Mexican Drug Cartels Smuggling Diamonds In Immigrant's Butt Cavities

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
This brings the term "Butt Hurt" to an all new level for Left Tards who want open borders. I am pretty sure he was on his way to see Nancy Pelosi to make a deposit for The DNC election campaign in 2020.

New Mexico man arrested after police allegedly find dozens of diamonds in anal cavity

A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after police found over four dozen diamonds in a bag inside his anal cavity that he allegedly planned on trading for drugs, KOB 4 reported.

Twenty-three-year-old Eusebio Padilla was arrested on charges including receiving stolen property and tampering with evidence after what began as a routine traffic stop on April 7. Police pulled him over for allegedly riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

Police said they spotted a knife on Padilla and patted him down. He was caught attempting to remove “a baggy” from his rear at some point during the traffic stop, according to a criminal complaint filed in Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Court.

Police said they found 44 diamonds inside the bag recovered from Padilla’s rectum. The man allegedly told officers that he obtained the jewels from his uncle who “usually has stolen items,” KOB 4 reported.

This brings the term "Butt Hurt" to an all new level for Left Tards who want open borders. I am pretty sure he was on his way to see Nancy Pelosi to make a deposit for The DNC election campaign in 2020.

New Mexico man arrested after police allegedly find dozens of diamonds in anal cavity

A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after police found over four dozen diamonds in a bag inside his anal cavity that he allegedly planned on trading for drugs, KOB 4 reported.

Twenty-three-year-old Eusebio Padilla was arrested on charges including receiving stolen property and tampering with evidence after what began as a routine traffic stop on April 7. Police pulled him over for allegedly riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

Police said they spotted a knife on Padilla and patted him down. He was caught attempting to remove “a baggy” from his rear at some point during the traffic stop, according to a criminal complaint filed in Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Court.

Police said they found 44 diamonds inside the bag recovered from Padilla’s rectum. The man allegedly told officers that he obtained the jewels from his uncle who “usually has stolen items,” KOB 4 reported.


this is something new?

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnn .......
This brings the term "Butt Hurt" to an all new level for Left Tards who want open borders. I am pretty sure he was on his way to see Nancy Pelosi to make a deposit for The DNC election campaign in 2020.

New Mexico man arrested after police allegedly find dozens of diamonds in anal cavity

A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after police found over four dozen diamonds in a bag inside his anal cavity that he allegedly planned on trading for drugs, KOB 4 reported.

Twenty-three-year-old Eusebio Padilla was arrested on charges including receiving stolen property and tampering with evidence after what began as a routine traffic stop on April 7. Police pulled him over for allegedly riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

Police said they spotted a knife on Padilla and patted him down. He was caught attempting to remove “a baggy” from his rear at some point during the traffic stop, according to a criminal complaint filed in Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Court.

Police said they found 44 diamonds inside the bag recovered from Padilla’s rectum. The man allegedly told officers that he obtained the jewels from his uncle who “usually has stolen items,” KOB 4 reported.
Like I've said before, police don't get paid enough.
This brings the term "Butt Hurt" to an all new level for Left Tards who want open borders. I am pretty sure he was on his way to see Nancy Pelosi to make a deposit for The DNC election campaign in 2020.

New Mexico man arrested after police allegedly find dozens of diamonds in anal cavity

A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after police found over four dozen diamonds in a bag inside his anal cavity that he allegedly planned on trading for drugs, KOB 4 reported.

Twenty-three-year-old Eusebio Padilla was arrested on charges including receiving stolen property and tampering with evidence after what began as a routine traffic stop on April 7. Police pulled him over for allegedly riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

Police said they spotted a knife on Padilla and patted him down. He was caught attempting to remove “a baggy” from his rear at some point during the traffic stop, according to a criminal complaint filed in Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Court.

Police said they found 44 diamonds inside the bag recovered from Padilla’s rectum. The man allegedly told officers that he obtained the jewels from his uncle who “usually has stolen items,” KOB 4 reported.
Did I miss the part where this guy was described as an immigrant, legal or otherwise?
This brings the term "Butt Hurt" to an all new level for Left Tards who want open borders. I am pretty sure he was on his way to see Nancy Pelosi to make a deposit for The DNC election campaign in 2020.

New Mexico man arrested after police allegedly find dozens of diamonds in anal cavity

A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after police found over four dozen diamonds in a bag inside his anal cavity that he allegedly planned on trading for drugs, KOB 4 reported.

Twenty-three-year-old Eusebio Padilla was arrested on charges including receiving stolen property and tampering with evidence after what began as a routine traffic stop on April 7. Police pulled him over for allegedly riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

Police said they spotted a knife on Padilla and patted him down. He was caught attempting to remove “a baggy” from his rear at some point during the traffic stop, according to a criminal complaint filed in Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Court.

