MI Anti-Abortion Bill, 'Most Extreme' In The Country, Barrels Through State House


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Michigan Anti-Abortion Bill, 'Most Extreme' In The Country, Barrels Through State House

The bill was introduced just last week, but lawmakers held a hearing for it on Thursday morning and are sending it to a full House vote on Thursday afternoon. A spokesperson for Planned Parenthood Mid and South Michigan said about 90 people showed up at the Health Policy Committee hearing to testify against the bill, but Committee Chair Gail Haines (R-Waterford) abruptly ended the hearing and cut off all testimony after a Michigan Right to Life spokesperson and only a few others were able to speak.

"We had a lot of doctors there and members of the committee asking questions about what the full ramifications of a lot of these provisions could be, and quite frankly a lot of folks couldn't answer them," said Meghan Groen, a spokesperson for PPMSM.

Specifically, the omnibus bill would criminalize all abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, without exceptions for rape victims, the health of the woman or in cases where there is a severe fetal anomaly. It would require health centers that provide abortions to have surgery rooms, even when they don't provide surgical abortions. It would require doctors to be present for medication abortions and to screen women for "coercion" before providing an abortion, and it would create new regulations for the disposal of fetal remains.

The bill would also ban "telemedicine" abortions, or the use of technology to prescribe medication for abortion services and the morning-after pill.

"It could shut down most reproductive health centers in the state of Michigan," said Groen. "It's the most extreme legislation we're seeing anywhere in the country."
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As Punishment For Opposing Anti-Abortion Bill, Male Michigan House Leader Bans Two Female Reps From Speaking | ThinkProgress

A male Republican House leader in Michigan silenced two female Democratic state legislators on Thursday after the pair tried to advance a measure that would have reduced access to vasectomies.

While discussing a bill that would erode the availability of abortion, Reps. Barb Byrum and Lisa Brown introduced an amendment to apply the same regulations to vasectomies that GOP lawmakers wanted to add to abortion services. The debate grew heated, as Republicans sought to gravel down the women. Byrum was not permitted to speak in favor of the measure and Brown was repeatedly interrupted. “I’m flattered that you want to get in my vagina, but no means no,” she said. The next day both were silenced.

Gee. What's the problem, boys?
As Punishment For Opposing Anti-Abortion Bill, Male Michigan House Leader Bans Two Female Reps From Speaking | ThinkProgress

A male Republican House leader in Michigan silenced two female Democratic state legislators on Thursday after the pair tried to advance a measure that would have reduced access to vasectomies.

While discussing a bill that would erode the availability of abortion, Reps. Barb Byrum and Lisa Brown introduced an amendment to apply the same regulations to vasectomies that GOP lawmakers wanted to add to abortion services. The debate grew heated, as Republicans sought to gravel down the women. Byrum was not permitted to speak in favor of the measure and Brown was repeatedly interrupted. “I’m flattered that you want to get in my vagina, but no means no,” she said. The next day both were silenced.

Gee. What's the problem, boys?

They didn't want vasectomies reduced.

Which presents a problem. If the pro abortion crowd were really interested in reducing unwanted pregnancies why would they have a problem with vasectomies! The obvious answer is rather ugly. They aren't interested in reducing unwanted pregnancies but increasing the number of abortions.
Based on what you wrote, the only thing I disagree with is the health of the mother.

I mean, a woman who was raped and pregnant because of it (or any woman), has plenty of time to decide to abort before the first trimester has passed.
Once again, the Huffy Puffy lies.

From the text of the bill itself:

(f) (d) "Medical emergency" means that condition which, on

6 the basis of the physician's good faith clinical judgment, so

7 complicates the medical condition of a pregnant woman as to

8 necessitate the immediate abortion of her pregnancy to avert her

9 death or for which a delay will create serious risk of

10 substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily

11 function.​

Jesus H. Christ - the Huffy Puffy just can't help lying about this stuff. It lied about the bill in VA, now it lies about the bill in MI.
…but Committee Chair Gail Haines (R-Waterford) abruptly ended the hearing and cut off all testimony after a Michigan Right to Life spokesperson and only a few others were able to speak.

Uh huh. The classic conservative aversion to facts and the truth.

"It could shut down most reproductive health centers in the state of Michigan," said Groen. "It's the most extreme legislation we're seeing anywhere in the country."

That’s the true intent of the legislation, while endangering women’s health in the process.

Otherwise the measure clearly manifests an undue burden, and is consequently un-Constitutional. But that’s what the bill’s sponsors’ want.
…but Committee Chair Gail Haines (R-Waterford) abruptly ended the hearing and cut off all testimony after a Michigan Right to Life spokesperson and only a few others were able to speak.

Uh huh. The classic conservative aversion to facts and the truth.

"It could shut down most reproductive health centers in the state of Michigan," said Groen. "It's the most extreme legislation we're seeing anywhere in the country."

That’s the true intent of the legislation, while endangering women’s health in the process.

Otherwise the measure clearly manifests an undue burden, and is consequently un-Constitutional. But that’s what the bill’s sponsors’ want.

So says the Huffy Puffy.

Read the bill.
One of the main ways states are circumventing Roe v Wade is by insisting that abortion clinics be set up in ways that aren't even possible. When the clinic can't meet that criteria, it closes.
Yeah, the Huffy Puffy did, too.

But, as usual, lied about its contents.

Just for example, the bill, as I quoted, does NOT rule out abortions after 20 weeks when the health of the mother is in danger. The Huffy Puffy blatantly lied.

No surprise, at least to me. They did the same thing when they talked about the VA bill - blatantly lied about what was in it.
Great bit here.

5 (11) The department of community health shall do each of the

6 following:

7 (a) Produce medically accurate depictions, illustrations, or

8 photographs of the development of a human fetus that indicate by

9 scale the actual size of the fetus at 2-week intervals from the

10 fourth week through the twenty-eighth week of gestation. Each

11 depiction, illustration, or photograph shall be accompanied by a

12 printed description, in nontechnical English, Arabic, and

13 Spanish, of the probable anatomical and physiological

14 characteristics of the fetus at that particular state of

15 gestational development.
So, what is the issue about making abortions, except in life-saving situations, illegal after 20 weeks of gestation?

I am curious.

This is more about legislators all over the US doing an end run around women's reproductive rights, in flagrant violation of Roe v Wade than the last trimester abortions (which so rarely happen.)

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