Military leaders warning that Trump is a danger to America


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.
Asking the military to line up unidentified against US citizens is a bad move for Trump and of course the military.
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.
Asking the military to line up unidentified against US citizens is a bad move for Trump and of course the military.
The national guard has always been used in riots....look it up...
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.

I'll take someone who hasn't been part of this shadow govt swamp. What they have wrought is beyond despicable in their endless wars and social engineering. No thanks.
Unlike Democrats, military officers and retired officers occasionally have an independent thought.

Difficult to believe, except when you agree with them.

What about the hundreds of thousands of military officers and retirees who AGREE pretty much with just about everything Trump does?

Where are they quoted?
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.

Your mind is broken . . . it is working in reverse. You see the burning of cities, murdering of bystanders and looting of people's American Dreams as progress toward a radical ideological goal you believe to be beneficial to the human race but which in truth is moving the human race closer to extinction. Your brain is so infected with postmodernist propaganda that you would condemn our President for using our brave military warriors to save American lives, protect American infrastructure and otherwise defend our civilization from pure chaos and death. You've got no right to call yourself American or even human while championing the end of the human race and siding with the end of our nation.
Elite former military leaders have issued unprecedented levels of criticism against President Trump’s response to the protests. Former Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement that the President doesn’t even try to unite the country and that the American people need to find a way forward without relying on his leadership. Retired Gen. John Allen criticized Trump’s photo op in front of a church during the protests, saying it was trying to use religion to gloss over an abuse of First amendment rights. Other senior military and political figures, including former Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen, have also spoken out against Trump’s rhetoric and threats of force against Americans.

Current Secretary of Defense Esper counters Trump on using troops for control of demonstrations.

TDS thread 1,664

Trump is saying what we are thinking.

We don't need overpaid fuck ups like these assclowns to tell us how this works.
Trump is attacked for taking a stand against burning churches.

That is not on Trump, but the Trump haters.
Oh bullshit. Trump is on campaign brain 24/7 and is so weak and cowering behind a military who won't go against their own.

Trump took a stand against burning churches and was attacked for it.

That really happened. That shows that the problem is not Trump, but you people.
Trump is attacked for taking a stand against burning churches.

That is not on Trump, but the Trump haters.
Oh bullshit. Trump is on campaign brain 24/7 and is so weak and cowering behind a military who won't go against their own.
This President has been fighting the system since being sworn in. All these years we have been wanting something done in D.C. Obama was just a souped up Prog globalist who screwed things up and could have had a much better recovery. He had the opportunity to be something different. He ended up being the face of tyranny. His behind the scenes minions unraveling the greatness of our nation and giftwrapping third world riots across the land. And the current rioters can not put two and two together and figure out they won't have much value when the United States is a nation of pure authoritarian rule.
Did Mattis ever stop to think of what it has been like for Trump and his supporters over the last 4 years....
I and many others are gobsmacked by how you and your fellow travelers have had such a hard time on that road to Orangedom. So we're pitching in and buying boxes and boxes of tissues to help you whiny bitches out dobbing your blinded eyes as you all march on into the twilight feeling sorry for your daft selves!!!!

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