Mexifornia sees its slowest growth rate in history...They must not be counting illegal Mexicans


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
All perpetuated by twisted Democrat ideology....Who would have thought huh?
Our politicians bust their asses to turn Mexifornia into the thirdworld filthy shithole it has become...they’ve been trading good, productive real Americans for filthy foreign liabilities for years and now it’s biting them in the ass....hahahaha
Nobody decent wants to live in Mexico amongst the trash, if we did we would have bought property south of here long ago.
Good job anchor baby politicians...thanks for the model, thanks for showing the rest of the nation what not to do.
California sees slowest growth rate in history
Well with California being a sanctuary State they must have boatloads of illegals and the State is bleeding the money to support them all.

Not to mention all the homeless that invest that State.

As long as they keep electing Dem idiots to run the State I doubt you will see improvement.
By far the richest state in the union. The state that makes twice as much money as the next richest state, Texas.

California is the only state in America where they talk about the California economy being the sixth or seventh largest economy in the world.

I think Republicans hate California because California has shown the world republican economic policies are a disaster and next to California all red states are terrible failures.
By far the richest state in the union. The state that makes twice as much money as the next richest state, Texas.

California is the only state in America where they talk about the California economy being the sixth or seventh largest economy in the world.

I think Republicans hate California because California has shown the world republican economic policies are a disaster and next to California all red states are terrible failures.

I thought you hated income inequality though?
Leading the nation...More than 1/3 of the state lives in poverty while GDP is through the roof...Mexifornia ranks last in the nation for quality of life....Why doesn’t that shit disturb you? You support the feast or famine way about Mexifornia?
CA is one of two states with a recent history of default. IL has defaulted on vendor credit for decades. CA has handed out IOUs as payment, which is also a form of default.
By far the richest state in the union. The state that makes twice as much money as the next richest state, Texas.

California is the only state in America where they talk about the California economy being the sixth or seventh largest economy in the world.

I think Republicans hate California because California has shown the world republican economic policies are a disaster and next to California all red states are terrible failures.
But...what have you done for me lately? California's problems are deep and endemic due to 40 years of nearly exclusive liberal leadership. The rot is beginning to show.

Of The 5 Big States, Texas #1 For Growth, California #1 For Poverty
Nearly 50 victims, including teens, rescued during California human trafficking sting

Study: California is among the worst for human trafficking

3-day human-trafficking sting in California leads to 339 arrests

Human-trafficking crackdown: 510 arrested, 56 rescued in California


BTW, speaking of Obama and his and Clinton's Open Borders policy, Human Sex Trafficking and Kidnapping are on the rise in the US and nearing epidemic levels, and are at Epidemic Levels in Latin America.

They are actually investigating a sex trafficking ring that they think lured Miss Uruguay to Mexico with a fake job offer, held her in the Hotel, and Pimped her out, then killed her when she would not quit crying, screaming for help and continued to be combative.

Some of those stories were removed from online not more than 5 minutes ago, but I got a chance to read them, and it sounds like she was beaten up and then hung.

I personally know several pretty girls from my area, that have just disappeared and have never been heard from. The families are distraught. One girl whose sister i went to school with, was found in a Freezer, because she was "uncooperative", as they tried to move her from Ohio, across the border in to Mexico.

Fatimih Davila Sosa, former Miss Uruguay, found dead in Mexico City hotel


MEXICO CITY — A former Miss Uruguay pageant winner was found dead in a Mexico City hotel early Thursday, authorities said.

City prosecutors said a Uruguayan woman was found hanged in the bathroom of a guest room. City officials confirmed the victim had been identified as Fatimih Davila Sosa, who won the Uruguay pageant in 2006.

Since then, she had apparently worked as a model. Officials said she had arrived in Mexico City on April 23 for a supposed job interview.

There was no official ruling on the death. The prosecutor’s office said a homicide investigation was looking into the circumstances surrounding the hanging and whether the woman killed herself or was slain by someone.

This story was just put back up but lacks some of the details it had before.
Hug your daughters and sisters if you have them. This is now becoming a problem in America.

Ex-Miss Uruguay found dead in Mexico City hotel

According to Mexico’s El Universal, investigators are also looking into the possibility that Davila may have been the victim of a prostitution web that promises foreign women work as a model in Mexico, but then become trafficking victims.

The news agency said there have been numerous cases of women kidnapped and forced into prostitution or murdered.

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By far the richest state in the union. The state that makes twice as much money as the next richest state, Texas.

California is the only state in America where they talk about the California economy being the sixth or seventh largest economy in the world.

I think Republicans hate California because California has shown the world republican economic policies are a disaster and next to California all red states are terrible failures.
But...what have you done for me lately? California's problems are deep and endemic due to 40 years of nearly exclusive liberal leadership. The rot is beginning to show.

