A Real American


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"The GOP presidential candidate wants nine-year-olds to work as janitors. It's not merely a crazy plan (although it's plenty crazy). It's also evidence of a deep disrespect for and ignorance of American work.

Last Friday, during an event at Harvard, Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich offered up a modest plan for alleviating poverty in the United States. It was time, he said, to relax our "truly stupid" child labor laws. In particular, schools should fire their unionized janitors, and hire children....
Business - Jordan Weissmann - Newt Gingrich Thinks School Children Should Work as Janitors - The Atlantic

Liberal media went nuts, as did The Atlantic....

Then there's this:

"Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound"

1. "At 6 this morning, long before her classmates were even awake, 18-year-old Dawn Loggins was already pushing a mop through her high school in Lawndale, N.C. -- where she also works as a custodian.

2. Home -- for Dawn -- is complicated. For years she moved around, sometimes squatting with her drug dealer stepfather and unemployed mother.

"Every time my stepdad would be arrested, we would have to move. Or my mom would use rent money to bail him out of jail," Dawn said. "There would be places where we lived where there wouldn't be power and water for extended periods of time."

3. But she always excelled at school. Then last summer Dawn returned from an academic summer camp to find her parents had abandoned her.

4. ...a counselor asked Sheryl Kolton, a school custodian, if she would take Dawn in. With a safe place to stay, Dawn flourished.

5. She was president of the photography club, the rock climbing club, the Spanish club. "I also started a community service project for soldiers in active duty service. National Honor Society, Beta Club, National Spanish Honor Society. ...

6. "I think that what got me into Harvard was my drive," Dawn said. "And the fact that I've been able to do so much, with everything working against me

7. "I feel like Sheryl allowing me to stay there has been the best thing that has happened to me," Dawn says.
As for Sheryl, her view is that Dawn "doesn't owe me anything."
Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound - CBS News
(watch the vid...)

And this...

"Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that his wife, as well as the wife of President Barack Obama, would have had “no chance” in life had it not been for government help. According to vice presidential pool reports:

“I know, literally, Barack and I talk about it. Neither one of us would have had any shot,” Biden said. “The same with our wives. Both wives are smarter than both of us. Literally, these very accomplished women would not have any chance without some help."
Jill and Michelle ‘Would Not Have Any Chance’ Without Govt. | Washington Free Beacon

We can't allow the Left to train us to be victims, beggars, incompetents....

Just like the real Americans, Dawn Loggins rocks.

See you at the polls November 6th....
People win the lottery all the time..you betcha!

Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
Romans 13:11
The moral of the story being every child should have a drug dealer for a step-father and be abondened before they turn 18. Then and only then will the next generation become "Real Americans".

Romanians: 1 under ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Liberal media went nuts, as did The Atlantic....

There is no such thing as the ‘liberal media,’ it’s a rightist contrivance in response to facts they don’t like or believe conflict with conservative dogma.

The Myth of the Liberal Media | Dispatches from the Culture Wars

“None so blind as those that will not see.”

Notice, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, torte....I'll stipulate that you are stupid rather than dishonest.

Here is an exposure of leftist journalists using the term ‘racists’ to cow their political opponents. Enlightening.

1. After someone torpedoed Dave Weigel’s Washington Post gig by breaking the code of silence on the Journolist listserv, the race has been on to see who would sell the entire contents of the e-mail messages between the liberal members of the group — and who would get to buy them. We may never know who sold it, but Tucker Carlson and the Daily Caller wound up with the data,…

2. Daily Caller reporter Jonathan Strong lays out a strategy plotted by Journolist members to kill the Jeremiah Wright story during the 2008 primaries — and to smear Barack Obama’s critics as racists:

3. …videos surfaced of Obama’s pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, angrily denouncing whites, the U.S. government and America itself. Obama had once bragged of his closeness to Wright….in mid-April, 2008, at an ABC News debate moderated by Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos. Gibson asked Obama why it had taken him so long – nearly a year since Wright’s remarks became public – to dissociate himself from them.

