Middle-aged virgins


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2014
"A government survey released this week suggested that nearly 40 percent of Japanese in their twenties and thirties are not in a relationship don't think they need a romantic partner, with many calling relationships "bothersome."

Another survey from 2010 found that one in four Japanese men in their thirties who've never been married are virgins. The figures were only slightly less for women."

Apathy to sex

This sexual apathy is extremely troubling for Japan, which has the world's most rapidly aging population, sparking concerns that citizens will not produce enough children to sustain a healthy economy in the coming years."

Middle-aged virgins Why so many Japanese stay chaste - CNN.com

I feel the same way, but I am in such demand I do not want to disappoint. The most glaring aspect is that people think a relationship is bothersome.

Do you find relationships to be bothersome?
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I'm not sure what to think of this.

The Japanese may be more socially-conservative than other societies.

Is there an updated statistic on STDs and out-of-wedlock pregnancies for Japanese people in those age ranges?

If they are waiting with sex until marriage, I don't see anything wrong with it. I do the same, and am a caucasian American.
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I'm not sure what to think of this.

The Japanese may be more socially-conservative than other societies.

Is there an updated statistic on STDs and out-of-wedlock pregnancies for Japanese people in those age ranges?

If they are waiting with sex until marriage, I don't see anything wrong with it. I do the same, and am a caucasian American.
Waiting does not bother me the fact they claim relationships are bothersome is striking to me.
The Japanese may be more socially-conservative than other societies.

Is there an updated statistic on STDs and out-of-wedlock pregnancies for Japanese people in those age ranges?

If they are waiting with sex until marriage, I don't see anything wrong with it. I do the same, and am a caucasian American.
Biologically speaking, I do not think that that's healthy for a 30 year-old person to stay a virgin for so long, I have nothing against guys or girls wanting to save their virginity for someone they are probably going to spend the rest of their lives with. But, come on, guys, doesn't it seem a little bit over the top to miss out on sex until you find your soulmate? When you are in you teens you are already bewitched by the opposite sex and there's of course nothing wrong with it, it's perfectly natural for any healthy human being to be physically attracted to a gorgeous girl or man. No need to go against nature and deliberately suppress your sexual desires and this irresistible urge to have a more intimate relationship with the opposite sex when you are in your 20s. Besides, women had better get pregnant in their 20's because a woman's best reproductive years are in her 20's, the longer she waits the higher chances of having an unhealthy baby are.
The world has 7 billion people. Projections are for more and more. We seem to think reducing the number of children being born is a bad thing. Why?


estimates, the green line is the lowest estimate, not going to happen, red is the highest estimate, more likely. The yellow might be as a result of all countries going to war.

China in 1990 had a population of 1.141 billion people. India had 849 million.
China in 2008 had a population of 1.333 billion people, India had 1.140 billion.

You can see where India's going. China added .2 billion, India added .26 with a smaller population.

The only ways to stop this is to reduce population by having fewer births OR with war. The US govt is trying it's hardest with this one, the Chinese govt will, in my view, start warring in a decade or two to help.
The world has 7 billion people. Projections are for more and more. We seem to think reducing the number of children being born is a bad thing. Why?[

China, India have a high birth rate and their overall population isn't getting older while Japan has the world's most rapidly aging population. Also you have to take into consideration that on the whole women in developed countries are more literate and independent and usually have no more than 1-2 kids. As for the growth of the world's population, it's been scientifically proven that if we learn to efficiently harness just a tiny fraction of our sun's energy output and mine asteroids Earth can sustain the population of at least 80 billion people FOR AN IDEFINITE PERIOD OF TIME. So do not be so grim about this:) - technology and science are evolving at a feverish pace and what today seems an unsolvable problem tomorrow will be solved in a sec.
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The world has 7 billion people. Projections are for more and more. We seem to think reducing the number of children being born is a bad thing. Why?[

China, India have a high birth rate and their overall population isn't getting older while Japan has the world's most rapidly aging population. Also you have to take into consideration that on the whole women in developed countries are more literate and independent and usually have no more than 1-2 kids. As for the growth of the world's population, it's been scientifically proven that if we learn to efficiently harness just a tiny fraction of our sun's energy output and mine asteroids Earth can sustain the population of at least 80 billion people FOR AN IDEFINITE PERIOD OF TIME. So do not be so grim about this:) - technology and science are evolving at a feverish pace and what today seems an unsolvable problem tomorrow will be solved in a sec.

I know all this stuff.

Here's the problem.

If we're developing life saving medical treatment and able to get it to most of the world's population, China will be rich enough in 20 years time or so to have a large percentage of that population buying decent medical care, and having enough food and all that is needed to live a long time, then we're going to have to cope with an aging population.

We can't carry on with the attitude we have now that an aging population means we need more kids. That just increases population growth, and it will get to ridiculous levels. We're going to have to deal with the reality that people are going to have to work longer in life, rather than worry about increasing the population to unsustainable levels.

This is the thing with immigration, it's good for having a youthful population. The one problem is that it's also not sustainable. The UK, Holland and other tightly packed European countries which have let immigrants in to work, have made the BIG mistake of allowing these people to stay. Which causes the same problems as having more children.

