CDZ Mike Tyson, the Living Modern Morality Tale


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Morality tales used to be quite common, but are now regarded as trite bullshit.

But they are not bullshit, they are true in a way that only valid archetypes can be.

Watch this video and tell me that Tyson was not destroyed by his arrogance and lack of morality when Don King took over.

Morality tales used to be quite common, but are now regarded as trite bullshit.

But they are not bullshit, they are true in a way that only valid archetypes can be.

Watch this video and tell me that Tyson was not destroyed by his arrogance and lack of morality when Don King took over.

This guy could've and SHOULD'VE been THE greatest heavyweight fighter all-time. He was the toughest and strongest fighter I've ever seen. It SEEMS like he's learned from his mistakes and is living a good and happy life now.
orality tales used to be quite common, but are now regarded as trite bullshit.

But they are not bullshit, they are true in a way that only valid archetypes can be.

Watch this video and tell me that Tyson was not destroyed by his arrogance and lack of morality when Don King took over.

Don King didn't make Tyson rape that girl. Don Kind didn't make him bite Evander Hollyfield's ear off.
Razor Ruddock had a great unconventional punch that only took one time to knock opponents out called 'the Smash'.

He hit Tyson with it repeatedly, and it only pissed him off, with Tyson eventually breaking Ruddocks jaw in the second fight, but Ruddock would not quit, never even told anyone about the pain. Ruddock was truly a great fighter with the misfortune of coming up during the Iron Mike era.

Tyson was an out of control train wreck long before Don King arrived on the scene. Everybody talks about, 'If only Cus hadn't died', 'if only he kept Rooney around', 'if only he kept Atlas around'. Tyson was a mindless thug, and was permitted to be so because of his potential. He has managed to turn his life around, and kudos to him for that, but man, he was a P.O.S. for about 30-40 years.
Tyson was an out of control train wreck long before Don King arrived on the scene. Everybody talks about, 'If only Cus hadn't died', 'if only he kept Rooney around', 'if only he kept Atlas around'. Tyson was a mindless thug, and was permitted to be so because of his potential. He has managed to turn his life around, and kudos to him for that, but man, he was a P.O.S. for about 30-40 years.
No, he was not ever a mindless thug.

His defense was one of the best ever, a combination of moving and blocking that kept him usually untouched, but when he did get hit, like with Razor Ruddock who repeatedly nailed him with his fabled 'Smash' punch, Tyson just shrugged it off. Tysons combinations were extremely fast, especially that right to the kidney with a very quick right upper cut to the head to follow. Almost all of his pun ches were parts of combinations that anticipated the opponents response.

You are just a hater, go back to your Cartoons, bubba.

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