4. Watching this all at home were members of Journolist, a listserv comprised of several hundred liberal journalists, as well as like-minded professors and activists. The tough questioning from the ABC anchors left many of them outraged.

5. …at several points during the 2008 presidential campaign a group of liberal journalists took radical steps to protect their favored candidate. Employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic participated in outpourings of anger over how Obama had been treated in the media, and in some cases plotted to fix the damage.

6. Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

7. Journolist members collaborated on an open letter criticizing ABC’s Charlie Gibson for asking questions about Wright during ABC’s presidential debate between Obama and Hillary Clinton….a campaign by professional journalists to tell ABC not to ask tough questions about a candidate’s links to radicals…

8. Ackerman appealed to the other members of the Journolist group: “If the right forces us all to either defend Wright or tear him down, no matter what we choose, we lose the game they’ve put upon us. Instead, take one of them — Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists. Ask: why do they have such a deep-seated problem with a black politician who unites the country? What lurks behind those problems? This makes *them* sputter with rage, which in turn leads to overreaction and self-destruction.”

9. It certainly puts efforts by the Left to paint the Tea Party as racist in an entirely new light. It also calls into question the ethics and judgment of anyone who participated in that Ackerman thread.
Daily Caller discovers Journolist plot to spike Wright story, smear conservatives as racists « Hot Air

10. Liberal media outlets are trying to smear the highest-ranking Republican in the House just weeks before the midterm elections with a deal-breaking scandal before he has a chance to take the speaker's chair from Nancy Pelosi.
A blogger from liberal Web site The Daily Kos pierced through Boehner's security detail at yesterday's unveiling of his leadership policy "Pledge to America" to ask if he was sleeping with a lobbyist from the Printing Industries of America.

Read more: Liberal outlets try to nab John Boehner for infidelity before midterm elections - NYPOST.com

Gee....the kindest thing one can say about you, torte, is that you are uninformed.
"The GOP presidential candidate wants nine-year-olds to work as janitors. It's not merely a crazy plan (although it's plenty crazy). It's also evidence of a deep disrespect for and ignorance of American work.

Last Friday, during an event at Harvard, Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich offered up a modest plan for alleviating poverty in the United States. It was time, he said, to relax our "truly stupid" child labor laws. In particular, schools should fire their unionized janitors, and hire children....
Business - Jordan Weissmann - Newt Gingrich Thinks School Children Should Work as Janitors - The Atlantic

Liberal media went nuts, as did The Atlantic....

Then there's this:

"Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound"

1. "At 6 this morning, long before her classmates were even awake, 18-year-old Dawn Loggins was already pushing a mop through her high school in Lawndale, N.C. -- where she also works as a custodian.

2. Home -- for Dawn -- is complicated. For years she moved around, sometimes squatting with her drug dealer stepfather and unemployed mother.

"Every time my stepdad would be arrested, we would have to move. Or my mom would use rent money to bail him out of jail," Dawn said. "There would be places where we lived where there wouldn't be power and water for extended periods of time."

3. But she always excelled at school. Then last summer Dawn returned from an academic summer camp to find her parents had abandoned her.

4. ...a counselor asked Sheryl Kolton, a school custodian, if she would take Dawn in. With a safe place to stay, Dawn flourished.

5. She was president of the photography club, the rock climbing club, the Spanish club. "I also started a community service project for soldiers in active duty service. National Honor Society, Beta Club, National Spanish Honor Society. ...

6. "I think that what got me into Harvard was my drive," Dawn said. "And the fact that I've been able to do so much, with everything working against me

7. "I feel like Sheryl allowing me to stay there has been the best thing that has happened to me," Dawn says.
As for Sheryl, her view is that Dawn "doesn't owe me anything."
Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound - CBS News
(watch the vid...)

And this...

"Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that his wife, as well as the wife of President Barack Obama, would have had “no chance” in life had it not been for government help. According to vice presidential pool reports:

“I know, literally, Barack and I talk about it. Neither one of us would have had any shot,” Biden said. “The same with our wives. Both wives are smarter than both of us. Literally, these very accomplished women would not have any chance without some help."
Jill and Michelle ‘Would Not Have Any Chance’ Without Govt. | Washington Free Beacon

We can't allow the Left to train us to be victims, beggars, incompetents....

Just like the real Americans, Dawn Loggins rocks.

See you at the polls November 6th....

ONE doesnt fall through the cracks so you are willing to allow tens of thousands to fall through the cracks?

You are a heartless piece of crap.

Go to the poorest part of your town and count the kids.

Then realize how rare this young woman is.

Then go spit on all the kids you are willing to allow to be tossed aside.

Your better bring yourself something to drink.

When you give up on a child you have given up on making them a productive tax payer for decades to come you fucking idiot.

NEVER give up on our kids.

Its the smart thing as well as the DECENT thing to do.
"The GOP presidential candidate wants nine-year-olds to work as janitors. It's not merely a crazy plan (although it's plenty crazy). It's also evidence of a deep disrespect for and ignorance of American work.

Last Friday, during an event at Harvard, Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich offered up a modest plan for alleviating poverty in the United States. It was time, he said, to relax our "truly stupid" child labor laws. In particular, schools should fire their unionized janitors, and hire children....
Business - Jordan Weissmann - Newt Gingrich Thinks School Children Should Work as Janitors - The Atlantic

Liberal media went nuts, as did The Atlantic....

Then there's this:

"Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound"

1. "At 6 this morning, long before her classmates were even awake, 18-year-old Dawn Loggins was already pushing a mop through her high school in Lawndale, N.C. -- where she also works as a custodian.

2. Home -- for Dawn -- is complicated. For years she moved around, sometimes squatting with her drug dealer stepfather and unemployed mother.

"Every time my stepdad would be arrested, we would have to move. Or my mom would use rent money to bail him out of jail," Dawn said. "There would be places where we lived where there wouldn't be power and water for extended periods of time."

3. But she always excelled at school. Then last summer Dawn returned from an academic summer camp to find her parents had abandoned her.

4. ...a counselor asked Sheryl Kolton, a school custodian, if she would take Dawn in. With a safe place to stay, Dawn flourished.

5. She was president of the photography club, the rock climbing club, the Spanish club. "I also started a community service project for soldiers in active duty service. National Honor Society, Beta Club, National Spanish Honor Society. ...

6. "I think that what got me into Harvard was my drive," Dawn said. "And the fact that I've been able to do so much, with everything working against me

7. "I feel like Sheryl allowing me to stay there has been the best thing that has happened to me," Dawn says.
As for Sheryl, her view is that Dawn "doesn't owe me anything."
Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound - CBS News
(watch the vid...)

And this...

"Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that his wife, as well as the wife of President Barack Obama, would have had “no chance” in life had it not been for government help. According to vice presidential pool reports:

“I know, literally, Barack and I talk about it. Neither one of us would have had any shot,” Biden said. “The same with our wives. Both wives are smarter than both of us. Literally, these very accomplished women would not have any chance without some help."
Jill and Michelle ‘Would Not Have Any Chance’ Without Govt. | Washington Free Beacon

We can't allow the Left to train us to be victims, beggars, incompetents....

Just like the real Americans, Dawn Loggins rocks.

See you at the polls November 6th....

ONE doesnt fall through the cracks so you are willing to allow tens of thousands to fall through the cracks?

You are a heartless piece of crap.

Go to the poorest part of your town and count the kids.

Then realize how rare this young woman is.

Then go spit on all the kids you are willing to allow to be tossed aside.

Your better bring yourself something to drink.

When you give up on a child you have given up on making them a productive tax payer for decades to come you fucking idiot.

NEVER give up on our kids.

Its the smart thing as well as the DECENT thing to do.

Oh....did I step on your worldview?

So very sorry....I can see you, closing your eyes and doing that Edith Piaf face.

