Michael J Fox - Human Shield

Libs like CC do not care about the facts. Mr Fox did not take his meds so he would look sicker then he really is, and in turn, get the pity he wants fromt he masses

When he is called on his dishonesty, we are accused of being heartless

Liberalsim requires "victims" to be able to speak out without anyone calling them on what say and do

To look sicker than he really is? Are you joking? Did he take meds to increase the rate of deteriation? What? No? Then I guess he's only as sick as he would naturally be if he couldn't afford the meds.
Liberalism is an ideology of death, especially for our western culture. Liberalism is nihilistic in nature. Take a look at a partial list which shows various forms of death that liberals support:

partial birth abortion
embryonic stem cell research
high rates of violence which includes murder
environmental extremism such as bans on DDT
death threats to our President
death of marriage
death tax

A "death" list could be made for Conservatism as well. It wouldn't be that long, but it would encompass the worst of all.

Death of our planet. Raping of the Earth will lead to the end of humanity. Save the environment and save man-kind.

So all of you are wrong, Bush didn't block any kind of research. He simply blocked taxypayer money to fund that type of research. The research can and is being done by private organizations is it not?

As it should be. Also, its my understanding that stem cell research isnt proving out to be all that anyways.

Kinda like mother earth magazine suggesting a few decades back that we pour a bunch of ashes or soot on the artic ice caps to help prevent a global cooling trend we, as polluting humans, were sending the earth into. I kid you not.
Thanks. It took me a long time to find it, surprisingly.

That's what I've been reading all over the internet regarding Rush. I'd like to review the ammendment myself, otherwise I really won't have much of an opinion on this. If it is trying to legalize human cloning, shoot it the fuck down. However, if it's not, then I see no reason to not let it pass.

Here's a decent summary of the situation.


Opponents say its not cloning because the purpose of creating the life is to kill it and use it for research but it seems like semantics to me. The life is being created and whether some allow it to live longer or use it for research is not the point. This isn't taking blood from a embilical cord or using aborted fetus' for research. This is creating life in order to kill it. That to me is pretty scary.
To look sicker than he really is? Are you joking? Did he take meds to increase the rate of deteriation? What? No? Then I guess he's only as sick as he would naturally be if he couldn't afford the meds.

His meds suppress the symptoms. When he's on them, he stops shaking. In fact, he was recently on Boston Legal, looking perfectly normal. Yes, he's sick. Yes, it's horrible. No, I don't have a problem with him going off his meds to emphasize the horrors of his condition. However, there should be an honest debate. He has said some political things. The facts of his statement are wrong. He is NOT immune to criticism.
Actually, I was wrong about the school. The guy's name was Ronald D.G. McKay of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. He openly admitted that the scientists peddling this embryonic snake oil had flat-out lied to try to sell this stuff. He went on to say, "Maybe that's unfair, but they need a story line that's relatively simple to understand." Yep, lots of potential...to waste money.


Here's the link to the Washington Post article mentioned in your link. Care to point out where McKay said scientists had flat-out lied? Or are you flat-out lying? BTW, in the article they only talk about alzeihmers being unrealistic re stem cell research as a cure, Parkinson's and diabetes are a different story. Talk about cherry picking. You'd do well to research what you post before posting it.

BTW, onedomino handed your arse to you on a plate, maybe that's why he didn't answer. Why bother?
If MJ Fox is so believing in this........
Then why doesn't he and his wife just create their own embryos and HARVEST all the stem cells out of IT, and use that for his experiment cure.........

Simple as that.................................................................RIGHT?:puke3:
Here's the link to the Washington Post article mentioned in your link. Care to point out where McKay said scientists had flat-out lied? Or are you flat-out lying? BTW, in the article they only talk about alzeihmers being unrealistic re stem cell research as a cure, Parkinson's and diabetes are a different story. Talk about cherry picking. You'd do well to research what you post before posting it.

BTW, onedomino handed your arse to you on a plate, maybe that's why he didn't answer. Why bother?

Actually, McKay didn't say scientists lied at all. He said people took slight hope in the area of alzheimers and blew it out of proportion because *THEY*, not scientists needed something to believe in.

But then again, I've never seen an anti-choice or religious right site that ever got anything scientific right.... which is why science and religion, while not being mutually exclusive, don't mix.
Yeah, religious folk are the stupid ones, for believing that an embryo is a newly created person..........

And how dumb of us to not know, that scientist are the NEW GODS OF TODAY.....:rolleyes:
Vote for Claire McCaskill or Marty McFly Dies
A Special Message from Emmy Award-Winning actor, Michael J. Fox

Fellow Americans,

Many of you have expressed reservations concerning embryonic stem cell research, fearful that it will lead us down a slippery slope towards a society where human embryos are worth only what you can get for them on the open market. You strongly believe that human life, even in its earliest stages, is sacrosanct. Well, that and three bucks might get you some brownie points with the Big Cheese in the afterlife, but if you ever want to see another Back to the Future sequel you’ll vote Claire McCaskill for United States Senate.

