Michael Moore is furious that Trump is getting things done.

The media sucks not to talk about the good things happening due to the Trump presidency but the people know...it's the economy! and it's roaring due to regulation cuts and promised tax cuts. ISIS is no longer heard from... the market is booming... the illegal border crossings continue to drop....and finally voter fraud is being punished....just the other day a local ranking democrat was arrested for voter fraud and was taken away in handcuffs.
The media sucks not to talk about the good things happening due to the Trump presidency but the people know...it's the economy! and it's roaring due to regulation cuts and promised tax cuts. ISIS is no longer heard from... the market is booming... the illegal border crossings continue to drop....and finally voter fraud is being punished....just the other day a local ranking democrat was arrested for voter fraud and was taken away in handcuffs.
What did Trump about ISIS?
there is a lot to be furious about in what he is doing...
CROOKED GOP acts as if they are for "small government" and "deregulation" from government intrusion! :eusa_liar:

watch out, ladies... this corrupt administration seeks to DEREGULATE every damn thing going, but not your vagina!

“Nothing shall prevent an unborn child from being treated as a designated beneficiary or an individual under this section,” the bill reads.

It goes on to define the term “unborn child” as a “child in utero,” and then, even more explicitly, “The term ‘child in utero’ means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.”


President Donald Trump has called the Republican tax plan a “big beautiful, Christmas present” for the country, and, at least where anti-choice activists are concerned, he’s right. :cuckoo:

Republicans tucked an irrelevant anti-abortion provision into the tax bill
CROOKED GOP acts as if they are for "small government" and "deregulation" from government intrusion! :eusa_liar:

watch out, ladies... this corrupt administration seeks to DEREGULATE every damn thing going, but not your vagina!

“Nothing shall prevent an unborn child from being treated as a designated beneficiary or an individual under this section,” the bill reads.

It goes on to define the term “unborn child” as a “child in utero,” and then, even more explicitly, “The term ‘child in utero’ means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.”


President Donald Trump has called the Republican tax plan a “big beautiful, Christmas present” for the country, and, at least where anti-choice activists are concerned, he’s right. :cuckoo:

Republicans tucked an irrelevant anti-abortion provision into the tax bill

It is the only reason you Trump haters think it's not is because the morons in MSM, and the mental cases known as Democrats are pissed because they can't skim off the top ripping off all their ass hats who follow and believe all the shit that falls out of their mouths. LMFAO
CROOKED GOP acts as if they are for "small government" and "deregulation" from government intrusion! :eusa_liar:

watch out, ladies... this corrupt administration seeks to DEREGULATE every damn thing going, but not your vagina!

“Nothing shall prevent an unborn child from being treated as a designated beneficiary or an individual under this section,” the bill reads.

It goes on to define the term “unborn child” as a “child in utero,” and then, even more explicitly, “The term ‘child in utero’ means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.”


President Donald Trump has called the Republican tax plan a “big beautiful, Christmas present” for the country, and, at least where anti-choice activists are concerned, he’s right. :cuckoo:

Republicans tucked an irrelevant anti-abortion provision into the tax bill

Democrats Thrive by Keeping Americans Divided, Dependent, and Angry
In almost every area of American life, the better things are, the worse it is for the Democratic Party. And vice versa.


Even today, after decades of feminism, most Americans agree that it is better for women (and for men)—and better for society—when women (and men) marry.

Yet, when women marry, it is bad for the Democratic Party; and when women do not marry, even after—or shall we say, especially after—having children, it is quite wonderful for the Democratic Party.

Democrats Thrive by Keeping Americans Divided, Dependent, and Angry

For the Indoctrinated left : the video sums it all up real simple on your TAX lies you are being fed.

Tax Bill Win: GOP Repeals Obamacare Mandate

The Senate tax bill must still be reconciled with House legislation that does not include the mandate’s repeal. But that is unlikely to be a major issue, given support in the GOP conference for repealing the mandate.

Read more
The Kurds are always sent to places that are about to be liberated by the Syrian army. The city of Raqqa or now south-east Syria. It´s the Kurds grabbing land while the army fights. Can the SDF show anything like that?
You are only half right...the Obama administration would not work with the Kurds to great frustration. Why he wouldn't escapes everyone in theater. Trump is working with the Kurds and it's having great success as you can see in your link.
Trump also removed the Obama rules of engagement and it is also having great success. Obama fought the war as if he didn't want to win...
You are only half right...the Obama administration would not work with the Kurds to great frustration. Why he wouldn't escapes everyone in theater. Trump is working with the Kurds and it's having great success as you can see in your link.
Trump also removed the Obama rules of engagement and it is also having great success. Obama fought the war as if he didn't want to win...

"as if"??????

You are kind to a fault!

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