Michigan businesses in uproar after city decriminalizes public urination, defecation

I'm a democrat and want to see more than just the prison population reduced, I want complete prison reform with heavy emphasis on rehab and far less on punishment, but this has nothing at all to do with my proving the lie, in fact this goes out of its way to avoid my post...you'll have find another avenue to avoid both posts now.

Rehab is a fine idea. But unless you've worked in a prison you have no idea what those people are like in there. The types of people that go into prisons on the whole will never be full functioning members of society. Even the first timers and young people.

From my experience 10 to maybe 15% could be rehabilitated.

Out of the army I worked in a county jail housing inmates up to 5 years max, those people were bad enough. I worked in the intake and I was a transport officer taking inmates to the hospital and staying with them, and I took them down to the big boys fish tank prison down state. The guys in there are far worse than jail inmates.

Unless you're around those people, up close and personal you'll never know what they are like. It's not even like it is on TV. Most of them can't be rehabbed because they aren't capable of it, it's that way because they have been that way since they were children that's why they are criminals as adults because they never were able to confirm to society.

If you want to get rid of crime you have to go after the source, not trying to fix them after they become criminals. You have to majorly crack down on crime, you have to force people to be responsible, you have to stop tolerating ghettos, you have to push American morals on kids, you need to train them to be a part of American society, you have to stop letting people sit and fester to make them stand up or get out.

Today we foster crime and criminals and it needs to stop. American society needs an enema. Crime wasn't so bad 40 years ago, the prison system didn't change, our basic laws didn't change, so what did change is the answer. We went from a predominantly white society of American loving people to a mixed bag of degenerates that hate america. We went from tough politicians to pussies. We went from rules and regulations to "sure, take a shit in the street".
I'm a democrat and want to see more than just the prison population reduced, I want complete prison reform with heavy emphasis on rehab and far less on punishment, but this has nothing at all to do with my proving the lie, in fact this goes out of its way to avoid my post...you'll have find another avenue to avoid both posts now.
If history has proven one thing, it’s that you can’t rehabilitate criminals. Jails and prisons exist to punish criminals and segregate those who refuse to follow civilizations rules from those who do.
You’re an idiot. How many of us men have pissed off a boat? Behind a tree at a golf course? In the woods walking your dog? In an alley at night? You think that should be a crime?

Hell, I’ve seen women drop trow behind a bush or in a parking lot. You think they’re criminals?

And in Michigan, they put guys who get caught on a sex offenders list?

Republicans want a police state. More prisons. More criminals. Fucked up justice system. It’s a racket. Reagan lost the war on drugs. Give it up.

And if it’s their white sons, they’re white lawyers get corrup judges to treat them differently.

Sorry but you cant compare someone who took a leak behind a tree on the golf course to allowing people to shit and piss wherever they want to.
The guy at the golf course has a shitter at home to use so you can bet he wont be shitting on the sidewalk in front of his home.
Rehab is a fine idea. But unless you've worked in a prison you have no idea what those people are like in there. The types of people that go into prisons on the whole will never be full functioning members of society. Even the first timers and young people.

From my experience 10 to maybe 15% could be rehabilitated.

Out of the army I worked in a county jail housing inmates up to 5 years max, those people were bad enough. I worked in the intake and I was a transport officer taking inmates to the hospital and staying with them, and I took them down to the big boys fish tank prison down state. The guys in there are far worse than jail inmates.

Unless you're around those people, up close and personal you'll never know what they are like. It's not even like it is on TV. Most of them can't be rehabbed because they aren't capable of it, it's that way because they have been that way since they were children that's why they are criminals as adults because they never were able to confirm to society.

If you want to get rid of crime you have to go after the source, not trying to fix them after they become criminals. You have to majorly crack down on crime, you have to force people to be responsible, you have to stop tolerating ghettos, you have to push American morals on kids, you need to train them to be a part of American society, you have to stop letting people sit and fester to make them stand up or get out.

