Michael Flynn Loses Appeal. Full Court Rejects Dismissal Recommendation By AG Bill Barr

CNBC has this story up here that the DC Court of Appeals rejected the request by Michael Flynn to enforce the Dept of (In)Justice’s request, planted by Donnie Deathcount henchling AG Barr, for dismissal of his case. The vote was 8-2.

If you recollect, Justice Sullivan appointed a special master to review the case for dismissal and invited third parties to respond to the request. Justice Sullivan denied the request for dismissal. Flynn appealed to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals. In a 2-1 decision (led by Trump appointee Naomi Rao), a panel determined Sullivan would have to follow the DoJ request and dismiss the case. Sullivan appealed to the full Court.

Today’s ruling smacks down the Trump appointee (any surprise there?) and:

In an 8-2 ruling, the appeals court judges indicated that Flynn’s request was premature, since U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan of Washington had not yet even ruled on the dismissal request by the Justice Department.
The Court also dismissed Flynn’s request that Judge Sullivan be removed from the case. That was also denied. The case goes back to Judge Sullivan for ruling and potential Flynn sentencing.

Flynn didn't lose anything he is a political target because he is a friend of Trump and he knows where Bidens bodies are buried..... I guess Trump will just have to pardon him and we level headed lovers of justice will send more money to his go fund me account...no big deal....huge fail by Judge Sullivan....his rep is toast forever....
The plea was withdrawn because of bad faith on the part of the prosecution, which abandoned the case....There is now nothing to be adjudicated, hackasaurus rex.
This is no difference than when the 21st amendment repealed the 18th amendment (prohibition). The government abandoned prosecution of people charged with violating the Volstead act.

But, even so, those who had been previously found guilty, remained guilty.
That has to be the absolutely worst attempt at analogy I've ever seen.

Fact remains that there's no prosecution because they had no case and acted in bad faith to obscure the fact, which is totally illegal.
LOL, the Deep State just can’t acknowledge reality.

“Flynn’s request was premature” is the reason they denied it. Hmm, okay we’ll do it later then, even though the state already dropped the case and admitted to wrongdoing on their part.

He lied and he should pay the penalty, life in prison.
Hey P. What should the FBI agent who changed only ONE WORD to start an illegal campaign spying operation and fraud a FISA court get in prison?

Watch this folks...........Head on a Spike possibly?
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The plea was withdrawn because of bad faith on the part of the prosecution, which abandoned the case....There is now nothing to be adjudicated, hackasaurus rex.
This is no difference than when the 21st amendment repealed the 18th amendment (prohibition). The government abandoned prosecution of people charged with violating the Volstead act.

But, even so, those who had been previously found guilty, remained guilty.
Nope. He's totally innocent of collusion with Russia, which was the boundary of the Demmie Witch Hunt against the President they deluged with false narratives and wrongful accusations to hamstring the house with mafiosi Pelosi orchestrating the timing and lies to fool completely The Democrat base.
Why are the leftist locksteppers so determined to destroy an innocent man as Flynn who served this country with his whole life and fortune?
Flynn may have been the worlds greatest soldier. But he threw it away when he decided to lie to the FBI, over something that wasn't even a crime.

A simple life lesson. Don't lie to the FBI or to a judge.
So, for the first time in American history that I know of, a judge is going to prosecute a case without a prosecutor, thereby trampling all over the Separation of Powers that our Constitution requires. We are officially no longer a nation of laws, we are a nation of men who can ignore the law for political purposes. Sullivan is going to do whatever he wants, but if he does not rule in Flynn's favor then this whole bullshit case will end up in the Supreme court, where it will be dismissed.
It's already prosecuted.
National Security Advisor Flynn, beginning January 20th,2021.
LOL, the Deep State just can’t acknowledge reality.

“Flynn’s request was premature” is the reason they denied it. Hmm, okay we’ll do it later then, even though the state already dropped the case and admitted to wrongdoing on their part.

He lied and he should pay the penalty, life in prison.
He lied about what exactly? Do you even know?

Funny you don’t feel the same about Hillary lying and destroying evidence with her email law breaking.
Except that that didn't happen.
Or a bunch of traitors
You embarrass yourself with your use of that word. You also give up the game that you are a fraud by then rooting for a foreign agent to be our head of national security. A very enlightening post all around. It's not often someone exposes themselves so freely and unwittingly as you just have.

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