‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

Wow, just look at the crowd. Hundreds of thousands just in D.C. alone! Millions across the nation!
And what did they accomplish again? Nothing. Hard to believe we have that many losers in our society.
Hundreds of thousands who did nothing to help the candidate they wanted.

But when the election was finally held, the decision was made, and they found out they weren't getting what they wanted, only then did they get off their butts and start marching and "protesting", proclaiming that they were unhappy. And demanding someone do something about it.


Their "protests" are as worthless as they are.

“We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

NEW YORK - Women anxious that a Donald Trump presidency in the United States could set back or destroy many of their rights are planning a massive march in Washington one day after he is sworn in, organizers said on Friday.

On Facebook, where the “Million Women March” is being organized, some 35,000 people said they would attend within the first 24 hours after it was announced, said Bob Bland, an organizer based in New York.

The march comes in response to Trump’s attitudes toward women that emerged during his campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton, Bland told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Republican Trump insulted female reporters, a female political rival and other women over their looks, and a video surfaced in which he could be heard bragging about groping women and making unwanted sexual advances.

The video prompted several women to say publicly that Trump had groped them.

Trump denied their allegations and dismissed his words as “locker room talk.”

During the campaign Trump also said abortion should be largely banned, that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v Wade legalizing abortion should be overturned and that he would appoint an anti-abortion justice to the nation’s highest court.

He said women who had abortions should be punished, but later retracted this, saying that doctors who perform abortions should be punished.

Bland said plans for the march kicked off on Thursday, two days after Trump won the U.S. presidential election in a widely unexpected victory.

“A lot of women got up the second day with the same idea” for a march on Washington, and they coordinated on social media, she said.

“We need to be working together in a coherent, supportive way over the next four years, to activate more women into leadership positions, to be more politically active,” Bland said. “We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

The march is being organized state by state, said Fontaine Pearson, 54, a coordinator in Memphis, Tennessee.

“We have a huge groundswell of women,” she said. “This is growing faster than anyone expected.”

The march is planned for Jan. 21, 2017, the day after Trump is to be sworn into office, at Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial was the site of the famed civil rights march in 1963, when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

Well, at least that's something to look forward to.

Keep going snowflake.
Hundreds of thousands who did nothing to help the candidate they wanted.

But when the election was finally held, the decision was made, and they found out they weren't getting what they wanted, only then did they get off their butts and start marching and "protesting", proclaiming that they were unhappy. And demanding someone do something about it.


Their "protests" are as worthless as they are.

The people in the protest are also worthless.

Let's see what President Trump is going to do to harm women.

He's going to close down the border to increase salaries and keep American jobs for American women.

He's going to deport criminal immigrants to help keep American women safer on the street and in home.

He's going to put a stop to sanctuary cities so illegals are not roaming the streets at night where our American women and children are walking.

He wants to end violence in cities like Chicago so our women who live there are safer.

Hillary was going to do the exact opposite. So do these skanks even know WTF they are protesting????
Hundreds of thousands who did nothing to help the candidate they wanted.

But when the election was finally held, the decision was made, and they found out they weren't getting what they wanted, only then did they get off their butts and start marching and "protesting", proclaiming that they were unhappy. And demanding someone do something about it.


Their "protests" are as worthless as they are.

The people in the protest are also worthless.

Let's see what President Trump is going to do to harm women.

He's going to close down the border to increase salaries and keep American jobs for American women.

He's going to deport criminal immigrants to help keep American women safer on the street and in home.

He's going to put a stop to sanctuary cities so illegals are not roaming the streets at night where our American women and children are walking.

He wants to end violence in cities like Chicago so our women who live there are safer.

Hillary was going to do the exact opposite. So do these skanks even know WTF they are protesting????

Trump has already harmed many women. It is well documented in his own words.
My wife dragged me to it today with my 3 daughters. My son was spared and went to his friends.

The amount of American flags was amazing. The god bless America and the love for America was amazing!

Lol not a chance. I didn't see ONE American flag, but I saw a bunch of Mexican and Rainbow flags. It was a March for women, but BLM, SEIU, MUSLIMS and ACLU dominated the speech.

The worst was the Muslims. She cried about how bad she is treated in America. She said the constant intolerance needs to stop. A good damn Sharia loving Muslim is talking about intolerance.

This is why they lost and this is why they will falter further.

God Bless America and God Bless Donald J Trump

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My wife dragged me to it today with my 3 daughters. My son was spared and went to his friends.

The amount of American flags was amazing. The god bless America and the love for America was amazing!

Lol not a chance. I didn't see ONE American flag, but I saw a bunch of Mexican and Rainbow flags. It was a March for women, but BLM, SEIU, MUSLIMS and ACLU dominated the speech.

The worst was the Muslims. She cried about how bad she is treated in America. She said the constant intolerance needs to stop. A good damn Sharia loving Muslim is talking about intolerance.

This is why they lost and this is why they will falter further.

God Bless America and God Bless Donald J Trump

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I see a divorce in your future...

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