Today we foster crime and criminals and it needs to stop. American society needs an enema. Crime wasn't so bad 40 years ago, the prison system didn't change, our basic laws didn't change, so what did change is the answer. We went from a predominantly white society of American loving people to a mixed bag of degenerates that hate america. We went from tough politicians to pussies. We went from rules and regulations to "sure, take a shit in the street".
No doubt you have a better perspective on and of the situation as well as some skin in the game...but I feel we do not need a system that rehabs 100% of inmates, just one that tries and does help those it is capable of helping...there is nothing wrong with trying to rehab and failing...
...as far as fostering criminals I can assure you that is not my desire or intent, I know that coddling them is as bad as brutalizing them, but what we do with or to them once we have dealt with them in the courts is what concerns me...
...as a country our problem is white liberals, just look at where they came down on this matter, you knew before they posted what they wanted [laws that continue and perpetuate the problem], start a thread about how handing out hypodermic needles is a bad idea and all the left wing solutions will be designed around perpetuating the drug usage...
...nothing we do will work if we do not go after white liberals first.
If history has proven one thing, it’s that you can’t rehabilitate criminals. Jails and prisons exist to punish criminals and segregate those who refuse to follow civilizations rules from those who do.
The brutality that currently exists within the system is the real problem for me, but yeah I can see your point, that post of yours was gospel to me at one time, but the results just haven't lived up to my expectations...time for me to be right or wrong in another direction
After the citizens shared their concerns, the city commission voted to decriminalize the offenses at their business meeting on Monday, July 18. The change reduces the offenses from a misdemeanor to a civil infraction, as part of a larger review of city codes.

“The approach of criminalizing these activities has also not done anything about it,” Anderson said.
LOL. A civil infraction? Doesn't that mean fines? How much are the fines going to be and how much will the homeless actually being paying in fines? We just had an attempt on the life of a gubernatorial candidate in New York and he was set free with zero bail so I'm curious how these people are going to pay for shitting up their city. Maybe they should be given community service, cleaning messes like this up.
Perfect solution. Lock all criminals up forever. Then they’ll never do it again.

Kill them. That will save us money and get others to not steal rob or burglarize
I prefer 3rd world slavery compounds. Do it natural for the green agendas.
If you have ever been to a federal park you have to be aware of the "Rangers" who have been delegated to be the freaking ultimate law. You can get a federal ticket for illegal parking, picking up a freaking arrowhead or a thousand made up regulations designed to keep law abiding Americans in line. I admit I have a problem with pompous self righteous federal Rangers but walk into a stat park on the left coast and see drug addicts in permanent shelters. My point is that you get a ticket for dropping a piece of trash on federal property but the states make outside defecation and urination legal. WTF?
You show me a man doing time or on a sex list because he peed behind a tree, I will join you in demanding justice for him.

You show me a man shitting in the streets, I want him in jail or a madhouse. ANd if in a mad house, not left out, until he is sane enough to not shit in the streets.
I remember when I went to college at Eastern Michigan University, we were warned about peeing in alleys in downtown ann arbor. The cops were dicks and would arrest you and you'd be put on the sex offenders list.

Here is what I found with a quick google search

Besides acts like assaulting or molesting a child, a sex offense can also include crimes like exposing oneself to a child. So if you urinate in public, and there are children around, you could potentially get charged with a sex offense in some states.

So it depends on the judge now doesn't it? And the DA. And the dick head cops. In their minds, if they caught you peeing, so could a child.

Pretty harsh huh?

Under certain circumstances, something as seemingly harmless as urinating in public or having consensual sex in a car could land you on the sex offender registry. Regardless of the crime committed, registered sex offenders all face the same social stigmas, challenges, and restrictions.

Here in Michigan, urinating in public can be classified as an indecent or obscene conduct crime. There are actually a few charges you can incur if you are caught with the disorderly conduct of urinating in public, with the most serious of them being indecent exposure.
I prefer 3rd world slavery compounds. Do it natural for the green agendas.
I was listening to a liberal radio show defending early release. I agree with a lot of what they had to say. But then I also agree with you on a lot of the scum we let out early who should never be let out. It's not easy.