Here...see if this is an anodyne:

President Obama actually threatened his audience at a million-dollar fund raiser that if he weren’t re-elected, they would have to become more self-reliant:

“At a million-dollar San Francisco fundraiser today, President Obama warned his recession-battered supporters that if he loses the 2012 election it could herald a new, painful era of self-reliance in America.

“The one thing that we absolutely know for sure is that if we don’t work even harder than we did in 2008, then we’re going to have a government that tells the American people, ‘you are on your own,’” Obama told a crowd of 200 donors over lunch at the W Hotel.” Obama: If We Lose in 2012, Government Will Tell People ‘You’re on Your Own’ - ABC News

There could be no clearer view of the America that the Left envisions.

Here are the two things you must remember: never write a post as dumb as this again, and Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on
the same night.
The origins of the myth of the ‘liberal media’ can be traced back to the era of Vietnam and Watergate, when the press reported accurate, factual accounts concerning a failed, illegal war and a criminal republican administration.

The NYT’s publication of the Pentagon Papers in conjunction with the accounts of criminal, covert activity by the CIA and other government agencies lead conservatives to incorrectly perceive such disclosures as ‘undermining’ America’s efforts during the Cold War. This resulted in the right’s irrational, unfounded paranoia of the media, manifesting in their contempt for a free press.

Since the media reported on issues documenting the criminality or failure of persons and issues conservatives supported, they ‘reasoned,’ the media must be ‘liberal.’

The fact that the events reported by the press were true and accurate was irrelevant to conservatives, of course. Conservatives and their agenda were being unfairly ‘persecuted’ by a liberal press.

Consequently, to this day, the myth of the ‘liberal media’ has become an article of religious faith among conservatives, just as devoid of fact or evidence as any other aspect of conservative dogma.
"The GOP presidential candidate wants nine-year-olds to work as janitors. It's not merely a crazy plan (although it's plenty crazy). It's also evidence of a deep disrespect for and ignorance of American work.

Last Friday, during an event at Harvard, Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich offered up a modest plan for alleviating poverty in the United States. It was time, he said, to relax our "truly stupid" child labor laws. In particular, schools should fire their unionized janitors, and hire children....
Business - Jordan Weissmann - Newt Gingrich Thinks School Children Should Work as Janitors - The Atlantic

Liberal media went nuts, as did The Atlantic....

Then there's this:

"Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound"

1. "At 6 this morning, long before her classmates were even awake, 18-year-old Dawn Loggins was already pushing a mop through her high school in Lawndale, N.C. -- where she also works as a custodian.

2. Home -- for Dawn -- is complicated. For years she moved around, sometimes squatting with her drug dealer stepfather and unemployed mother.

"Every time my stepdad would be arrested, we would have to move. Or my mom would use rent money to bail him out of jail," Dawn said. "There would be places where we lived where there wouldn't be power and water for extended periods of time."

3. But she always excelled at school. Then last summer Dawn returned from an academic summer camp to find her parents had abandoned her.

4. ...a counselor asked Sheryl Kolton, a school custodian, if she would take Dawn in. With a safe place to stay, Dawn flourished.

5. She was president of the photography club, the rock climbing club, the Spanish club. "I also started a community service project for soldiers in active duty service. National Honor Society, Beta Club, National Spanish Honor Society. ...

6. "I think that what got me into Harvard was my drive," Dawn said. "And the fact that I've been able to do so much, with everything working against me

7. "I feel like Sheryl allowing me to stay there has been the best thing that has happened to me," Dawn says.
As for Sheryl, her view is that Dawn "doesn't owe me anything."
Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound - CBS News
(watch the vid...)

And this...

"Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that his wife, as well as the wife of President Barack Obama, would have had “no chance” in life had it not been for government help. According to vice presidential pool reports:

“I know, literally, Barack and I talk about it. Neither one of us would have had any shot,” Biden said. “The same with our wives. Both wives are smarter than both of us. Literally, these very accomplished women would not have any chance without some help."
Jill and Michelle ‘Would Not Have Any Chance’ Without Govt. | Washington Free Beacon

We can't allow the Left to train us to be victims, beggars, incompetents....

