Micro$oft readying subscription based OS and 365 bundle...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
As usual M$ lacking way behind other major players, is finally rolling out a subscription based OS/software platform.
IMHO - you would have to be an idiot. Who in their right mind wants an "all - Microsoft" platform and software suite.
Also IMO - this is the beginning of the end of free Windows 10, regardless that the author doesn't think so.

Microsoft is readying a consumer Microsoft 365 subscription bundle | ZDNet
No thanks. I'm still good with Windows 7.
I figure at some point they will crash our 7's given half the chance.
No more updates will do the trick.
Yeah we are pretty careful with this one after that automatic update bullshit wiped out the laptop. I have a ten computer but don't use it generally online.
My mudder board went out on my PC with 7, and I just haven't gotten around to replacing it. I run 8 on the gaming PC and it's okay..I still want XP back.
No thanks. I'm still good with Windows 7.
I figure at some point they will crash our 7's given half the chance.
No more updates will do the trick.
Yeah we are pretty careful with this one after that automatic update bullshit wiped out the laptop. I have a ten computer but don't use it generally online.
My mudder board went out on my PC and I just haven't gotten around to replacing it. I run 8 and it's okay..I still want XP back.

Aye, that has been M$'s problem from day one.
1) Roll out new version before it is ready, and use the user base as beta so we can fix stuff.
2) Spend next 2-3 years fixing bugs and providing patches...
3)...3-4 years after initial rollout, OS is finally solid with excellent uptime.
4) Immediately Repeat Step 1

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