Mexico deploys 2000 officers to its southern border to block migrants headed for the US

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
So you don't think the NEW NAFTA deal had ANY influence over this change of heart by Mexico...Trumping the ABNORMALS is getting to be MORE FUN each time The Donald WINS! Keep fucking with America and watch your FOREIGN AID disappear!

The Mexican government has reinforced security at its southern border with Guatemala before a 2,000-person caravan of Hondurans is expected to try to enter the country and head for the United States, according to a local report.

Mexico’s Interior Ministry warned Saturday it will only allow those granted visas to cross into the country. Those in the caravan would have had to have applied for visas at the Mexican consulates in Honduras.

DHS spokeswoman Katie Waldman said the latest incident of a caravan originating in Central America is due to the “de facto open borders” of America due to “loopholes” in immigration laws that allow families and kids from noncontiguous countries to be released after being taken into federal custody.

Glad to hear it. I'm sure Mexico doesn't want them in their country either.

Send them back to Honduras.
So you don't think the NEW NAFTA deal had ANY influence over this change of heart by Mexico...Trumping the ABNORMALS is getting to be MORE FUN each time The Donald WINS! Keep fucking with America and watch your FOREIGN AID disappear!

The Mexican government has reinforced security at its southern border with Guatemala before a 2,000-person caravan of Hondurans is expected to try to enter the country and head for the United States, according to a local report.

Mexico’s Interior Ministry warned Saturday it will only allow those granted visas to cross into the country. Those in the caravan would have had to have applied for visas at the Mexican consulates in Honduras.

DHS spokeswoman Katie Waldman said the latest incident of a caravan originating in Central America is due to the “de facto open borders” of America due to “loopholes” in immigration laws that allow families and kids from noncontiguous countries to be released after being taken into federal custody.


Rock and Roll! Another Trump victory!

Excellent news. Hooooorah!!!! The trendy dumb asses are going to sooooo hate this...

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