Mig-29 takeoff on RIAT15 show

Good. That is what I expected from this thread. Try this from Su-35:

Also, I'd like to see more incredible video about war machines. Share it here.
There are two kids lost on the open water right now and I need to focus on praying for them at the moment. I'll post more videos later after they're found. Have a good day.
Good. That is what I expected from this thread. Try this from Su-35:

Also, I'd like to see more incredible video about war machines. Share it here.

The Russian Su-35 is not in the same category as the F-22 Raptor. No comparison. One F-22 Raptor costs upwards of $340 - 350 million dollars each. You could by 6 or seven Russian SU -35's for the same cost but then again........ you get what you pay for.

The Israelis wanted to buy our F-22's but the $340 million dollar plus price tag cost prohibitive so they opted for the F-35's. If the SU-35's were superior one would think they would have placed an order already. The IAF do their homework.

America s New Fighter F-22 Raptor Media General

F-22 Super Stealth, Super Fast, Super Costly

Media General News Service

LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. - The gold-tinted canopy closed and a wave of apprehension swept over Air Force pilot Wade Tolliver as he started the jet engines for his first flight in an F-22 Raptor.

"I was scared I'd scratch the jet," Tolliver said.

The lieutenant colonel, a veteran of more than 2,000 hours in jets, had reason to worry. A mistake could be very costly. The plane he sat in cost $339 million.

The Raptor is the Air Force's new super jet - super stealthy, supersonic and super expensive.

It is virtually invisible to radar, masked from infrared sensors, faster than a speeding bullet and better than anything else flying these days. Some think it will be better than anything flying for the next two decades, at least.
When the Russians come up with something better than our F-22 Raptor? Let us know.
Some comments from Americans on the Russian SU - 35 -

E says -

Russia is still in the dark ages when it comes to technology. Line of sight dog fights are a thing of the past...like the Su-47 the Su-35 at close range may have some what of a chance to stay in a fight..However the greater radar and missile capability of the F-22 will not allow that to happen. The F-22 will be there and would have fired and went to another spot before the Russians radar picks up the incoming missile, meanwhile with the new location the F-22 will fire another missile from another point again causing the Russian jet to have to navigate the ability to escape thinking it is being attacked by multiple planes while being blown out of the sky from the ONE F-22 it can not detect at that range. that has already fired multiple missiles that are shoot and forget that lock on a target and do not turn away from that locked target...that folks makes the difference............and when they perfect the F-35 it will be even superior........

R says:
......... history tells me that men are the great equalizers, I mean, look at the Korean war, the more advance MIG was annihilated by the less superior Sabres, why? because American pilots who are more experienced flew those Sabres. Right now, the Americans are now training their skills in Iraq and Syria, and the Russians, Simulating? big difference......
T says:

The Russians do have a great sense of humor, especially about their military libido. All you have to do is look at this plane's shape and you can see there's nothing stealthy about it. If this plane goes up against the our F-22 or F-35, that poor pilot won't know what hit him.

I'll never forget the first clash between the F-15 and the Mig-29. The Russians were saying the same thing about that plane. The Syrian pilots were very brave heading straight at the Israeli Ra'ams.

All of a sudden the Mig-29s exploded one after the other.

I wonder who Russia will pick to test this piece of crap. I think Putin won't do that this time, it's better to keep the mystique that look like a fool. I was in the Mediterranean Sea when the Russian fleet first arrived their. They were suppose to be there to intimidate us and the Israelis.

What you never hear on the news is all the things that happened during and after the Six Day War. In the first place, the Russians were really stupid at challenging the US Navy. At that time there was a change of command of the 6th Fleet. Every 6 months the task force is relieved. They only spend 6 months there at a time.

During the Six Day War there two US task forces. and that made us the most powerful Navy in the Med. The Russians were always playing games testing us. In every single case it was the Russians who backed off.
In closing, my own comment is that the Israeli's first choice as I understand it was to purchase our F-22 Raptors but as they were too pricey they ordered our F-35's. I do not believe they had any interest in the SU - 35 and as you can see by the comments above - there was a good reason for that. The Israelis do their homework. Have a good day, Igrok!
Another video about comparison between planes:

There is no comparison, Igrok. When the Russians come up with something comparable feel free to share it.

In the meantime, have you ever asked the LORD to come into your heart? Are you a Christian? I had the feeling you were in the military - you know it is no secret to some of us Christians here in America that the Russians are planning to do a nuclear strike against our nuclear warehouses.

We also know that they are planning a ground invasion afterwards with the assistance of some other communist nations - Cuba, Nicaraugua, China.. the tipping point is when China invades Taiwan. Russia has promised China that when the USA responds to that invasion she will strike us. If you are in the Russian Military you already know that though. Right?

If you die without receiving the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior you will be in hell for all eternity. You need to see to the salvation of your soul before you do anything else.
? Do you not read the news? China is even now closing in on Taiwan - what do you think the dispute over the South China Sea is all about, MG? China creating their own islands out there and setting up military bases? OPEN YOUR EYES.

Let's give Igrok an opportunity to respond. I'd be interested to hear what he has to say about it.
WTF? What China has to do with this video above? And Russia too. This is just a video of military planes...

To say about China I don't even know about their plans to capture Taiwan or other territory and Russia since 1991 is not a "communist nation". Also never heard about Russia is going to strike USA, especially in some Asian conflicts, russian government is much more worried about american missiles in Poland and american soldiers and weapon in Ukraine, on Russian borders. This situation may cause a war like similar situation with soviet missiles on Cuba.

Some words about faith. 85% of russian people are orthodox christians. That means christians with beliefs which have never changed during the 2000 years after the Christ. So, if someone needs to be teached in christianity, that is not russian people.
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WTF? What China has to do with this video above? And Russia too. This is just a video of military planes...

To say about China I don't even know about their plans to capture Taiwan or other territory and Russia since 1991 is not a "communist nation". Also never heard about Russia is going to strike USA, especially in some Asian conflicts, russian government is much more worried about american missiles in Poland and american soldiers and weapon in Ukraine, on Russian borders. This situation may cause a war like similar situation with soviet missiles on Cuba.

Some words about faith. 85% of russian people are orthodox christians. That means christians with beliefs which have never changed during the 2000 years after the Christ. So, if someone needs to be teached in christianity, that is not russian people.

Russia had plans to attack us long before she invaded the Ukraine, Igrok. Just because you do not know of it doesn't change the fact that it is the truth. There was a Russian Major KGB who defected back in 60's and told of the plans they had to defeat the USA - those plans were never taken off the table. Again - that you do not know if it wouldn't mean it isn't true. They may use the situation in Ukraine as an explanation to the world later on. Perhaps that is why even you believe the possibility is there.

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