Of The 5 Big States, Texas #1 For Growth, California #1 For Poverty

YEP...the Party Of Filth has completely fucked themselves this won’t be long before they will not be able to continue their bullshit of taxing their way out of trouble...I can’t wait to watch this shithole burn to the fucking ground.
All perpetuated by twisted Democrat ideology....Who would have thought huh?
Our politicians bust their asses to turn Mexifornia into the thirdworld filthy shithole it has become...they’ve been trading good, productive real Americans for filthy foreign liabilities for years and now it’s biting them in the ass....hahahaha
Nobody decent wants to live in Mexico amongst the trash, if we did we would have bought property south of here long ago.
Good job anchor baby politicians...thanks for the model, thanks for showing the rest of the nation what not to do.
California sees slowest growth rate in history
They only want them counted in the Census so they can cheat The American People out of Federal Tax Dollars and Cheat in the House of Representatives and get additional Representatives they are not entitled to.
You guys can stay away from California, but I love it here. One, while I don't approve of illegal immigration, I am okay with legal immigration and sanctuary cities. It's one of the ways to bring in the working poor and lessen the homeless problem. They take the jobs that Americans would not take and move out the homeless to other parts of the country. Without illegal immigration, some of these jobs go to the poorest Americans, so they end up working and contributing, too. Get rid of the illegals and homeless. They are a net negatie to a state. That said, there is no way a city can replace a dying population faster than with the working poor. These people contribute to the economy and make a state better. Of course, if some outsider were rich, then they would be welcome in any state. California's growth rate probably went down due to the drought. That hurt their agriculture and that means less fruits and vegetables for the US.

ETA: By illegals, I mean undocumented people. Give a state a chance to document people and they can control the flow of people they do not want like homeless, criminals, terrorists and the like.
By far the richest state in the union. The state that makes twice as much money as the next richest state, Texas.

California is the only state in America where they talk about the California economy being the sixth or seventh largest economy in the world.

I think Republicans hate California because California has shown the world republican economic policies are a disaster and next to California all red states are terrible failures.
But...what have you done for me lately? California's problems are deep and endemic due to 40 years of nearly exclusive liberal leadership. The rot is beginning to show.

Of The 5 Big States, Texas #1 For Growth, California #1 For Poverty

YEP...the Party Of Filth has completely fucked themselves this won’t be long before they will not be able to continue their bullshit of taxing their way out of trouble...I can’t wait to watch this shithole burn to the fucking ground.
Well, don't think they are not attempting the same thing in other states as well. BOTH PARTIES. For as bad as the Dems are, and they are really bad on the micro level. The Repugs are just as bad, if not worse on the macro.
Both parties want the country filled with <90IQ squatemalan orcs. The D's for votes...the R's for their corporate constituents. Texas is very very close to flipping on statewide elections.
You cannot have a successful, first world nation when it is filled with third world shit. THAT is the goal.
You guys can stay away from California, but I love it here. One, while I don't approve of illegal immigration, I am okay with legal immigration and sanctuary cities. It's one of the ways to bring in the working poor and lessen the homeless problem. They take the jobs that Americans would not take and move out the homeless to other parts of the country. Without illegal immigration, some of these jobs go to the poorest Americans, so they end up working and contributing, too. Get rid of the illegals and homeless. They are a net negatie to a state. That said, there is no way a city can replace a dying population faster than with the working poor. These people contribute to the economy and make a state better. Of course, if some outsider were rich, then they would be welcome in any state. California's growth rate probably went down due to the drought. That hurt their agriculture and that means less fruits and vegetables for the US.

ETA: By illegals, I mean undocumented people. Give a state a chance to document people and they can control the flow of people they do not want like homeless, criminals, terrorists and the like.
I am ok with sanctuary cities under the following conditions.

  • No federal dollars should be given to sanctuary cities for the support of illegal aliens.

  • Illegal Aliens should be charged with a felony for seeking government services and deported immediately after their jail term for such a violation.

  • Illegal Aliens should be charged with a felony for filling out a Census questionnaire and deported immediately after serving jail time for that violation

  • Illegal Aliens shall not receive driver's licenses, work permits or any legal documents from the state of federal government.

  • Illegal Aliens shall not be able to receive a Tax ID, and it will be a Felony Punishable by Death to use a stolen or fictitious Social Security Number to defraud The American People.

  • Illegal Aliens will not be allowed to be included in a population count for purposes of determining the number of representatives in a state for The House of Representatives.

  • Illegal Immigrants committing any Felony will receive an automatic death penalty by public televised hanging.

  • The question as to whether you are a citizen or not, should be on The Census for any state or city that declares it is a Sanctuary City.

