Michael Flynn Loses Appeal. Full Court Rejects Dismissal Recommendation By AG Bill Barr

Flynn didn't lose anything he is a political target because he is a friend of Trump and he knows where Bidens bodies are buried.
I bet he wishes someone would have told him that before he committed a felony.
What felony?...and don't run away...if you are going to make that accusation back it up....
Lying to the FBI is a felony.

Surely you knew this.
Martha Stewart.
She went to prison, didn't she?
Life in prison? Seriously, Penny? The FBI agents that interviewed Flynn didn't even think he lied but you want to lock him up for the rest of his life? You need to take a good hard look at who YOU are!

The FBI agents thought Flynn was being truthful. Which means Flynn is a very good liar.

Flynn lied to Mike Pence, and Pence believed him.
Flynn lied to the FBI and they believed him.

The problem is the NSA had Flynn on tape, proving he lied. See the Senate Intelligence report book 5 page 784
A simpler explanation is the FBI agents thought Flynn was being truthful because he WAS being truthful! You're trying to imprison a man because his story differed from point A to point B. That doesn't necessarily mean an attempt to deceive.
LOL, the Deep State just can’t acknowledge reality.

“Flynn’s request was premature” is the reason they denied it. Hmm, okay we’ll do it later then, even though the state already dropped the case and admitted to wrongdoing on their part.

He lied and he should pay the penalty, life in prison.
In that case, we shouldn't rest until every Obama official (including himself), is indicted, tried and convicted for the dastardly deeds and falsehoods they have committed, told or have been guilty of. They should be brought to justice also if Flynn is guilty of anything. It's only right...

Putting Flynn on the political chopping block for political reasons should come with vast consequences. This should make good people very angry, and bad people to fear the voting wrath of the good people's anger, otherwise to take out vengence with their votes going to Trump at the voting station's come election day...... People don't like it when unequal justice takes place. That's exactly what we are seeing in all of this, where as the hypocrisy is off the chain, but it's all political theater.

Hopefully the voters will prevail against it all come election day.
Flynn lied to the FBI and they believed him.

The problem is the NSA had Flynn on tape, proving he lied. See the Senate Intelligence report book 5 page 784
A simpler explanation is the FBI agents thought Flynn was being truthful because he WAS being truthful! You're trying to imprison a man because his story differed from point A to point B. That doesn't necessarily mean an attempt to deceive.
They had Flynn on tape, the tape proved Flynn lied. Flynn claimed he didn't talk about sanctions with Ambassador Kislyak, and they had Flynn on tape talking to Kislyak about sanctions.

Why do you think Flynn plead guilty. They had him on tape.
Flynn lied to the FBI and they believed him.

The problem is the NSA had Flynn on tape, proving he lied. See the Senate Intelligence report book 5 page 784
A simpler explanation is the FBI agents thought Flynn was being truthful because he WAS being truthful! You're trying to imprison a man because his story differed from point A to point B. That doesn't necessarily mean an attempt to deceive.
They had Flynn on tape, the tape proved Flynn lied. Flynn claimed he didn't talk about sanctions with Ambassador Kislyak, and they had Flynn on tape talking to Kislyak about sanctions.

Why do you think Flynn plead guilty. They had him on tape.
He pled guilty because they threatened to go after his son. What they had on "tape" was the result of the Carter Page FISA Court debacle. It's the way that scum like Brennan and Clapper used their intelligence agencies to go after the Trump Administration.
They had Flynn on tape, the tape proved Flynn lied. Flynn claimed he didn't talk about sanctions with Ambassador Kislyak, and they had Flynn on tape talking to Kislyak about sanctions.

Why do you think Flynn plead guilty. They had him on tape.
He pled guilty because they threatened to go after his son.
That's because Flynn knew his son, like his business partner was guilty of being an unregistered foreign agent.

