Millennials didn't kill the economy. The economy killed millennials.

How after 8 years of Obama's roaring economic recovery, are millennials still doing so bad?

  • Obama economic policies were the end all, and i mean the end of all hope for millenials.

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Obama was just a stooge and allowed the liberal insane people to ruin the lives of millenials

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dont know why millennials are all messed up, maybe it is the drugs Obama allowed across the border

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Opinion: Millennials didn't kill the economy. The economy killed millennials.
When researchers compared the spending habits of millennials with those of young people from past years, such as the Baby Boomers and Gen Xers, they concluded that “millennials do not appear to have preferences for consumption that differ significantly from those of earlier generations.” They also found that “millennials are less well off than members of earlier generations when they were young, with lower earnings, fewer assets, and less wealth.”
Wait a minute. Didnt those millennials go through 8 years of Obama's roaring economic recovery<SARCASM> that President Trump inherited? Shouldn't those millennials be raking in the dough, since Obamacare was saving them $2,500 a year? How about those cash for clunkers cars, that was to get everyone into a vehicle, even if they couldn't afford one? Quantitative Easing, where free money was available, didnt those millennials scoop up all the free cash? How after 8 years of Obama could the economy kill millennials? Is that violent rhetoric in the PC world?

I think it is that liberals hate young people, as a matter of fact they hate all people. Kill off the CO2 producers, that is what the left wants to do.

Millennials are unique in the sense that it is now first time in history, that a national file of numbers can be tagged on you from the day of your birth, then from that pre calculate everything down to your last penny for your entire future.

No shelter either under bank secrecy because that got traded for centralized national automatic underwriting.

Millennials are the first generation of the world to whom it is not God, but the government that giveth and taketh away.

The first tagged and pre sorted generation, if you will. The first generation with zero freedom.

We were born it this creation of yours, very far from God's creation. That is why the economy of millennials is anything but what was ever before.

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