Claire’s strong support for embryonic stem cell research is the best hope that beautiful celebrities afflicted with embarassing diseases have of finding a cure - and the only chance you people have of ever seeing Marty McFly and Doc Brown back in action again.

Seriously, I’d love to do another movie. In fact, I’ve got the script for Back to the Future Part IV right here. It’s damn good, too. But I’m going to feed it into the shredder page by page unless you people start forking over some goddam stem cells! I don’t want any of those second-rate stem cells from some dead geezer’s spine, either! They better be embryonic stem cells, from human embryos, or the deal’s off.

Come on. Wouldn’t you like to see your ol’ pal Calvin Klein riding a modified stegosaurus through prehistoric Hill Valley? It’s right here on page 17. But it’s not going to happen as long as I’m shaking like an Indonesian heroin addict. LOOK AT ME, FOR CHRISTSAKE!!!! I'M A F***ING WRECK!! How am I going to bury Caveman Biff under a mountain of dinosaur poop when I can’t even hold a pencil without poking my f***ing eye out?

So I’m going to say it one last time: VOTE CLAIRE McCASKGILL, OR MARTY MCFLY DIES! I'll kill him, I really will. Alex P. Keaton, too. I'll take my medication, and stab him right in the neck with a screwdriver. There will be no Family Ties Reunion Special, no more Back to the Future flicks, and your own damn selfishness will be to blame. Just keep that in mind when you go to the polls in November.

Thank you, and God bless.

Michael J. Fox

Yeah, religious folk are the stupid ones, for believing that an embryo is a newly created person..........

And how dumb of us to not know, that scientist are the NEW GODS OF TODAY.....:rolleyes:

Where did I say stupid? I said you shouldn't be in the science business. And you certainly shouldn't be inerfering with the rest of us benefitting from scientific advances.

And I was absolutely correct about religious sites not getting the science right. Get your bible reading from your Church. Get your science from scientists.
Let’s cut the semantic baloney. We are not talking about private research associated with short-term profits like Microsoft developing the next Windows OS. We are talking about long-term research with no known timeframe or guarantee of success. No private companies do that type of research and you know it. So when Bush cuts Federal funds for embryonic stem cell research, he is effectively preventing such research.

onedomino said:
I pay taxes in California and despite people like you some of those dollars will be used to fund embryonic stem cell research.

Congratulations, you just proved yourself wrong. How can cutting Federal funding "effectively prevent such research" when you yourself point out that States can and do fund the research. The fact that states can fund the research is exactly why the Federal government shouldn't.
What none of you who are so gleefully bashing Michael J. Fox's support for expanding stem-cell research seem to remember is that in 2004, he did a campaign commercial for Arlen Spectre,who supports expanding stem-cell research. You see, he's not voicing opposition to a candidate so much as he is voicing support for and issue which is very important to the lives of himself, and many other Americans.

And golly, you didn't see drug-addled gasbag Limbaugh bashing Nancy Reagan for her vocal support of stem-cell research, now did you. And did you see Fox's response to Limbaugh's attacks? Pure class.
What none of you who are so gleefully bashing Michael J. Fox's support for expanding stem-cell research seem to remember is that in 2004, he did a campaign commercial for Arlen Spectre,who supports expanding stem-cell research. You see, he's not voicing opposition to a candidate so much as he is voicing support for and issue which is very important to the lives of himself, and many other Americans.

And golly, you didn't see drug-addled gasbag Limbaugh bashing Nancy Reagan for her vocal support of stem-cell research, now did you. And did you see Fox's response to Limbaugh's attacks? Pure class.

I could care less who supported who, its an issue everyone should be able to take a stand on regardless of what some famous people say, whether that be MJF, Limbaugh, or Nancy Reagan. But I am glad that you pointed out Nancy Reagan, it shows that Republicans aren't a bunch of mindless automatons that blindly follow whatever their leaders say. Can't say the same thing for Democrats though....
What none of you who are so gleefully bashing Michael J. Fox's support for expanding stem-cell research seem to remember is that in 2004, he did a campaign commercial for Arlen Spectre,who supports expanding stem-cell research. You see, he's not voicing opposition to a candidate so much as he is voicing support for and issue which is very important to the lives of himself, and many other Americans.

And golly, you didn't see drug-addled gasbag Limbaugh bashing Nancy Reagan for her vocal support of stem-cell research, now did you. And did you see Fox's response to Limbaugh's attacks? Pure class.

