Mexican ID program riles protesters


Jun 10, 2010
By Josh Sweigart, Staff Writer
Updated 1:46 AM Sunday, June 20, 2010
HAMILTON — Kathalena Gay came to St. Julie Billiart Catholic Parish Saturday, June 19, to get a Mexican consular identification card for her fiance and father of her five children — who has been in the country illegally for 13 years.

“We hope to get an ID so we can get married and get him legalized,” she said.

Kade Lecy came because her identity was stolen 10 years ago when a company she applied to used her Social Security number to hire illegal immigrants.

“An American citizen would get $8 to $9 an hour when he can hire three (illegal immigrants) at that price,” Lecy said. “I’m afraid everywhere I apply, it (identity theft) is going to happen again.”

St. Julie’s hosted a Mobile Mexican Consulate’s Office Saturday, where Gay’s fiance and roughly 400 other Mexican nationals came to get Mexican consular ID cards and other services.

Lecy was one of a couple dozen protesters calling for immigration reform, and decrying the consular IDs and the Catholic church’s role in helping provide them.

The cards, called a Matricula Consular, are issued without any check of someone’s immigration status. They can be used to open a bank account and access other services. They are not a work permit, and are not recognized by the U.S. government for Social Security, welfare or other social programs.

Mexican Consul Juan Solana said in a phone interview that the cards have been around for years and are vital for keeping track of Mexican citizens living in the U.S.

“They have to prove they are Mexican, they don’t have to prove anything else,” he said. “We are the Mexican government, we simply are taking care of our citizens and that’s it.

“We do not get involved in American politics.”

But protesters — led by the West Chester Twp.-based Southwest Ohio Patriots — brought politics to them. Many said they knew someone who lost a job to an illegal immigrant, others worried about illegal immigrants not paying taxes and straining social services.

Protesters largely saw the issue as black-and-white. “What part of illegal do you not understand?” read a sign held by protester Bobby Knight of Hamilton.

But many of those using the consulate said the protest has more to do with their brown skin. “I think it’s racist,” said one man who didn’t give his name because he is undocumented. Those around him nodded.

Contact this reporter at (513) 820-2175 or [email protected].

Mexican ID program riles protesters
If it rains on their parade, we are racists - if the sun shines on their parade, we are racists - if they don't get their way cause it's against the law, we are racists - if we sneeze, we are racists - if we cough, we are racists, etc, etc, etc.......that word has be overused so much, it's lost its meaning.
I think you need to understand, this isn't some border town, this is just about 20 miles north of Cincinnati, Ohio.

If there are that many coming forward there think about how many didn't come forward and think how many are running loose around the country.

Send a message to Washington, Seal the border.
"Matricula Consular" is only used to show Mexican citizenship. It does not show whether the person is here legally or illegally.

Matrícula Consular - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
U.S. law enforcement officials also cite that Matricula Consular cards are issued by Mexican Consulate without checking the authenticity of the applicant's supporting documentation.
And on top of that some states have started using that as identification for state and federal benefits paid for by US citizens. THAT is the problem.

Why do we have this problem? Political correctness has shut down free speech and crooked politicians want the votes of the illegal aliens.

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