Michelle Fibs About Obama's Relationship With Congress On Letterman


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

David Letterman asked Michelle Obama if the President ever comes home and says; ""Has your husband ever come home and said to you, 'Oh, that John Boehner, what an idiot?'”

She responds with a lie; “It has never happened. Never, never. He is always upbeat, particularly about Congress.”

Even David Letterman giggled about that silly statement. Then he sarcastically said; "How can you not be up-beat?"

I wonder if she's trying to be gracious by telling a little white lie or just dishonest.

This is the guy (Obama) that made a do-nothing congress the center of his campaign. He used this to grab power and force through policies and executive orders that cut congress out of the loop.

Seems that Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are really pissed about this, especially since Obama has told them that he won't be sharing any money with Democrats during the election. Obama has told them he's not gonna work for them. One appearance each and that's it.

Letterman Asks Michelle Obama 'Has Your Husband' Ever Said To You 'John Boehner, What An Idiot?' | NewsBusters.org

I remember finding a story about how the Obama's met. Turns out she heard about him and watched one of his classes while he was at the Unv. of Chicago. What made her fall in love with Barack Obama was how he handled himself while teaching others how to steal elections.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7EKPduKxLU&feature=relmfu]NewsBusted 3/13/12 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX4g4YRQ1JQ&feature=player_embedded]NewsBusted 3/16/12 - YouTube[/ame]
yeah, Fox News' morning show tried to attack the First Lady about this today as well. (and of course Hannity did the same last night, but that's just another night in the bizarro world of Hannityland.)

Nice work.
yeah, Fox News' morning show tried to attack the First Lady about this today as well. (and of course Hannity did the same last night, but that's just another night in the bizarro world of Hannityland.)

Nice work.

She shouldn't have been there in the first place after all of the Flucke/Rush "War on Women" BS.

It makes her look like a hypocrite.

Her answer just illustrates the fact that she's the one living in bizzaro world, not Hannity.

You're just too biased to admit it.

When the left lies or insults people it's just a joke.

If somebody jokes about how silly the left's stupid claims are it's always serious shit, racist, disrespectful, take your pick.
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yeah, Fox News' morning show tried to attack the First Lady about this today as well. (and of course Hannity did the same last night, but that's just another night in the bizarro world of Hannityland.)

Nice work.

She shouldn't have been there in the first place after all of the Flucke/Rush "War on Women" BS.

It makes her look like a hypocrite.
How so? Does this mean that no conservatives should go on Rush's show any more?
yeah, Fox News' morning show tried to attack the First Lady about this today as well. (and of course Hannity did the same last night, but that's just another night in the bizarro world of Hannityland.)

Nice work.

She shouldn't have been there in the first place after all of the Flucke/Rush "War on Women" BS.

It makes her look like a hypocrite.
How so? Does this mean that no conservatives should go on Rush's show any more?
I think it helps in a debate if you know what you're talking about. I guess you don't listen to Rush.

I can't remember him having guests of any kind.
He takes calls but most of his show is just Rush talking.
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She shouldn't have been there in the first place after all of the Flucke/Rush "War on Women" BS.

It makes her look like a hypocrite.
How so? Does this mean that no conservatives should go on Rush's show any more?
I think it helps in a debate if you know what you're talking about. I guess you don't listen to Rush.

I can't remember him having guests of any kind.
He takes calls but most of his show is just Rush talking.
You're joking, right? Right?

You can't remember any Republicans going on the Rush Limbaugh show? Guests on his show to discuss, for example, their campaigns and their opponents?

Perhaps you don't listen.
Still, I think she was trying to be serious.

Letterman found it difficult to be in the face of such an obvious fib.

That must be why the right is so bad at foreign affairs these days. They don't know the difference between diplomacy and a lie. To them it's all the same, leaving the rest of the world shaking its head.
How so? Does this mean that no conservatives should go on Rush's show any more?
I think it helps in a debate if you know what you're talking about. I guess you don't listen to Rush.

I can't remember him having guests of any kind.
He takes calls but most of his show is just Rush talking.
You're joking, right? Right?

You can't remember any Republicans going on the Rush Limbaugh show? Guests on his show to discuss, for example, their campaigns and their opponents?

Perhaps you don't listen.
Oh I listen. He made a point of mentioning it around the debates. If one calls in it's not scheduled. Sorry to ruin your point for you.

I think you're confusing him with Beck or Hannity.
Did she kill a guy?

Cause Laura Bush killed a guy.

Yeah...that Laura Bush was SUCH a bad person!!! She killed someone in an auto accident when she was a teenager and it's bothered her the rest of her life. Here's a clue, Decepticon...when you have to stoop to maligning the character of someone that we both know has conducted their life in about as upstanding a fashion as possible...that says something about YOU.

You know why I don't post nasty crap like this about Michelle Obama? Because I don't think she's "evil" simply because I don't agree with her husband's political agenda.
Still, I think she was trying to be serious.

Letterman found it difficult to be in the face of such an obvious fib.

