Michael Bloomberg Will Never Be Accepted In PA As A Democrat!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Yesterday, the Philadelphia Inquirer ran a story about billionaire former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and what he faces amongst PA Democrats if he enters the race to be the Democrat Presidential nominee for the 2020 election. Boy-o-boy did the paper wimp out and soft pedal Bloomberg's prospects the title of the article indicates their underestimation of the resistance it being "PA Democrats wary about Bloomberg's past". The conclusion they should have drawn is that PA Democrats as a whole will never accept and support a Michael Bloomberg Democrat campaign for the Presidency for the 2020 race. Does the name Arlen Specter ring any bells for anyone; Democrats as a whole will treat Bloomberg just like they treated Specter. Arlen Specter was the long-term centrist Republican senator from Pennsylvania that in part saw the rank and file Republicans and the Republican Party machine moving dramatically to the right assessed his prospects of winning the Republican nomination for Senator in the next Senate election remote and then decided to jump ship to the Democrat Party. Senator Specter did so much to help the Democrat Obama administration you think him becoming a Democrat wouldn't have been a big issue the one thing that comes to mind is that Senator Specter was instrumental in getting the $800 million stimulus package passed in 2009 which brought the country back from the Depression it was on the precipice of entering. In any event, in the Democrat primary election for the U.S. Senate for the 2010 race Senator Specter lost to Congressman Joe Sestak, a not very strong candidate nor one the Democrat establishment liked, the prudent analysis concludes it was because rank and file Democrats and the Democrat machine didn't fully work for Senator Specter and support him. The assessment was that a lot of Democrats thought Senator Specter was using the Democrat Party he wasn't one of them he did not hold their vision for America so these Democrats held back as a protest!

Michael Bloomberg is crazy if he doesn't think that his endorsement of Senator Pat Toomey in the last election isn't going to haunt him big-time in gaining PA Democrat support. Pat Toomey is one of the founding members of the Club For Growth; if this group had their will they would shred America's social safety net so they could keep taxes low these people are the type that think the human cost with such cutting be damned its all about the money. These people would privatize Medicare leaving seniors with woefully short health coverage, they would take the meat cleaver to college assistance programs, public housing, Social Security, etc. they are completely unfeeling people! Senator Toomey is clever in hiding his true values because he knows that centrist Pennsylvanians decide the outcomes of elections and he doesn't want to alienate them but enough Democrats know the truth about Toomey that he is a right wing Jim Jordan type people need to fend for themselves following the Constitution prohibits this social spending politician. The fact that Mr. Bloomberg could endorse and support with his PAC money such a horrible candidate as Pat Toomey many PA Democrats won't be able to overlook or get passed. This is the situation for this Billionaire all the money in the world won't be able to change the reality that many PA Democrats will view Michael Bloomberg as a hijacker, as a carpet bagger for the Democrat Party!
I doubt little Mikey, Short Man's Complex will run. However, PA has been moving to a BLUE state for years, and is even more so now than 2016. So any candidate with a "D" next to his or her name will have a shot to win PA. Look what happened in the Philly burbs the last two elections. Total bloodbath for Republicans.
So far he has only filed for the Alabama and Arkansas primaries. Oh yeah...Democrats are gonna love him there.

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