Michelle Costing Taxpayers Nearly $80,000 Just For Rental Cars In Trip To Japan


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I wanted to let everyone know just how much taking care of the needs of the First Family costs us.

Rental Cars for Michelle O’s Kyoto Visit Cost $78,741



BY: Elizabeth Harrington
March 20, 2015 5:00 am

First Lady Michelle Obama’s visit to a Buddhist Temple in Kyoto is costing taxpayers nearly $80,000 for rental cars, according to a government contract.

Mrs. Obama, who is travelling to Japan and Cambodia for a girls’ education initiative, will arrive in Kyoto, Japan, on Friday.

According to the White House press office, “The First Lady will travel to Kyoto on March 20 and visit the Kiyomizu-Dera Buddhist Temple and the Fushimi Inari Shinto Shrine. She will also greet staff from the U.S. Consulate in Osaka.”

Fushimi Inari Shinto is a shrine dedicated to a god of rice. Visitors of the temple can pay to go into a pitch-black basement that symbolizes the womb of Buddah’s mother.

The temple also features the Otowa Waterfall, which has streams to cause “longevity, success at school, and a fortunate love life.”

The cost for “Rental Vehicles for Flotus in Kyoto” is $78,741, according to a contract signed last week.

Mrs. Obama is promoting “Let Girls Learn,” an initiative by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) that is spending $231.6 million for education programs in Nigeria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Jordan, and Guatemala.




Rental Cars for Michelle O s Kyoto Visit Cost 78 741 Washington Free Beacon
The Obama's vacations mean nothing to me. If I were President my wife and I would be doing the same.

This only draws attention AWAY from what's really important.
Is that a lot for an official Government visit?

What do we usually pay?
I wanted to let everyone know just how much taking care of the needs of the First Family costs us.

Rental Cars for Michelle O’s Kyoto Visit Cost $78,741



BY: Elizabeth Harrington
March 20, 2015 5:00 am

First Lady Michelle Obama’s visit to a Buddhist Temple in Kyoto is costing taxpayers nearly $80,000 for rental cars, according to a government contract.

Mrs. Obama, who is travelling to Japan and Cambodia for a girls’ education initiative, will arrive in Kyoto, Japan, on Friday.

According to the White House press office, “The First Lady will travel to Kyoto on March 20 and visit the Kiyomizu-Dera Buddhist Temple and the Fushimi Inari Shinto Shrine. She will also greet staff from the U.S. Consulate in Osaka.”

Fushimi Inari Shinto is a shrine dedicated to a god of rice. Visitors of the temple can pay to go into a pitch-black basement that symbolizes the womb of Buddah’s mother.

The temple also features the Otowa Waterfall, which has streams to cause “longevity, success at school, and a fortunate love life.”

The cost for “Rental Vehicles for Flotus in Kyoto” is $78,741, according to a contract signed last week.

Mrs. Obama is promoting “Let Girls Learn,” an initiative by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) that is spending $231.6 million for education programs in Nigeria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Jordan, and Guatemala.




Rental Cars for Michelle O s Kyoto Visit Cost 78 741 Washington Free Beacon
And yet, taxpayers have the nerve to complain about AMERICANS receiving some form of government assistance. I hear people complain about those getting food stamps, help with rent, the elderly getting help with medicines, school children getting free meals, and people getting disability income. Instead of complaining about AMERICANS, poor citizens, getting the benefit of tax dollars, why don't they scream just as loud about the lavish expenses of Mrs. Obama, the perks and benefits given to members of Congress, foreign aid, subsidies, pork spending, senseless deadly costly wars, no-bid government contracts, bailouts, "The Fence", the care and support of illegal immigrants, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, exploring the far reaches of the universe, the astronomical and rising national debt, excessive military spending, unnecessary government travel, doctors engaging in Medicare and Medicaid fraud, luxury prisons with big screen TV's and fully equipped gyms, supplying street cops with untold $millions in military gear and vehicles, and spending tax dollars to influence foreign elections.

We read about the waste and abuse of taxpayers' hard earned tax dollars every single day, then we verbally beat down our poor and less fortunate for eating and buying medicine. Rarely do we hear anyone complaining about the real waste and abuse of tax dollars, instead we hear people complain because we try to take care of our own, and ensure children have food and a roof over their heads. I'd love to read about and hear people complaining about the items that I listed above, instead of reading about and hearing people complain because their tax dollars are feeding our children and providing medicine for our elderly.

We need to continue making citizens aware of the lavish vacations, the lavish White House parties, and other wasteful expenses of the first family. While half of America is living off of government assistance programs and unemployment checks, the Obama's are flaunting their royalty life style and then hypocritically talking about how the government should do more to lift the poor and less fortunate from the grips of poverty. Go figure.
I just love how as soon as the Obamas entered the White House they have been expected to punch a time clock
I'll help. What percentage is 80K of 4,000 billion? You let us all know eh. My calculator can't display that many zeros until I see a number that's different.
I'll help. What percentage is 80K of 4,000 billion? You let us all know eh. My calculator can't display that many zeros until I see a number that's different.
It's not so much the $80,000, it's the cumulative amount over the years that's eye opening. It's the collective sum of all expenses, and not just one occurrence that's in question. In other words, a little here, a little there, soon adds up to big numbers. While some may be normal, expected, and the usual and customary expenses, by the same token, some are not. This is especially true considering the national debt and the interest we pay on that debt, the decrease in tax revenue, the talk that tax increases are necessary, the general state of the economy, the amount borrowed each and every day just to keep the government running, and the well publicized and documented waste credited to the government.

