Michael Oren reveals how Barack Obama tore apart the U.S.-Israel alliance


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
The real Obama is a Israel hater and Hilary isn't' much better:mad:...

Oren is not a conservative looking to make a political issue of support for Israel. Indeed, byWashington Free Beacon standards, he’s something of a squish. The author of a classic history of U.S. involvement in the Middle East and a sometime professor at Yale, Harvard, and Georgetown, Oren served for five years as a contributor to the New Republic, has contributed to the New York Review of Books, and supports what he calls a “two-state situation” focused on institution-building and economic aid to the West Bank. He’s a member of the Knesset, but not of Netanyahu’s Likud Party. He joined the comparatively dovish Kulanu Party last December.

Oren’s credentials and relationships make him hard to dismiss. “The Obama administration was problematic because of its worldview: Unprecedented support for the Palestinians,” he told Israeli journalist David Horovitz, another centrist, this week. Obama and his lieutenants, including Hillary Clinton, have often behaved as if the Palestinians don’t exist—Palestinian actions, corruption, incitement, campaigns of de-legitimization and terrorism are overlooked, excused, accommodated. Oren tells the story of what happened when Vice President Joe Biden asked Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas to “look him in the eye and promise that he could make peace with Israel.” Abbas looked away. The White House did nothing.

As if to make Oren’s case for him, the Obama administration responded to the publication of Ally with neither silence nor a reiteration of American policy toward Israel but with vituperation, demanding that both Kulanu Party chairman Moshe Kahlon and Prime Minister Netanyahu apologize for criticismsOren had made. Kahlon sheepishly distanced himself from Oren, and Netanyahu won’t comment publicly, but the episode illustrates precisely the model of U.S.-Israeli relations outlined in this book: A “family” argument where the criticism runs in only one direction. On the one hand, when the supreme leader of Iran calls John Kerry a liar and details plans to destroy Israel, the Obama administration brushes it off. On the other, when a former ambassador writes a memoir based on a diary he kept while in office, the administration loses its mind.

The alliance has faltered to such a degree that Oren is morose. He wonders whether Israel is in the same precarious position it was in 1967, before the Six Day War, or in 1948, when it came close to never being born. Neither option is comforting. David Horovitz asked him, “Are people going to look back in a few years’ time and say, ‘This is what they were talking about in Israel as Iran closed in on the bomb and they were wiped out?’” Oren’s response: “It’s happened before in history, hasn’t it?”

It has. And it may happen again. But whatever happens, thanks to Michael Oren, history will know that an inexperienced and ideologically motivated president drove a lethal wedge between the United States of America and the young, tiny, besieged Jewish State

We re On Our Own Washington Free Beacon
As you well remember, I predicted that Pres. Obama would turn against Israel if he was elected for a second term. That is why I urged people to vote for him.

He didn't disappoint. ..... :thup:

Now I am urging people to vote for Hillary in 2016 so that she can finish the job of freeing America from its debilitating lockstep policy entanglements with Israel. ...... :cool:
As you well remember, I predicted that Pres. Obama would turn against Israel if he was elected for a second term. That is why I urged people to vote for him.

He didn't disappoint. ..... :thup:

Now I am urging people to vote for Hillary in 2016 so that she can finish the job of freeing America from its debilitating lockstep policy entanglements with Israel. ...... :cool:

So you would also finish the destruction of our own country as long as Israel gets screwed?:cuckoo:
There isn't a nickels worth of difference between the Republicans and the Democrats when it comes to domestic issues; economy, illegal aliens, crumbling infrastructure, jobs, etc.

But at least the Democrats are aware of the destructive nature of being allied with Israel and its fascist policies in the middle east. And how our support of Israel reflects badly on America and diminishes our credibility on the world stage.

Until the U.S. frees itself from the zionist cabal operating out of Tel Aviv.

Our country will remain a vassal state of Israel and indentured slaves to the zionists. ..... :cool:

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