Police said they found 44 diamonds inside the bag recovered from Padilla’s rectum. The man allegedly told officers that he obtained the jewels from his uncle who “usually has stolen items,” KOB 4 reported.
Did I miss the part where this guy was described as an immigrant, legal or otherwise?

Sure. Plenty of Lega Law Abiding American Citizens with Drivers Licenses ride on Motorcycles with No License Plates, and having 44 Diamonds shoved up their ass. He was just on a Sunday drive, going to see his sick Aunt, and the diamonds were for "medicine'

You know very well they leave out the fact that these criminals are usually illegals or gang members.

So you deny that Illegal Aliens smuggle drugs, and things like diamonds up their ass from across the border?
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Criminals buying drugs with stolen merchandise?

Unheard of!!!

BTW I didn't see any mention of illegals.
This brings the term "Butt Hurt" to an all new level for Left Tards who want open borders. I am pretty sure he was on his way to see Nancy Pelosi to make a deposit for The DNC election campaign in 2020.

New Mexico man arrested after police allegedly find dozens of diamonds in anal cavity

A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after police found over four dozen diamonds in a bag inside his anal cavity that he allegedly planned on trading for drugs, KOB 4 reported.

Twenty-three-year-old Eusebio Padilla was arrested on charges including receiving stolen property and tampering with evidence after what began as a routine traffic stop on April 7. Police pulled him over for allegedly riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

Police said they spotted a knife on Padilla and patted him down. He was caught attempting to remove “a baggy” from his rear at some point during the traffic stop, according to a criminal complaint filed in Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Court.

Police said they found 44 diamonds inside the bag recovered from Padilla’s rectum. The man allegedly told officers that he obtained the jewels from his uncle who “usually has stolen items,” KOB 4 reported.
Did I miss the part where this guy was described as an immigrant, legal or otherwise?

Sure. Plenty of Lega Law Abiding American Citizens with Drivers Licenses ride on Motorcycles with No License Plates, and having 44 Diamonds shoved up their ass. He was just on a Sunday drive, going to see his sick Aunt, and the diamonds were for "medicine'

You know very well they leave out the fact that these criminals are usually illegals or gang members.

So you deny that Illegal Aliens smuggle drugs, and things like diamonds up their ass from across the border?
So you're just making that part up, are you?

Who said all Americans are law abiding citizens? Around here if you haven't got a license plate, you just go out and steal one from someone else's car. As far as sticking things up their ass, I worked at a prison, and it always amazed me what they could and did shove in there. They weren't immigrants, either.

Of course there are drug cartels, and I'm glad they caught this asshole. I am just objecting to making up the part about him being illegal or even an immigrant. You do realize that most of the MS13 gang members in this country were born here, right?
This brings the term "Butt Hurt" to an all new level for Left Tards who want open borders. I am pretty sure he was on his way to see Nancy Pelosi to make a deposit for The DNC election campaign in 2020.

New Mexico man arrested after police allegedly find dozens of diamonds in anal cavity

A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after police found over four dozen diamonds in a bag inside his anal cavity that he allegedly planned on trading for drugs, KOB 4 reported.

Twenty-three-year-old Eusebio Padilla was arrested on charges including receiving stolen property and tampering with evidence after what began as a routine traffic stop on April 7. Police pulled him over for allegedly riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

Police said they spotted a knife on Padilla and patted him down. He was caught attempting to remove “a baggy” from his rear at some point during the traffic stop, according to a criminal complaint filed in Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Court.

Police said they found 44 diamonds inside the bag recovered from Padilla’s rectum. The man allegedly told officers that he obtained the jewels from his uncle who “usually has stolen items,” KOB 4 reported.
Did I miss the part where this guy was described as an immigrant, legal or otherwise?

Sure. Plenty of Lega Law Abiding American Citizens with Drivers Licenses ride on Motorcycles with No License Plates, and having 44 Diamonds shoved up their ass. He was just on a Sunday drive, going to see his sick Aunt, and the diamonds were for "medicine'

You know very well they leave out the fact that these criminals are usually illegals or gang members.

So you deny that Illegal Aliens smuggle drugs, and things like diamonds up their ass from across the border?
So you're just making that part up, are you?

Who said all Americans are law abiding citizens? Around here if you haven't got a license plate, you just go out and steal one from someone else's car. As far as sticking things up their ass, I worked at a prison, and it always amazed me what they could and did shove in there. They weren't immigrants, either.

Of course there are drug cartels, and I'm glad they caught this asshole. I am just objecting to making up the part about him being illegal or even an immigrant. You do realize that most of the MS13 gang members in this country were born here, right?

"I'm glad they caught this asshole"

This made me laugh!
This brings the term "Butt Hurt" to an all new level for Left Tards who want open borders. I am pretty sure he was on his way to see Nancy Pelosi to make a deposit for The DNC election campaign in 2020.

