Michelle’s Last Four Years - Lest We Forget


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Author- News on the Net (Bio and Archives) Sunday, November 4, 2012

The last Aspen vacation info is interesting. To give you an Idea how hard people had to work to get all this information here is just one example:

Judicial Watch elaborates:

The total cost for the Aspen ski vacation was at least $83,182.99.
The bill for the U.S. Secret Service, including accommodations at the Fasching Haus deluxe condominium and the Inn at Aspen, was $48,950.38.
The cost for the flight, per official DOD published hourly rates, was $22,583.70. Food and miscellaneous on-flight items cost $235.44. The cost for rental cars totaled $6,442.23.

Key details, including flight records for the Secret Service detail and the names of individuals who accompanied Mrs. Obama on the vacation, were redacted from the documents with the exception of two staffers. One was Meredith Koop, her personal assistant and style advisor, the other was her scheduler Kristen Jarvis.

“No wonder we had to file a lawsuit in federal court and wait six months to get basic information on Michelle Obama’s luxury Aspen vacation,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

“The costs of the Obama family ski weekend are staggering. These high-priced luxury vacations, and the lack of transparency about them, are beginning to seem like an abuse of office.”

And more @ Michelle’s Last Four Years - Lest We Forget

And you really want four more years of this?:mad::mad:
There's a congressional investigation just beginning on the vacations and the parties. They should pay every dime back.
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Surely, when republican presidents travel it doesn't cost anything.

I haven't done a Google Search, but I know of NO OTHER president or first lady who have taken the expensive "vacations" of the Obama's. Most return to their homes or vacation places. They don't take along extensive entourages at government expense.

And yes, I include Billary and every single other previous president.

There's a congressional investigation just beginning on the vacations and the parties. They should pay every dime back.
Where's Tony Rezko when ya need him?

Oh, wait. He's still in prison from his last set of frauds and bribery convictions.

Yep. I guess they will have to pay up.

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