And then I watched the First 48 the other day. 5 guys jumped this guy who was selling people's identities or stolen credit cards. Something like that. First, I think these types of criminals should be executed too. So I'm not feeling sorry for this guy but here's the scenario. 5 guys who he was doing business with tried to jump him. He got away. They ran to their car he ran to his. He got out his legally owned high powered gun and shot once into the car. One bullet killed 2 people.

Now should he go to prison for life? He certainly wasn't using his gun in self defense. They were leaving. Had he shot them when they were beating him he'd have a better argument. But still, he wrongfully murdered 2 people. But it was on accident. I won't go on and on. Point is, this guy should not get the death penalty or go to jail for life, even though he murdered 2 people while in the act of committing a crime. He's 21.

They gave him 17 years. He took the deal.

And keep in mind a jury might not find him guilty of Murder 1 based on the circumstances. So if you were a prosecutor, they might walk because you INSIST on charging them with Capitol 1 Murder in the 1st of 2 people. You'd try to THROW the BOOK at him but guess what dummy? A jury has a say in this. You assume too much. And you are too harsh. You'd be a horrible juror. Like one of those guys in 12 angry men. LOL
Another city about to be relegated to the shithole category because of liberal policies.

It's really should be hard to believe, but it isn't.

I bet those businesses owners and their customers are idiots that voted for Democrats.

Vote for a Democrat. What could possibly go wrong? People can now legally literally shit all over you.
I bet those businesses owners and their customers are idiots that voted for Democrats.

Vote for a Democrat. What could possibly go wrong? People can now legally literally shit all over you.
Coming from a person who downplayed it when Trump insurrectionists spread feces all over the capitol building

We should test the DNA and track down the scum. What should we do to them when we find them?
Coming from a person who downplayed it when Trump insurrectionists spread feces all over the capitol building

We should test the DNA and track down the scum. What should we do to them when we find them?

You can always depend on a stupid confused Moon Bat like you to justify something as bat shit crazy as the Democrats allowing people to shit in the streets.
You can always depend on a stupid confused Moon Bat like you to justify something as bat shit crazy as the Democrats allowing people to shit in the streets.
Isn't that your goal? Make this a political issue? We get it. You guys are tough on crime. Ya ya. We know. LOL
I remember when I went to college at Eastern Michigan University, we were warned about peeing in alleys in downtown ann arbor. The cops were dicks and would arrest you and you'd be put on the sex offenders list.

Here is what I found with a quick google search

Besides acts like assaulting or molesting a child, a sex offense can also include crimes like exposing oneself to a child. So if you urinate in public, and there are children around, you could potentially get charged with a sex offense in some states.

So it depends on the judge now doesn't it? And the DA. And the dick head cops. In their minds, if they caught you peeing, so could a child.

Pretty harsh huh?

Under certain circumstances, something as seemingly harmless as urinating in public or having consensual sex in a car could land you on the sex offender registry. Regardless of the crime committed, registered sex offenders all face the same social stigmas, challenges, and restrictions.

Here in Michigan, urinating in public can be classified as an indecent or obscene conduct crime. There are actually a few charges you can incur if you are caught with the disorderly conduct of urinating in public, with the most serious of them being indecent exposure.

A society that can't distinguish between peeing behind a tree, and exposing oneself to children, is a very sick society.

I agree with you on that, and that the cops and everyone involved in that, are "dicks" and actually imo, worse than that. They are tyrants.

It is the same sickness that makes that society unable to distinguish between peeing behind a tree and shitting in the streets.

It is the same sickness that makes you think you have to have both or neither.
A society that can't distinguish between peeing behind a tree, and exposing oneself to children, is a very sick society.

I agree with you on that, and that the cops and everyone involved in that, are "dicks" and actually imo, worse than that. They are tyrants.

It is the same sickness that makes that society unable to distinguish between peeing behind a tree and shitting in the streets.

It is the same sickness that makes you think you have to have both or neither.
Or a society that wants to make a rape victim have the baby.
I also think you should be free to use doctor assisted suicide. But I'm sure that's a states issue.

Physician-assisted suicide, or "medical aid in dying" is legal in eleven jurisdictions:California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Montana, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.

It should be in MI.

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