Mindblowing! Guess where water comes from?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Protostar Discovered that discharges “Water” Bullets: Rite of Passage for Sun-like Stars? | Sci-Tech Universe

"Woah! What?
Using the modern in infrared technology, the Herschel Space Observatory (which was sadly discharged very recently) has found telltale light signs of hydrogen and oxygen atoms – the building blocks of water – from a star that is so young, it’s still covered in its astronomical cocoon. These so-called cocoons are usually made up of any residual bits of dust and gas left over from the star’s creation. After astrophysicists found the path of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms, they determined that water was forming *on* the star.

After which, the droplets enter the outward-spewing jets of gas (visualized in the pictured above), where the high temperatures discharge the water back into a gaseous state — the state it remains until it reaches the cooler nearby material, which can be found at a distance 5,000 times bigger than the space among Earth and the sun.

At that point, they slow down and cool down very quickly before condensing and reforming as water molecules. To put it in simple expressions, the high pressures -with help from the powerful gravity – experienced near the star’s surface would condense the h20 into a supercritical fluid, which is a type of plasma.

As it becomes ejected at a high speed with the nearby gravity decreased, it would turn from supercritical fluid, into steam. The steam would slowly turn into liquid as the temperature cooled and ultimately, it would freeze into Ice, concluding the four phases of water."

This is ABSOLUTE proof of Evolution and that God doesn't exist.

The Science is now settled.

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