Mexico profile americans.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

If you are an American and go to Mexico, you had better have some identification on you at all times. Or you will end up in jail for a very long time. And Americans are targeted. Why should we be any different from Mexico.
Way to go Arizona. If they got nothing to hide, they should not have a problem being profiled. If you are stopped, show you identification and be on your way. I have to carry identification.
Illegal aliens do not help police force anyway. There is a code of silence when it comes to crime. Amnesty will just make it legal.
Sign the damn law Arizona governor, and pass it on to other states.
Immigration reform is broken by illegal aliens.
Church’s responsibility is to send these illegal aliens back to their own country for their country to take care of them.
If ICE cannot do it, state policemen can.
Mexico's laws with regard to illegals are FAR more discriminatory and harsh than ours. Always have been. This is a FACT that those who are screaming long and loud about Arizona's new laws "against brown people" seem to conveniently forget.

I've been to Mexico--outside the ritzy, touristy areas that cater to wealthy Americans. If you venture outside Cozumel, Acapulco and the like, you'd better be prepared to show documents proving who you are, why you're there and when you're leaving. Cuz the Mexican police will damned sure be asking: Detener gringo! Sus papeles por favor. And you'd better provide.

Otherwise, you'll be treated to an all expenses paid trip to a Mexican jail, where they will lock you up and throw away the key, conveniently forgetting you're there.

Not the thing you want to happen to you.

Don't you people have any decency left?? Shamelessly lying through your teeth!!

Illegal Americans in Mexico are simply detained and swiftly deported to the US AS THEY SHOULD BE, since only totalitarian countries and individuals advocate jail sentences for the mere illegal presence of a foreign national.
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So wait, because Mexico can be a shithole with massive amounts of corruption means we should be too? :eusa_eh:
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José;2233946 said:
Don't you people have any decency left?? Shamelessly lying through your teeth!!

Illegal Americans in Mexico are simply detained and swiftly deported to the US AS THEY SHOULD BE, since only totalitarian countries and individuals advocate jail sentences to the mere illegal presence of a foreign national.

I have a friend right here in town that spent over four months in a Oaxaca jail for being there without papers, and not having enough money for a bribe.
José;2233946 said:
Don't you people have any decency left?? Shamelessly lying through your teeth!!

Illegal Americans in Mexico are simply detained and swiftly deported to the US AS THEY SHOULD BE, since only totalitarian countries and individuals advocate jail sentences to the mere illegal presence of a foreign national.

I have a friend right here in town that spent over four months in a Oaxaca jail for being there without papers, and not having enough money for a bribe.

As have I....a friend who went to Baja without papers, got drunk in a bar and got mouthy with the police. He disappeared for an unscheduled 6 month "vacation" in a Mexican jail.

It took the power of the US Navy to bring him back to the USA. He was a Navy Seal, living in San Diego at the time. Of course, he was disciplined by the USN when he got back.
I found this extremely anti-Mexico article by an american bigot named Mark Stevenson. You can see by the article's title the guy has no love lost for Mexico but concedes the fact that Mexican immigration authorities treat illegal immigrants humanely and honestly.

Mexico wants migrant rights in U.S., but is harsh to undocumented Central Americans

Migrants generally acknowledge that Mexican federal immigration agents are among the more honest of the country's law enforcement officers. The problem is, most migrants here usually are detained by police or soldiers, who technically aren't authorized to enforce immigration laws. Meanwhile, Mexico objects to the United States using army and local police forces to detain migrants. > News > Mexico -- Mexico wants migrant rights in U.S., but is harsh to undocumented Central Americans
When Mexican police detains illegal Americans for an indefinite period of time like Slackjawed and Eliza's friends they are abusing their authority. If they had followed the same law they swore to uphold and handed both guys to Mexico's federal police their friends would be quickly deported to the US...

"Shut up, José. Can't you see Mexico is the country we love to hate?"
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1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections, and all government business will be conducted in our language.

2. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote, no matter how long they are here.

3. Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.

4. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, nor any other government assistance programs.

5. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.

6. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT options will be restricted. You are not allowed to own waterfront property. That property is reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.

7. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign flag, no political organizing, no "bad-mouthing" our president or his policies. If you do you will be sent home.

8. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down and sent straight to jail.

Harsh, you say ?...

The above laws happen to be the immigration laws of MEXICO
And here they are again in case YOU missed it:


1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools, no special ballots for elections, and all government business will be conducted in our language.

2. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote, no matter how long they are here.

3. Foreigners will NEVER be able to hold political office.

4. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, nor any other government assistance programs.

5. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.

6. If foreigners do come and want to buy land that will be okay, BUT options will be restricted. You are not allowed to own waterfront property. That property is reserved for citizens naturally born into this country.

7. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations, no waving a foreign flag, no political organizing, no "bad-mouthing" our president or his policies. If you do you will be sent home.

8. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be hunted down and sent straight to jail.

Harsh, you say ?...

The above laws happen to be the immigration laws of MEXICO
BTW Jose, the USA is the country that latin america loves to hate - but still people from there insist on living here and bringing this hate with them.
So wait, because Mexico can be a shithole with massive amounts of corruption means we should be too? :eusa_eh:

Enforcing our immigration laws are neither racist or corruption. Laws are made to be obeyed and enforced. You drive on the right side of the road because it the law. Do so and you can be fined or jailed. Why are illegal aliens any difference?
José;2234586 said:
I found this extremely anti-Mexico article by an american bigot named Mark Stevenson. You can see by the article's title the guy has no love lost for Mexico but concedes the fact that Mexican immigration authorities treat illegal immigrants humanely and honestly.

Mexico wants migrant rights in U.S., but is harsh to undocumented Central Americans

Migrants generally acknowledge that Mexican federal immigration agents are among the more honest of the country's law enforcement officers. The problem is, most migrants here usually are detained by police or soldiers, who technically aren't authorized to enforce immigration laws. Meanwhile, Mexico objects to the United States using army and local police forces to detain migrants. > News > Mexico -- Mexico wants migrant rights in U.S., but is harsh to undocumented Central Americans

Who else is going to do it. ICE is not doing their job.

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