Just like the real Americans, Dawn Loggins rocks.

See you at the polls November 6th....

ONE doesnt fall through the cracks so you are willing to allow tens of thousands to fall through the cracks?

You are a heartless piece of crap.

Go to the poorest part of your town and count the kids.

Then realize how rare this young woman is.

Then go spit on all the kids you are willing to allow to be tossed aside.

Your better bring yourself something to drink.

When you give up on a child you have given up on making them a productive tax payer for decades to come you fucking idiot.

NEVER give up on our kids.

Its the smart thing as well as the DECENT thing to do.

Umm, she did fall through the cracks, and she picked herself up and turned her life into a testimony that anyone can succeed in America. Why does that offend you?
Political slams not withstanding, it is an encouraging story. Thank you PC.
The origins of the myth of the ‘liberal media’ can be traced back to the era of Vietnam and Watergate, when the press reported accurate, factual accounts concerning a failed, illegal war and a criminal republican administration.

If you want to trace the origins of the phrase back to the Vietnam War I suggest you examine Rolling Stone and Cronkite's February 1968 editorial. The media didn't actually become liberal in a real sense until the 1980s, and got progressively more so as time went on.

The NYT’s publication of the Pentagon Papers in conjunction with the accounts of criminal, covert activity by the CIA and other government agencies lead conservatives to incorrectly perceive such disclosures as ‘undermining’ America’s efforts during the Cold War. This resulted in the right’s irrational, unfounded paranoia of the media, manifesting in their contempt for a free press.

Not true. Those reports were just as damaging to our efforts as the current leaks from the Obama administration regarding covert ops are. That was pretty much universally recognized.

Please note that this does not make the NYT the villian here, it is simply a statement of fact, unlike your position, which is actually based on politics that it was the right thing to do because it ended a war.

Since the media reported on issues documenting the criminality or failure of persons and issues conservatives supported, they ‘reasoned,’ the media must be ‘liberal.’

And the fact that they do not report on issues that liberals would consider criminal when a liberal is president has nothing to do with anyone's perception of bias on the part of the media?

I thought you were stupid about law, now I know you are actually a hack.

The fact that the events reported by the press were true and accurate was irrelevant to conservatives, of course. Conservatives and their agenda were being unfairly ‘persecuted’ by a liberal press.

You are aware that most of the stuff you are saying was criminal occurred under Democratic presidents, aren't you? That it was actually supported by Democrats in Congress, and that the outrage over the exposure of the secrets came from both sides of the aisle? Maybe the problem here is not the mythical conservatives, maybe it is you.

Consequently, to this day, the myth of the ‘liberal media’ has become an article of religious faith among conservatives, just as devoid of fact or evidence as any other aspect of conservative dogma.

Which is why no one ever mentioned it until 1798 when Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Act.

Wait, what?
Seems like Dawn got help when she needed it. Counselors acted on her behalf and asked the school custodian if she could stay with her.

She got help. There is nothing wrong with getting help when you need it. Whether you are Dawn or Michelle Obama.
"The GOP presidential candidate wants nine-year-olds to work as janitors. It's not merely a crazy plan (although it's plenty crazy). It's also evidence of a deep disrespect for and ignorance of American work.

Last Friday, during an event at Harvard, Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich offered up a modest plan for alleviating poverty in the United States. It was time, he said, to relax our "truly stupid" child labor laws. In particular, schools should fire their unionized janitors, and hire children....
Business - Jordan Weissmann - Newt Gingrich Thinks School Children Should Work as Janitors - The Atlantic

Liberal media went nuts, as did The Atlantic....

Then there's this:

"Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound"

1. "At 6 this morning, long before her classmates were even awake, 18-year-old Dawn Loggins was already pushing a mop through her high school in Lawndale, N.C. -- where she also works as a custodian.

2. Home -- for Dawn -- is complicated. For years she moved around, sometimes squatting with her drug dealer stepfather and unemployed mother.