If you want immigration you simply say, you can come in, you have to leave after 5 years. You're not staying, you will not be allowed to stay, all your assets will be frozen if you try and stay, your visa will never be renewed, bye bye. Then let other immigrants come in and replace them, younger immigrants who will then get their 5 years or so.

There's not much way around it.
The world has 7 billion people. Projections are for more and more. We seem to think reducing the number of children being born is a bad thing. Why?[

China, India have a high birth rate and their overall population isn't getting older while Japan has the world's most rapidly aging population. Also you have to take into consideration that on the whole women in developed countries are more literate and independent and usually have no more than 1-2 kids. As for the growth of the world's population, it's been scientifically proven that if we learn to efficiently harness just a tiny fraction of our sun's energy output and mine asteroids Earth can sustain the population of at least 80 billion people FOR AN IDEFINITE PERIOD OF TIME. So do not be so grim about this:) - technology and science are evolving at a feverish pace and what today seems an unsolvable problem tomorrow will be solved in a sec.

I know all this stuff.

Here's the problem.

If we're developing life saving medical treatment and able to get it to most of the world's population, China will be rich enough in 20 years time or so to have a large percentage of that population buying decent medical care, and having enough food and all that is needed to live a long time, then we're going to have to cope with an aging population.

We can't carry on with the attitude we have now that an aging population means we need more kids. That just increases population growth, and it will get to ridiculous levels. We're going to have to deal with the reality that people are going to have to work longer in life, rather than worry about increasing the population to unsustainable levels.

This is the thing with immigration, it's good for having a youthful population. The one problem is that it's also not sustainable. The UK, Holland and other tightly packed European countries which have let immigrants in to work, have made the BIG mistake of allowing these people to stay. Which causes the same problems as having more children.

If you want immigration you simply say, you can come in, you have to leave after 5 years. You're not staying, you will not be allowed to stay, all your assets will be frozen if you try and stay, your visa will never be renewed, bye bye. Then let other immigrants come in and replace them, younger immigrants who will then get their 5 years or so.

There's not much way around it.
"A government survey released this week suggested that nearly 40 percent of Japanese in their twenties and thirties are not in a relationship don't think they need a romantic partner, with many calling relationships "bothersome."

Another survey from 2010 found that one in four Japanese men in their thirties who've never been married are virgins. The figures were only slightly less for women."

Apathy to sex

This sexual apathy is extremely troubling for Japan, which has the world's most rapidly aging population, sparking concerns that citizens will not produce enough children to sustain a healthy economy in the coming years."

Middle-aged virgins Why so many Japanese stay chaste - CNN.com

I feel the same way, but I am in such demand I do not want to disappoint. The most glaring aspect is that people think a relationship is bothersome.

Do you find relationships to be bothersome?

I absolutely do. When you masturbate and climax/orgasm and then ask yourself if that cutie outside is someone you still wanna go talk to, you often realize any interest in doing so evaporated when you came. So if the major impetus to talk/flirt and start things up with people is just sexual desire, and you can satisfy that desire yourself, there's precious little reason left to get involved with someone.

Asexuality seems to define me the more I read about it. As opposed to those who stay celibate due to religious or other reasons and 'suffer' because of it, an asexual person doesn't suffer for their lack of interest in sex with others. I've had lots of sex, so all the mystery for me is gone leaving only the pleasures and sensations. But I'd much rather satisfy those desires in a half n hour than have to seek it from another. I've always felt that was a sign of major weakness in a person where their sexual fulfillment is in the hands of another (so to speak.)
He doesn't even get off from sex, he likes the suprised look of horror on a child's face when he stabs or strangles them to death. That's what makes him orgasm.
I think this has to do with seeing their parents work like slaves to provide for a family and they just don't want to live like that.
I think this has to do with seeing their parents work like slaves to provide for a family and they just don't want to live like that.
That is a good observation, society has soured people from relationships and procreating.
right IF we learn to harness the sun. what a laugh. do you have a CLUE what it would take just to REACH the asteroid belt, much less find anything worth having, much less get it back to earth.? NOTHING could make that a worthwhile attempt.
right IF we learn to harness the sun. what a laugh. do you have a CLUE what it would take just to REACH the asteroid belt, much less find anything worth having, much less get it back to earth.? NOTHING could make that a worthwhile attempt.
I once reached a chastity belt and ask myself the same questions.
The world has 7 billion people. Projections are for more and more. We seem to think reducing the number of children being born is a bad thing. Why?[

China, India have a high birth rate and their overall population isn't getting older while Japan has the world's most rapidly aging population. Also you have to take into consideration that on the whole women in developed countries are more literate and independent and usually have no more than 1-2 kids. As for the growth of the world's population, it's been scientifically proven that if we learn to efficiently harness just a tiny fraction of our sun's energy output and mine asteroids Earth can sustain the population of at least 80 billion people FOR AN IDEFINITE PERIOD OF TIME. So do not be so grim about this:) - technology and science are evolving at a feverish pace and what today seems an unsolvable problem tomorrow will be solved in a sec.

Been celibate since 87. If a hot 19 year old came up to me and said do me daddy, well .... Problem is I'm 51, old hags turn me off.

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