are under investigation because most of their activities are working to serve the opposition party,” he said, adding that while the organizations were “good,” their leaders and some employees were circumventing the law.

Licadho’s director Naly Pilorge yesterday said she was unaware of any investigation into the organization and denied the accusations.

“As a human rights NGO, pre & post election work has been and still is a normal part of our work,” she wrote in a message. “Our work is to provide services to victims of human rights

Ministry Puts NGOs Under Watch, Alleging CNRP Bias - The Cambodia Daily

I'd like to know who is funding them.

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