The point is Fox did NOT take his meds so he would LOOK sicker then he really is; and that is how libs try to win debates

Not on the issues, not on the facts, but on pure emotion.
Actually, the shaking and wiggling is caused by taking medication. Those with parkinsons that have not taken their medication stiffen up and become like a board. There is no wiggling or moving.

There is a secondary medication that they take to dampen that activity, he may have chosen not to take that medication....
The point is Fox did NOT take his meds so he would LOOK sicker then he really is; and that is how libs try to win debates

Not on the issues, not on the facts, but on pure emotion.
As opposed to conservatives who use 6 foot posters of fetuses to unemotionally make their point about abortion.
Here's the link to the Washington Post article mentioned in your link. Care to point out where McKay said scientists had flat-out lied? Or are you flat-out lying? BTW, in the article they only talk about alzeihmers being unrealistic re stem cell research as a cure, Parkinson's and diabetes are a different story. Talk about cherry picking. You'd do well to research what you post before posting it.

BTW, onedomino handed your arse to you on a plate, maybe that's why he didn't answer. Why bother?

Handed me my arse? You're delusional! First off, I have the link right there where he admits that the Altzheimer's story he's been selling to people for years is complete bullcrap, just a 'fairy tale.' I also asked why, if stem cell research is so promising, why it needs federal funding instead of just taking in billions from pharmaceutical companies who would give up their left testes to have a cure for even one of the diseases people claim embryonic stem cells cure. You then point out that the scientist never said 'lie,' never even mention why embryonic stem cell research can't run off private funding, and then declare victory. In a football game, if team A scores 63 points and then team B scores a field goal, does team B "hand team A its arse" just because they got three lousy points against a team that's been killing them?

As opposed to conservatives who use 6 foot posters of fetuses to unemotionally make their point about abortion.

It's all about the difference between the mainstream and the fringe. Mainstream liberals are popping out of the woodwork to claim that you can't question Michael J. Fox. Only the sickest of pro-lifers throw around pictures of dead fetuses.
Congratulations, you just proved yourself wrong. How can cutting Federal funding "effectively prevent such research" when you yourself point out that States can and do fund the research. The fact that states can fund the research is exactly why the Federal government shouldn't.
What? Can you be more disingenuous? How many states other than California have embryonic stem cell research? The answer is zero. Thanks to Bush, California had to invent an unprecedented way to fund scientific research. We were forced to spend a large amount of money to bring the issue of scientic research funding before the voters. Have you ever voted on the funding of scientific research? That’s a real normal process don’t you think? Due to court actions from people with your attitude, the measure which passed by an overwhelming majority in 2004, will not dispense funds until the end of 2006. But the religious extremists were defeated.
Vote for Claire McCaskill or Marty McFly Dies
A Special Message from Emmy Award-Winning actor, Michael J. Fox

Fellow Americans,

Many of you have expressed reservations concerning embryonic stem cell research, fearful that it will lead us down a slippery slope towards a society where human embryos are worth only what you can get for them on the open market. You strongly believe that human life, even in its earliest stages, is sacrosanct. Well, that and three bucks might get you some brownie points with the Big Cheese in the afterlife, but if you ever want to see another Back to the Future sequel you’ll vote Claire McCaskill for United States Senate.

Claire’s strong support for embryonic stem cell research is the best hope that beautiful celebrities afflicted with embarassing diseases have of finding a cure - and the only chance you people have of ever seeing Marty McFly and Doc Brown back in action again.

Seriously, I’d love to do another movie. In fact, I’ve got the script for Back to the Future Part IV right here. It’s damn good, too. But I’m going to feed it into the shredder page by page unless you people start forking over some goddam stem cells! I don’t want any of those second-rate stem cells from some dead geezer’s spine, either! They better be embryonic stem cells, from human embryos, or the deal’s off.

Come on. Wouldn’t you like to see your ol’ pal Calvin Klein riding a modified stegosaurus through prehistoric Hill Valley? It’s right here on page 17. But it’s not going to happen as long as I’m shaking like an Indonesian heroin addict. LOOK AT ME, FOR CHRISTSAKE!!!! I'M A F***ING WRECK!! How am I going to bury Caveman Biff under a mountain of dinosaur poop when I can’t even hold a pencil without poking my f***ing eye out?

So I’m going to say it one last time: VOTE CLAIRE McCASKGILL, OR MARTY MCFLY DIES! I'll kill him, I really will. Alex P. Keaton, too. I'll take my medication, and stab him right in the neck with a screwdriver. There will be no Family Ties Reunion Special, no more Back to the Future flicks, and your own damn selfishness will be to blame. Just keep that in mind when you go to the polls in November.

Thank you, and God bless.

Michael J. Fox

How mean-spirited can you get? It is garbage like this that will convince swing voters to cast their ballots for Democrats. Do you have even a shred of civility?

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