Borrowing money for luxury living, and a luxurious lifestyle consisting of a total disregard for cost, especially when others are paying for it, and will be paying for it for decades to come, is neither right nor ethical. Also, this spending behavior is taking place while Mr. Obama, himself, has mentioned several times that "we" need to find ways to lift the poor and less fortunate from the grips of poverty. Is that "talking out of both sides of one's mouth"? How many "John Q. Publics" would live a luxurious lifestyle on borrowed money, and force others to pay that debt? Would it be considered as right and ethical to do so? If so, by who's standard?
I'll help. What percentage is 80K of 4,000 billion? You let us all know eh. My calculator can't display that many zeros until I see a number that's different.
It's not so much the $80,000, it's the cumulative amount over the years that's eye opening. It's the collective sum of all expenses, and not just one occurrence that's in question. In other words, a little here, a little there, soon adds up to big numbers. While some may be normal, expected, and the usual and customary expenses, by the same token, some are not. This is especially true considering the national debt and the interest we pay on that debt, the decrease in tax revenue, the talk that tax increases are necessary, the general state of the economy, the amount borrowed each and every day just to keep the government running, and the well publicized and documented waste credited to the government.

Borrowing money for luxury living, and a luxurious lifestyle consisting of a total disregard for cost, especially when others are paying for it, and will be paying for it for decades to come, is neither right nor ethical. Also, this spending behavior is taking place while Mr. Obama, himself, has mentioned several times that "we" need to find ways to lift the poor and less fortunate from the grips of poverty. Is that "talking out of both sides of one's mouth"? How many "John Q. Publics" would live a luxurious lifestyle on borrowed money, and force others to pay that debt? Would it be considered as right and ethical to do so? If so, by who's standard?

What is "normal"?

How do Obama expenditures compare to previous Presidents? In almost every analysis Obama is spending the same or less than his predecessors

Now we all know that Republicans would never hold Obama to a different standard because he is black. But what would be their reason?
80,000 sounds like a bargain. Imagine what it would have cost if we flew our own cars over their. What does it cost to fly a few of those big cargo planes to the other side of the globe?
Guess what Conservatives?

Protecting the President and his family costs money. We have seen what happens when security is ignored, even for a moment

So you whine about what it costs to protect the first family and don't want to pay for rental cars, hotels and equipment for the trip

Too freak'n bad
I'll help. What percentage is 80K of 4,000 billion? You let us all know eh. My calculator can't display that many zeros until I see a number that's different.
It's not so much the $80,000, it's the cumulative amount over the years that's eye opening. It's the collective sum of all expenses, and not just one occurrence that's in question. In other words, a little here, a little there, soon adds up to big numbers. While some may be normal, expected, and the usual and customary expenses, by the same token, some are not. This is especially true considering the national debt and the interest we pay on that debt, the decrease in tax revenue, the talk that tax increases are necessary, the general state of the economy, the amount borrowed each and every day just to keep the government running, and the well publicized and documented waste credited to the government.

Borrowing money for luxury living, and a luxurious lifestyle consisting of a total disregard for cost, especially when others are paying for it, and will be paying for it for decades to come, is neither right nor ethical. Also, this spending behavior is taking place while Mr. Obama, himself, has mentioned several times that "we" need to find ways to lift the poor and less fortunate from the grips of poverty. Is that "talking out of both sides of one's mouth"? How many "John Q. Publics" would live a luxurious lifestyle on borrowed money, and force others to pay that debt? Would it be considered as right and ethical to do so? If so, by who's standard?

What is "normal"?

How do Obama expenditures compare to previous Presidents? In almost every analysis Obama is spending the same or less than his predecessors

Now we all know that Republicans would never hold Obama to a different standard because he is black. But what would be their reason?
I have absolutely no idea as to what Republicans would or wouldn't do concerning Mr. Obama and his wife. I couldn't care less what they would think. I'm not a Republican nor a Democrat, I don't play party politics. Also, what other presidents and first families have or have not done is not the point of the root article. But, yes, all of them have been wasteful and have taken advantage of taxpayers' hard earned tax dollars.

What's normal, you ask? To me, normal is taking vacations like everyone else takes. Take two or three weeks a year to relax with family and have a great time. But, very expensive year-round travel, spending other peoples' money, borrow money at that, is not normal, by any standard. The Obama's are not just going on vacations and making official necessary trips, they are going to the extreme.
I'll help. What percentage is 80K of 4,000 billion? You let us all know eh. My calculator can't display that many zeros until I see a number that's different.
It's not so much the $80,000, it's the cumulative amount over the years that's eye opening. It's the collective sum of all expenses, and not just one occurrence that's in question. In other words, a little here, a little there, soon adds up to big numbers. While some may be normal, expected, and the usual and customary expenses, by the same token, some are not. This is especially true considering the national debt and the interest we pay on that debt, the decrease in tax revenue, the talk that tax increases are necessary, the general state of the economy, the amount borrowed each and every day just to keep the government running, and the well publicized and documented waste credited to the government.

