Military plans mass murder of Americans

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

Published on Aug 18, 2014

Special Report: Alex Jones reveals the US military's plans to subdue and kill Americans in civil disobedience protests.He reveals
the documentation that proves how the protests in Ferguson MI, are just the start of martial law tactics in America.

Alex Jones should probably be an inmate in a small padded room but what do you all think of this? Note that one of the comments says this is what was going on in Germany except its blacks.
The biggest irritation I have with Jones is that he occasionally has legitimate topics on his site/show. Because of idiotic shit like you posted above, the legitimate topics are discredited.

At times I suspect Jones is a leftist shill with the task of discrediting legitimate criticism of the government.
I do not believe our own military has plans to mass murder the American people, Luddly. I believe Putin has a plan to mass murder Americans by launching a nuclear strike / ground invasion against USA with his communist allies - in the future. I do understand that some people believe Putin is a paragon of virtue - I do not agree with them at all. Russia is the one with plans to mass murder Americans, not our own military.
Google this topic and infowars, in previous years they have not only covered the exact same army training manual implying impending martial law, they've done just about every other variation of martial law right around the corner.

They have been wrong every time, but the suckers they sell fear to have very short memories and are willing to keep buying it all over again whenever a new event (like Ferguson) allows them to recycle the same shit and make a few more bucks off ad clicks.
Our only hope is that the US Military is smart enough to Disobey an Unlawful Order when they get it.

They took an Oath. I hope they keep it.

Alex Jones should probably be an inmate in a small padded room but what do you all think of this? Note that one of the comments says this is what was going on in Germany except its blacks.

Hows that big government working out for you?
Google this topic and infowars, in previous years they have not only covered the exact same army training manual implying impending martial law, they've done just about every other variation of martial law right around the corner.

They have been wrong every time, but the suckers they sell fear to have very short memories and are willing to keep buying it all over again whenever a new event (like Ferguson) allows them to recycle the same shit and make a few more bucks off ad clicks.

I do not know what Alex Jones is doing or not doing because I do not read his reports any more, SteadyMercury. I very rarely listen to the news reports either on tv although I did see one short clip a while back about the young man who was killed in Missouri and that is all. Since then I have watched nothing about it although I have seen people posting news stories about it on USMB. I feel it is a distraction and I choose not to be distracted. The American people could worry themselves about many things and none of it would do them a bit of good. It would be better not to dwell on such things. ( in my opinion )
I think that Jeremiah has the correct attitude concerning rumors .
Alex Jones is the Rachel Maddow of the right. Nothing he claims should be accepted without independent verification. Even then, one should remain skeptical.

Smirking and snarky are not a foundation of fact.

THIS is the military's priority target
Which protesters were killed in Ferguson? The only live fire shooting was being done by the protesters.
Yep, that enforcing the law under the Constitution was started by George Washington.

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