That must be why the right is so bad at foreign affairs these days. They don't know the difference between diplomacy and a lie. To them it's all the same, leaving the rest of the world shaking its head.

Good diplomacy is being tactful but honest.

Nobody trusts a terrible liar.
I think it helps in a debate if you know what you're talking about. I guess you don't listen to Rush.

I can't remember him having guests of any kind.
He takes calls but most of his show is just Rush talking.
You're joking, right? Right?

You can't remember any Republicans going on the Rush Limbaugh show? Guests on his show to discuss, for example, their campaigns and their opponents?

Perhaps you don't listen.
Oh I listen. He made a point of mentioning it around the debates. If one calls in it's not scheduled. Sorry to ruin your point for you.

I think you're confusing him with Beck or Hannity.
So, when John McCain or Newt Gingrich calls in and spends an entire segment on his show, he's not a guest of his show? And it's not scheduled, even though Rush announces beforehand that so-and-so is going to be on the show?

OK then.
Did she kill a guy?

Cause Laura Bush killed a guy.

Yeah...that Laura Bush was SUCH a bad person!!! She killed someone in an auto accident when she was a teenager and it's bothered her the rest of her life. Here's a clue, Decepticon...when you have to stoop to maligning the character of someone that we both know has conducted their life in about as upstanding a fashion as possible...that says something about YOU.

You know why I don't post nasty crap like this about Michelle Obama? Because I don't think she's "evil" simply because I don't agree with her husband's political agenda.

Why are you telling me?
Why don't you tell the OP?
OH, because you felt compelled to say something when I talked about the murderer Laura Bush. But when someone posted something calling Michelle a liar, you had NOTHING to say.

But instead of pointing out the hypocrisy of your position, I'll do well to remind you that simply because you ascribe motivations to me, that doesn't make them true.

So take your righteous indignation and take a flying leap at a rolling donut.
You're joking, right? Right?

You can't remember any Republicans going on the Rush Limbaugh show? Guests on his show to discuss, for example, their campaigns and their opponents?

Perhaps you don't listen.
Oh I listen. He made a point of mentioning it around the debates. If one calls in it's not scheduled. Sorry to ruin your point for you.

I think you're confusing him with Beck or Hannity.
So, when John McCain or Newt Gingrich calls in and spends an entire segment on his show, he's not a guest of his show? And it's not scheduled, even though Rush announces beforehand that so-and-so is going to be on the show?

OK then.

Since it's never happened I don't know where you got that idea.

I've heard them on Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity, but never on Rush.

Funny thing is Rush doesn't endorse any candidate. He supports conservatism. Besides, he's so impressed with the sound of his voice it's hard to get in a full half-hour with him.

Sorry, try again.
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Did she kill a guy?

Cause Laura Bush killed a guy.

Yeah...that Laura Bush was SUCH a bad person!!! She killed someone in an auto accident when she was a teenager and it's bothered her the rest of her life. Here's a clue, Decepticon...when you have to stoop to maligning the character of someone that we both know has conducted their life in about as upstanding a fashion as possible...that says something about YOU.

You know why I don't post nasty crap like this about Michelle Obama? Because I don't think she's "evil" simply because I don't agree with her husband's political agenda.

Why are you telling me?
Why don't you tell the OP?
OH, because you felt compelled to say something when I talked about the murderer Laura Bush. But when someone posted something calling Michelle a liar, you had NOTHING to say.

But instead of pointing out the hypocrisy of your position, I'll do well to remind you that simply because you ascribe motivations to me, that doesn't make them true.

So take your righteous indignation and take a flying leap at a rolling donut.

I'd like to give Michelle the benefit of the doubt and say she's not aware of what her husband is but that assumes she's stupid. She knows what he is and what he does. She's not some mob wife that insists on looking the other way.
Yeah...that Laura Bush was SUCH a bad person!!! She killed someone in an auto accident when she was a teenager and it's bothered her the rest of her life. Here's a clue, Decepticon...when you have to stoop to maligning the character of someone that we both know has conducted their life in about as upstanding a fashion as possible...that says something about YOU.

You know why I don't post nasty crap like this about Michelle Obama? Because I don't think she's "evil" simply because I don't agree with her husband's political agenda.

Why are you telling me?
Why don't you tell the OP?
OH, because you felt compelled to say something when I talked about the murderer Laura Bush. But when someone posted something calling Michelle a liar, you had NOTHING to say.

But instead of pointing out the hypocrisy of your position, I'll do well to remind you that simply because you ascribe motivations to me, that doesn't make them true.

So take your righteous indignation and take a flying leap at a rolling donut.

I'd like to give Michelle the benefit of the doubt and say she's not aware of what her husband is but that assumes she's stupid. She knows what he is and what he does. She's not some mob wife that insists on looking the other way.

Yeah, Obama has been a real monster. Getting the economy back. Ending the war in Iraq. Killing Bin Laden.
The Golden Yeti says she teaches her girls South Chicago values, so lying shouldn't be anything other than expected.
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