Borrowing money for luxury living, and a luxurious lifestyle consisting of a total disregard for cost, especially when others are paying for it, and will be paying for it for decades to come, is neither right nor ethical. Also, this spending behavior is taking place while Mr. Obama, himself, has mentioned several times that "we" need to find ways to lift the poor and less fortunate from the grips of poverty. Is that "talking out of both sides of one's mouth"? How many "John Q. Publics" would live a luxurious lifestyle on borrowed money, and force others to pay that debt? Would it be considered as right and ethical to do so? If so, by who's standard?

What is "normal"?

How do Obama expenditures compare to previous Presidents? In almost every analysis Obama is spending the same or less than his predecessors

Now we all know that Republicans would never hold Obama to a different standard because he is black. But what would be their reason?
I have absolutely no idea as to what Republicans would or wouldn't do concerning Mr. Obama and his wife. I couldn't care less what they would think. I'm not a Republican nor a Democrat, I don't play party politics. Also, what other presidents and first families have or have not done is not the point of the root article. But, yes, all of them have been wasteful and have taken advantage of taxpayers' hard earned tax dollars.

What's normal, you ask? To me, normal is taking vacations like everyone else takes. Take two or three weeks a year to relax with family and have a great time. But, very expensive year-round travel, spending other peoples' money, borrow money at that, is not normal, by any standard. The Obama's are not just going on vacations and making official necessary trips, they are going to the extreme.


So the Obamas take a ten day vacation at Christmas and another ten day vacation in August

What is extreme about that?
80,000 sounds like a bargain. Imagine what it would have cost if we flew our own cars over their. What does it cost to fly a few of those big cargo planes to the other side of the globe?

This is just the cost of rental cars for a number of days in Japan. This doesn't include travel, lodging expenses, security, cost of fuel. This is one single item. The rental car or cars. $80,000.

I expect she'll claim she paid for this herself, but that would be impossible. Her tax returns shows they can't afford such extravagance.
I'll help. What percentage is 80K of 4,000 billion? You let us all know eh. My calculator can't display that many zeros until I see a number that's different.
It's not so much the $80,000, it's the cumulative amount over the years that's eye opening. It's the collective sum of all expenses, and not just one occurrence that's in question. In other words, a little here, a little there, soon adds up to big numbers. While some may be normal, expected, and the usual and customary expenses, by the same token, some are not. This is especially true considering the national debt and the interest we pay on that debt, the decrease in tax revenue, the talk that tax increases are necessary, the general state of the economy, the amount borrowed each and every day just to keep the government running, and the well publicized and documented waste credited to the government.

Borrowing money for luxury living, and a luxurious lifestyle consisting of a total disregard for cost, especially when others are paying for it, and will be paying for it for decades to come, is neither right nor ethical. Also, this spending behavior is taking place while Mr. Obama, himself, has mentioned several times that "we" need to find ways to lift the poor and less fortunate from the grips of poverty. Is that "talking out of both sides of one's mouth"? How many "John Q. Publics" would live a luxurious lifestyle on borrowed money, and force others to pay that debt? Would it be considered as right and ethical to do so? If so, by who's standard?

What is "normal"?

How do Obama expenditures compare to previous Presidents? In almost every analysis Obama is spending the same or less than his predecessors

Now we all know that Republicans would never hold Obama to a different standard because he is black. But what would be their reason?
I have absolutely no idea as to what Republicans would or wouldn't do concerning Mr. Obama and his wife. I couldn't care less what they would think. I'm not a Republican nor a Democrat, I don't play party politics. Also, what other presidents and first families have or have not done is not the point of the root article. But, yes, all of them have been wasteful and have taken advantage of taxpayers' hard earned tax dollars.

What's normal, you ask? To me, normal is taking vacations like everyone else takes. Take two or three weeks a year to relax with family and have a great time. But, very expensive year-round travel, spending other peoples' money, borrow money at that, is not normal, by any standard. The Obama's are not just going on vacations and making official necessary trips, they are going to the extreme.


So the Obamas take a ten day vacation at Christmas and another ten day vacation in August

What is extreme about that?

nothing. but the brain dead need to whine.
80,000 sounds like a bargain. Imagine what it would have cost if we flew our own cars over their. What does it cost to fly a few of those big cargo planes to the other side of the globe?

This is just the cost of rental cars for a number of days in Japan. This doesn't include travel, lodging expenses, security, cost of fuel. This is one single item. The rental car or cars. $80,000.

I expect she'll claim she paid for this herself, but that would be impossible. Her tax returns shows they can't afford such extravagance.

The trip is costing a hell of a lot more than $80,000

But that is the cost of diplomacy and maintaining international relations

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