"Every time my stepdad would be arrested, we would have to move. Or my mom would use rent money to bail him out of jail," Dawn said. "There would be places where we lived where there wouldn't be power and water for extended periods of time."

3. But she always excelled at school. Then last summer Dawn returned from an academic summer camp to find her parents had abandoned her.

4. ...a counselor asked Sheryl Kolton, a school custodian, if she would take Dawn in. With a safe place to stay, Dawn flourished.

5. She was president of the photography club, the rock climbing club, the Spanish club. "I also started a community service project for soldiers in active duty service. National Honor Society, Beta Club, National Spanish Honor Society. ...

6. "I think that what got me into Harvard was my drive," Dawn said. "And the fact that I've been able to do so much, with everything working against me

7. "I feel like Sheryl allowing me to stay there has been the best thing that has happened to me," Dawn says.
As for Sheryl, her view is that Dawn "doesn't owe me anything."
Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound - CBS News
(watch the vid...)

And this...

"Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that his wife, as well as the wife of President Barack Obama, would have had “no chance” in life had it not been for government help. According to vice presidential pool reports:

“I know, literally, Barack and I talk about it. Neither one of us would have had any shot,” Biden said. “The same with our wives. Both wives are smarter than both of us. Literally, these very accomplished women would not have any chance without some help."
Jill and Michelle ‘Would Not Have Any Chance’ Without Govt. | Washington Free Beacon

We can't allow the Left to train us to be victims, beggars, incompetents....

Just like the real Americans, Dawn Loggins rocks.

See you at the polls November 6th....

without anti-discrimination laws people like you would still have women working only as secretaries.

stop whining.
"The GOP presidential candidate wants nine-year-olds to work as janitors. It's not merely a crazy plan (although it's plenty crazy). It's also evidence of a deep disrespect for and ignorance of American work.

Last Friday, during an event at Harvard, Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich offered up a modest plan for alleviating poverty in the United States. It was time, he said, to relax our "truly stupid" child labor laws. In particular, schools should fire their unionized janitors, and hire children....
Business - Jordan Weissmann - Newt Gingrich Thinks School Children Should Work as Janitors - The Atlantic

Liberal media went nuts, as did The Atlantic....

Then there's this:

"Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound"

1. "At 6 this morning, long before her classmates were even awake, 18-year-old Dawn Loggins was already pushing a mop through her high school in Lawndale, N.C. -- where she also works as a custodian.

2. Home -- for Dawn -- is complicated. For years she moved around, sometimes squatting with her drug dealer stepfather and unemployed mother.

"Every time my stepdad would be arrested, we would have to move. Or my mom would use rent money to bail him out of jail," Dawn said. "There would be places where we lived where there wouldn't be power and water for extended periods of time."

3. But she always excelled at school. Then last summer Dawn returned from an academic summer camp to find her parents had abandoned her.

4. ...a counselor asked Sheryl Kolton, a school custodian, if she would take Dawn in. With a safe place to stay, Dawn flourished.

5. She was president of the photography club, the rock climbing club, the Spanish club. "I also started a community service project for soldiers in active duty service. National Honor Society, Beta Club, National Spanish Honor Society. ...

6. "I think that what got me into Harvard was my drive," Dawn said. "And the fact that I've been able to do so much, with everything working against me

7. "I feel like Sheryl allowing me to stay there has been the best thing that has happened to me," Dawn says.
As for Sheryl, her view is that Dawn "doesn't owe me anything."
Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound - CBS News
(watch the vid...)

And this...

"Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that his wife, as well as the wife of President Barack Obama, would have had “no chance” in life had it not been for government help. According to vice presidential pool reports:

“I know, literally, Barack and I talk about it. Neither one of us would have had any shot,” Biden said. “The same with our wives. Both wives are smarter than both of us. Literally, these very accomplished women would not have any chance without some help."
Jill and Michelle ‘Would Not Have Any Chance’ Without Govt. | Washington Free Beacon

We can't allow the Left to train us to be victims, beggars, incompetents....