  • ICE should be given Office Space in Each Sanctuary City's Police Departments and Court Houses.

  • Human Trafficking and Drug Trafficking by an Illegal Alien is a Mandatory Death Sentence One Appeal Offense. Death by Public Hanging to be televised statewide in any state that declares even a single city is a Sanctuary City.

  • Illegal Aliens shall not receive "Birth Right Citizenship" and will be Mandatorily Sterlized if they will be remaining in this country pending their immigration hearing.

  • If a citizen kills an illegal alien during the commission of a crime, they receive full immunity from prosecution.

  • Illegal Immigrants will be put in work camps to help BUILD The Wall while awaiting Trial.

  • All Sanctuary Cities will have levied upon them a FEDERAL sales tax of 5% to support ICE and Border Patrol Operations.
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You guys can stay away from California, but I love it here. One, while I don't approve of illegal immigration, I am okay with legal immigration and sanctuary cities. It's one of the ways to bring in the working poor and lessen the homeless problem. They take the jobs that Americans would not take and move out the homeless to other parts of the country. Without illegal immigration, some of these jobs go to the poorest Americans, so they end up working and contributing, too. Get rid of the illegals and homeless. They are a net negatie to a state. That said, there is no way a city can replace a dying population faster than with the working poor. These people contribute to the economy and make a state better. Of course, if some outsider were rich, then they would be welcome in any state. California's growth rate probably went down due to the drought. That hurt their agriculture and that means less fruits and vegetables for the US.

ETA: By illegals, I mean undocumented people. Give a state a chance to document people and they can control the flow of people they do not want like homeless, criminals, terrorists and the like.

Your post is so full of delusion and oxymoron's I would have to write a novel to address them.
Remember, filthy lowlifes are never bothered by, nor do they recognize other filthy lowlifes.
How deep do your illegal roots go and what part of that filthy shithole Mexico are you from?
All perpetuated by twisted Democrat ideology....Who would have thought huh?
Our politicians bust their asses to turn Mexifornia into the thirdworld filthy shithole it has become...they’ve been trading good, productive real Americans for filthy foreign liabilities for years and now it’s biting them in the ass....hahahaha
Nobody decent wants to live in Mexico amongst the trash, if we did we would have bought property south of here long ago.
Good job anchor baby politicians...thanks for the model, thanks for showing the rest of the nation what not to do.
California sees slowest growth rate in history

With business models like banning your customers for exercising their American freedom of speech, who would have thought. Oh well, at least they can import some more slave labor to patch it all up.
No federal dollars should be given to sanctuary cities for the support of illegal aliens.

I'm okay with this.

Illegal Aliens shall not receive driver's licenses, work permits or any legal documents from the state of federal government.

This is the big problem with documenting legals from illegals. A black market has sprung up and the illegals end up getting these documents. Even if the police catch an illegal, they have a hard time validating their ID. Many times, they use a common name which makes it even harder to trace/validate even with a birth date. It's like identity theft and counterfeit documentation all rolled up into one. Even the DMV now does not consider a driver's license to be valid identification any more. In 2020, California is supposed to have real-id which would be equivalent to a passport and allow one to fly around the US easier. We'll see.

What I would like to see is facial recognition. Now, this invades one's privacy but I think it is tied to getting an international passport now. Also, if one has their facial recognition in the fed database, then they are TSA-pre in regards to national and international coming in. It would be nice to use it when one files their tax returns. However, one has to go to an international airport to get one of these photos done.

Illegal Immigrants will be put in work camps to help BUILD The Wall while awaiting Trial.

The wall is largely symbolic. I'm not against it. It recognizes the SANCTITY of the border. For practical purposes, it is facial recognition. Even the war-torn ME countries use facial recognition at their borders now.
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You guys can stay away from California, but I love it here. One, while I don't approve of illegal immigration, I am okay with legal immigration and sanctuary cities. It's one of the ways to bring in the working poor and lessen the homeless problem. They take the jobs that Americans would not take and move out the homeless to other parts of the country. Without illegal immigration, some of these jobs go to the poorest Americans, so they end up working and contributing, too. Get rid of the illegals and homeless. They are a net negatie to a state. That said, there is no way a city can replace a dying population faster than with the working poor. These people contribute to the economy and make a state better. Of course, if some outsider were rich, then they would be welcome in any state. California's growth rate probably went down due to the drought. That hurt their agriculture and that means less fruits and vegetables for the US.

ETA: By illegals, I mean undocumented people. Give a state a chance to document people and they can control the flow of people they do not want like homeless, criminals, terrorists and the like.

Seems to me if California only had LEGAL immigration we wouldn't need to have sanctuary cities, let alone a sanctuary state.

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