Michele Bachmann: The Rapture Is Coming And It's Obama's Fault


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Michele Bachmann says the rapture is coming, thanks to President Barack Obama’s policies on Iran’s nuclear program and marriage equality.

In a radio interview last week, Bachmann, the former Minnesota Republican congresswoman, told "End Times" host Jan Markell, “We need to realize how close this clock is getting to the midnight hour.”

“We in our lifetimes potentially could see Jesus Christ returning to earth and the rapture of the church,” Bachmann said. “We see the destruction, but this was a destruction that was foretold.”

Bachmann cited the Obama administration’s nuclear negotiations with Iran as a cause. The U.S. and five partner nations are discussing a deal with Iran that would prevent the country from developing or obtaining nuclear weapons.

“We are literally watching, month by month, the speed move up to a level we’ve never seen before with these events," Bachmann said. "Barack Obama is intent. It is his number one goal to ensure that Iran has a nuclear weapon.”

Later in the interview, Bachmann again tied her rapture prediction to Obama’s foreign policy.

“If you look at the president’s rhetoric, and if you look at his actions, everything he has done has been to cut the legs out of Israel and lift up the agenda of radical Islam,” she said.

Obama has said repeatedly that the goal of the nuclear talks with Iran is to prevent the country from developing a nuclear weapon.

Bachmann also blamed abortion and gay marriage, arguing that God is punishing the United States for “embracing a pagan view.”

“Any nation that accepts God and his principles is blessed, and those who push away are cursed. That’s what we’re seeing happen to the United States,” she said. “We will suffer the consequences as a result.”

Some Christians believe those who are saved will be transported to heaven just before armageddon, which they call the rapture.

Michele Bachmann: The Rapture Is Coming And It's Obama's Fault

Is Bachmann clinically insane? She must be close.
Bachman for President. Might as well load up the clown car with real loony tunes.
Man Obama even controls god to these idiots.
He walks among us!


who frikken cares

I'm trying to survive under this thug Obama regime. I have way worse things I can say about that small man/child/idiot
I don't believe in a thing called a "rapture" but with that said everything going on today is prophesied in the Bible
The thought of Michelle Bachmann floating off into the air, citing scriptures, as she goes over the rainbow, is somehow very appealing!
Amazing Michelle has such a better understanding and connection to the bible and the end times.
Why didn't we hear this when Bush invaded, bombed, and murdered thousands in the middle east.
Does Bachmann know how much she REALLY has in common with the Ayatollahs and the 12th Imam prophecies?
Amazing Michelle has such a better understanding and connection to the bible and the end times.
Why didn't we hear this when Bush invaded, bombed, and murdered thousands in the middle east.

maybe you can give the count of how many Obama has MURDERED since he took office? He's only dropped bombs on seven different countries. or I guess he's so good, he didn't murder anyone

oops he murdered Osama bin Laden and spiked his head a million times
Amazing Michelle has such a better understanding and connection to the bible and the end times.
Why didn't we hear this when Bush invaded, bombed, and murdered thousands in the middle east.

maybe you can give the count of how many Obama has MURDERED since he took office? He's only dropped bombs on seven different countries. or I guess he's so good, he didn't murder anyone

Gads, don't tell them facts. Liberals cannot deal with facts

I'm no expert on this stuff, but haven't people been saying this for, oh, a thousand years or two?


Actually, every generation claims their's is the generation that will see the rapture.

Except two things were missing when they claimed it.
Now they have been fulfilled- which is the good news of Jesus preached to the whole world - check
Israel becomes a nation again - check.

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