His business partner got convicted and thrown in jail.
They had Flynn on tape, the tape proved Flynn lied. Flynn claimed he didn't talk about sanctions with Ambassador Kislyak, and they had Flynn on tape talking to Kislyak about sanctions.

Why do you think Flynn plead guilty. They had him on tape.
He pled guilty because they threatened to go after his son.
That's because Flynn knew his son, like his business partner was guilty of being an unregistered foreign agent.

His business partner got convicted and thrown in jail.
You asked why he plead guilty. I told you...to save his son.
But he was told it was not an investigation. At that point he wasn't lying to the fbi.
Haha...where did you pick up this nonsense?
Trump University law school.
They had Flynn on tape, the tape proved Flynn lied. Flynn claimed he didn't talk about sanctions with Ambassador Kislyak, and they had Flynn on tape talking to Kislyak about sanctions.

Why do you think Flynn plead guilty. They had him on tape.
He pled guilty because they threatened to go after his son.
That's because Flynn knew his son, like his business partner was guilty of being an unregistered foreign agent.

His business partner got convicted and thrown in jail.
You asked why he plead guilty. I told you...to save his son.
Flynn clearly lied. This has been established. And
A simpler explanation is the FBI agents thought Flynn was being truthful because he WAS being truthful!
Not even flynn's lawyers are trying to peddle this nonsense.
What "nonsense"? That the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn didn't think he was being untruthful? That higher ups in the FBI ignored them because they were part of the conspiracy to attack Trump?
But he was told it was not an investigation. At that point he wasn't lying to the fbi.
Haha...where did you pick up this nonsense?
Trump University law school.
They had Flynn on tape, the tape proved Flynn lied. Flynn claimed he didn't talk about sanctions with Ambassador Kislyak, and they had Flynn on tape talking to Kislyak about sanctions.

Why do you think Flynn plead guilty. They had him on tape.
He pled guilty because they threatened to go after his son.
That's because Flynn knew his son, like his business partner was guilty of being an unregistered foreign agent.

His business partner got convicted and thrown in jail.
You asked why he plead guilty. I told you...to save his son.
Flynn clearly lied. This has been established. And
What's clearly been established is the FBI agents that interviewed him didn't think he was being deceitful! Could the same be said of the people who were running the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA?
What's clearly been established is the FBI agents that interviewed him didn't think he was being deceitful!
And they were obviously fooled, as the facts show. And part of your defense relies on Flynn being mentally challenged. He was a seasoned general and lobbyist. He knew EXACTLY why they asked him the questions and he knew EXACTLY why he was lying. And so do you.
What "nonsense"?
That Flynn was actually telling the truth. He lied. This is established. You can move past that, now.
Once again...the FBI agents that interviewed him don't agree with you! You're taking the word of people like Page, Strozk, Comey, Clapper and Brennan that Flynn lied and you're ignoring the established fact that ALL of them were lying about this all along!
What's clearly been established is the FBI agents that interviewed him didn't think he was being deceitful!
And they were obviously fooled, as the facts show. And part of your defense relies on Flynn being mentally challenged. He was a seasoned general and lobbyist. He knew EXACTLY why they asked him the questions and he knew EXACTLY why he was lying. And so do you.
I've never claimed that Flynn was mentally challenged. I simply pointed out that not remembering things that took place at an earlier time doesn't make you a liar.
I've never claimed that Flynn was mentally challenged.
No, but you imply it when you imply that he didn't know why they were asking and that he didn't know exactly why he lied. Flynn would suddenly have to have been lobotomized not to know these things at the time.
I've never claimed that Flynn was mentally challenged.
No, but you imply it when you imply that he didn't know why they were asking and that he didn't know exactly why he lied. Flynn would suddenly have to have been lobotomized not to know these things at the time.
Knowing that someone is trying to trap you in a "lie" doesn't make any easier to remember details from things you said months earlier, Fort! It's why a good defense attorney never wants to put their client in that situation. I think Flynn was naive about the lengths that people like Clapper, Brennan and Comey would go to hurt Trump!