Mind blowing predictions from the Mayans about 12-21-12

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Believe in the sillyness of the end of the world or not one thing is true. The Mayans were astonishingly brilliant.

Thousands of years ago they predicted two things among others....

One. The sun will be aligned with the center of the galaxy on that date....true

Two. The wobble of the earth will complete a full cycle on that date....true

They believed the dark rift at the center of the galaxy to be the doorway to the underworld...utter nonsense but begs the question. How the hell did they know the dark rift was there to begin with and how did they accurately know it would align with the sun on this date?

There of course has been plenty of speculation as to what their actual prediction was. Unfortunately the carved stone that had this date inscribed on it was broken and everything post inscribed date has never been found. Some speculated that they were referring to a poll shift in the earth. But that happens over millions of years and currently geologists can find no signs of it in current rock samples.

Dunno why I typed all this when I just wanted to comment on their unbelievable ability to predict astrological events.
Hope your eyes aren't bleeding and thanks for reading.
Believe in the sillyness of the end of the world or not one thing is true. The Mayans were astonishingly brilliant.

Thousands of years ago they predicted two things among others....

One. The sun will be aligned with the center of the galaxy on that date....true


Read this:

No, Earth will not pass through the galactic plane in 2012, contrary to what you might have heard. Earth won’t be physically passing through the plane of the Milky Way galaxy for another 30 million years. However, Earth will cross the galactic equator in 2012. As seen from the sun, the Earth does this every year – twice.

Will Earth cross the galactic equator in 2012? | Astronomy Essentials | EarthSky

Two. The wobble of the earth will complete a full cycle on that date....true


Read this:

The Chandler wobble is a small deviation in the Earth's axis of rotation relative to the fixed stars, which was discovered by American astronomer Seth Carlo Chandler in 1891. It amounts to change of about 9 metres (30 ft)[citation needed] in the point at which the axis intersects the Earth's surface and has a period of 433 days. This wobble, or nutation, combines with another wobble with a period of one year, so that the total polar motion varies with a period of about 7 years.

Chandler wobble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They believed the dark rift at the center of the galaxy to be the doorway to the underworld...utter nonsense but begs the question. How the hell did they know the dark rift was there to begin with and how did they accurately know it would align with the sun on this date?

The "dark rift" is visible to the naked eye. Trying looking up sometime. No mystery here!

And as I showed above, this is an alignment which occurs twice a year.

More info here: http://www.2012hoax.org/dark-rift

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I wasn't referring to the earth being in any special location. Just the sun.

As to the earths wobble I have heard that its a much longer cycle.

I don't have any links. I got the info from the discovery channel. Either way I find it interesting even if others don't.
Granny had her hat & baggage ready to go when the end o' the world didn't happen...

Mayan Science Still Giving Up Secrets
August 18, 2016 - Who remembers the Mayan Calendar that ended in 2012, and how it was supposed to presage the end of the world? That was funny, Hollywood made a movie about it. Needless to say we're still here. What was arguably lost in all of the sad speculation and fear-mongering of the end-of-the-world crowd was the sheer magnificence and depth of scientific knowledge that allowed the Mayans to create their giant stone calendars.
New research on an old book

The Mayans were an ancient and long-lived civilization that flourished in parts of present-day Central America. Their civilization lasted 2,000 years, but had its cultural heyday between 300 and 900 AD in an era archaeologists call "the Classic Period." They developed a complex mathematical system based on the number 20. They had a symbol for the value of zero, a calendar-based agriculture system, an understanding of architecture, and a written language. But the Mayans were masters of the sky, which they believed had a profound effect on their daily lives. They dutifully recorded all the things they saw in their stellar neighborhood. They predicted eclipses, and used their celestial calendars to manage planting seasons and their daily and religious lives.


The ancient Mayan city of Uxmal.​

But while most people are familiar with the giant round calendars, the Mayans also wrote books and filled them with information about their gods, and their lives and the movements of the stars in the sky. One of the most famous books is the Dresden Codex, named for the museum of the Saxon State Library in Dresden, Germany, where you can see it on display. The codex consists of 39 double-sided pages of information in folded book form written on an ancient form of bark paper. It's a beautiful document, and when completely folded out is almost 3.5 meters long. It consists almost entirely of astronomical information. But new research has just been released on one "chapter" of the codex called the Venus Table, which focuses on the closest planet to Earth and its movements. The new paper was written by UC Santa Barbara's Gerardo Aldana, a professor of anthropology and of Chicana and Chicano studies, and is published in The Journal of Astronomy in Culture.

Why Venus?

The Mayans kept a particularly close eye on Venus because its movement was a marker for a number of their important economic and cultural events. To the Mayans, the role of Venus was similar to the Sun's solstice and equinox, which still mark some of our modern-day rituals. Venus was so important to the Mayans that researchers like archaeoastronomer Anthony Aveni from Colgate University has suggested that ancient cities like Uxmal were actually built to give their leaders good views of the morning star. The movement of Venus was used to set the dates of Mayan cultural and economic rituals. That's why the codex devotes so much time to our sister planet. Now this is where things get interesting... and really complicated.

Historians have known for over a century that the Venus table was unique in that it recorded a kind of "leap year" that 'fixed' or mathematically explained Venus' irregular movements across the sky. It's exactly like the 'leap year' in our calendars; and it's necessary because the movements of the earth and the observable planets aren't an exact match for our 24 hour day, and 365 day year. The Venus Table is impressive because, using only their eyes and their understanding of math, the Mayans were able to both predict and record this weirdness in the orbit of Venus. But Aldana says it is important to realize that Mayan astronomers weren't just counting the days it took Venus to cross the sky. He says that's just numerology, like counting down the days until your birthday.

So the Mayans are as kookie, and wrong, as all the lefty idiots and their many dire predictions that haven't come to fruition since the first Earth Day in 1970. But the low info dopes keep swallowing their Kool-Aid.

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