MILLIONS of Trump Supporters Voted Twice in the 2016 Presidential Election!

I just talked to Carl Sagan. He says it's actually "billions and billions".

This article is pretty hilarious and sadly, true....

>> If I say, "There are chinchillas in my underpants and they've been living there for quite some time," a reasonable person would say: "I don't know if that's true." But no reasonable person would say, "I don't know if that's not true," unless that person had a vested interest in keeping open the possibility that my underpants double as long-term chinchilla housing.

House Speaker Paul Ryan was asked about Trump's millions of illegal voters on "60 Minutes" Sunday. With the bravery of an underpants-dwelling chinchilla, Ryan said: "I don't know. I'm not really focused on these things." <<​

And sadly, it's true. Critical thinking seems to be a lost art.
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In fact-free America, maybe millions of Trump supporters voted twice

Ya forgot a word
President openly calls for illegals to vote but none of them did acording to you...................well thats sounds like settled science.......
This isn't a bait thread. This is what Trump's campaign is all about. Let's look at it from a spiritual perspective. If you believe in God, do you think it is your responsibility to prove there is a God? Or do you think it is an atheists responsibility to prove there is no God?

In Trump's world he thinks it is ok to make a statement without facts, and then think it is your responsibility to prove him wrong. Then when someone does, he attacks their sources. It's something that is quite common on these forums as well.
Yeah Trump supporters, prove it isn't true! Suck on Triction! This article sums up my feelings of Trump supporters and the 2016 election perfectly, and just read exactly what Ryan, Preibus, and Pence say.

In fact-free America, maybe millions of Trump supporters voted twice

Can't even come up with anything original. Poor butthurt thing.

I've been saying this same exact things for a long time now... Finally someone with the ability to put it in mass print has echoed it.

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