Just like the real Americans, Dawn Loggins rocks.

See you at the polls November 6th....

without anti-discrimination laws people like you would still have women working only as secretaries.

stop whining.

What idiotic nonsense. I guess people like you couldn't tie your shoes without a law.
Heads us, kiddies.

Our economic system DEMANDS both winners and losers.

Can't have one set without the other.
"The GOP presidential candidate wants nine-year-olds to work as janitors. It's not merely a crazy plan (although it's plenty crazy). It's also evidence of a deep disrespect for and ignorance of American work.

Last Friday, during an event at Harvard, Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich offered up a modest plan for alleviating poverty in the United States. It was time, he said, to relax our "truly stupid" child labor laws. In particular, schools should fire their unionized janitors, and hire children....
Business - Jordan Weissmann - Newt Gingrich Thinks School Children Should Work as Janitors - The Atlantic

Liberal media went nuts, as did The Atlantic....

Then there's this:

"Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound"

1. "At 6 this morning, long before her classmates were even awake, 18-year-old Dawn Loggins was already pushing a mop through her high school in Lawndale, N.C. -- where she also works as a custodian.

2. Home -- for Dawn -- is complicated. For years she moved around, sometimes squatting with her drug dealer stepfather and unemployed mother.

"Every time my stepdad would be arrested, we would have to move. Or my mom would use rent money to bail him out of jail," Dawn said. "There would be places where we lived where there wouldn't be power and water for extended periods of time."

3. But she always excelled at school. Then last summer Dawn returned from an academic summer camp to find her parents had abandoned her.

4. ...a counselor asked Sheryl Kolton, a school custodian, if she would take Dawn in. With a safe place to stay, Dawn flourished.

5. She was president of the photography club, the rock climbing club, the Spanish club. "I also started a community service project for soldiers in active duty service. National Honor Society, Beta Club, National Spanish Honor Society. ...

6. "I think that what got me into Harvard was my drive," Dawn said. "And the fact that I've been able to do so much, with everything working against me

7. "I feel like Sheryl allowing me to stay there has been the best thing that has happened to me," Dawn says.
As for Sheryl, her view is that Dawn "doesn't owe me anything."
Student who doubled as high school's custodian now Harvard-bound - CBS News
(watch the vid...)

And this...

"Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that his wife, as well as the wife of President Barack Obama, would have had “no chance” in life had it not been for government help. According to vice presidential pool reports:

“I know, literally, Barack and I talk about it. Neither one of us would have had any shot,” Biden said. “The same with our wives. Both wives are smarter than both of us. Literally, these very accomplished women would not have any chance without some help."
Jill and Michelle ‘Would Not Have Any Chance’ Without Govt. | Washington Free Beacon

We can't allow the Left to train us to be victims, beggars, incompetents....

Just like the real Americans, Dawn Loggins rocks.

See you at the polls November 6th....

without anti-discrimination laws people like you would still have women working only as secretaries.

stop whining.

1. Now that I have found out that you don't know the difference between 'whining' and 'enlightening,' I see the word 'dictionary' on your wish list.

2. There is a great deal of truth in the axiom "We can only judge others by ourselves."

Thus, your view " people like you would still have women working only as secretaries" suggests that you have rather a low opinion of the competence, drive, an ability of women.

For similar reasons, I have a far more optimistic view.
Seems like Dawn got help when she needed it. Counselors acted on her behalf and asked the school custodian if she could stay with her.

She got help. There is nothing wrong with getting help when you need it. Whether you are Dawn or Michelle Obama.

Clearly you excelled at the game of "Twister.'

The Leftist view is stated by your icon, Biden, who specified that without the great and magnanimous paternalistic government, none of us would be able to succeed.

I'm guessing that you understood that Dawn casts the lie to that view.
The help she got was the kind of charity that conservative philosopher Edmund Burke spoke of as 'the little platoons," the spontaneous social groupings that people create for themselves.

Would you care to guess how much Americans give in voluntary charity each year?
Sans government.

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