New Mexico man arrested after police allegedly find dozens of diamonds in anal cavity

A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after police found over four dozen diamonds in a bag inside his anal cavity that he allegedly planned on trading for drugs, KOB 4 reported.

Twenty-three-year-old Eusebio Padilla was arrested on charges including receiving stolen property and tampering with evidence after what began as a routine traffic stop on April 7. Police pulled him over for allegedly riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

Police said they spotted a knife on Padilla and patted him down. He was caught attempting to remove “a baggy” from his rear at some point during the traffic stop, according to a criminal complaint filed in Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Court.

Police said they found 44 diamonds inside the bag recovered from Padilla’s rectum. The man allegedly told officers that he obtained the jewels from his uncle who “usually has stolen items,” KOB 4 reported.
Did I miss the part where this guy was described as an immigrant, legal or otherwise?

It he was Fox news would of printed it as I read the article on fox news.
Terrorists being smuggled in to the US inside Illegal Alien's Butt Cavities.

Muhammad, after being apprehended said that he was glad ICE rescued him! When interviewed about his Ordeal, he simply said,

"It was a Dark Night, filled with horrific sounds, and smells. I still cannot get the stench off of me, nor can I ever forget the Trauma from being forced up Juan Castillo's Ass feet first, and then being carried in his rectum for 4 straight hours. Every 2 minutes I had to poke my head out of his ass like a little turtle to get my next breath of air. But Juan's Sphincter nearly strangled me several times. Praise be to allah, Juan was able to dump this hot steamy loaf on dry land the minute he got across the border, as I cannot swim, and I am not a floater. My biggest regret is that Juan stopped for lunch and had no concern for me at all. I was not fond at all of the Buritto he had . "
'Satire for dummies written by The Orginal Tree."

There are established terrorist smuggling routes INTO the U.S. (and Dems want to get rid of ICE?)

he latest rallying cry for the increasingly far-Left Democratic Party is the abolishment of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service, as well as open borders and opposition to POTUS Donald Trump’s proposed wall.

In fact, as former Secret Service agent, noted conservative pundit, and NRA-TV host Dan Bongino pointed out this week, at recent counter-demonstrations to a tiny white nationalist rally in Washington, D.C., committed Leftists were seen chanting, “No Border, No Wall, No USA at All.”

A new report reveals why these positions are not simply extreme, they’re harmful to our national security.

In the waning months of the Obama administration, then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson sent a three-page memo to the 10 most senior federal law enforcement officials responsible for border security, according to the report by Todd Bensman, the senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies.

In the subject line, Johnson made a reference to a terrorist threat at U.S. land borders that had rarely been referenced beforehand by President Obama and most everyone else on his senior national security team during the previous seven-odd years in office. And thus far, Bensman writes, the threat hasn’t been fully enunciated by the Trump administration.

Johnson’s memo contained orders – “unusual in the sense that they demanded the ‘immediate attention’ of the nation’s most senior immigration and border security leaders to counter such an obscure terrorism threat.” (Relate: Illegal alien enters the U.S. with pretend daughter, then rapes her.)

In other words, Johnson thought it serious enough, no matter how “obscure,” to ensure it was dealt with as quickly as possible, ordering the 10 chiefs to form a special “action group” and tasking it with the formulation of a “consolidated action plan” to address the threat.

Order ‘did not occur in a vacuum’
Bensman noted further:

The unpublicized copy of the memo, obtained by CIS, outlined plan objectives. Intelligence collection and analysis, Secretary Johnson wrote, would drive efforts to “counter the threats posed by the smuggling of SIAs [Special Interest Aliens].” Coordinated investigations would “bring down organizations involved in the smuggling of SIAs into and within the United States.” Border and port of entry operations capacities would “help us identify and interdict SIAs of national security concern who attempt to enter the United States” and “evaluate our border and port of entry security posture to ensure our resources are appropriately aligned to address trends in the migration of SIAs.”

The report noted that recent research turned up a number of SIA smuggling routes into the U.S. from “Muslim majority countries” originating in the Middle East, North and East Africa, and South Asia “all of which invariably landed migrants in South America, Central America, or Mexico to stage treks to the U.S. southern border.”

It also said that Johnson’s order, with its urgency, “did not occur in a vacuum” and that the former DHS chief and other top border security officials were aware that in 2015 and 2016, as millions of migrants streamed into the countries of European allies that ISIS operatives and sympathizers were increasingly launching attacks (one occurred again this week in front of the U.K. Parliament building in London).

The report notes that while there are “obvious differences” in terms of distance from smuggling points of origin to Europe and the United States, the threat remains.

It also concludes that few other national security researchers are aware of the SIA smuggling threat, but one of them – Small Wars Journal– has been critical of the lack of “a more dedicated whole-of-government approach to” countering the terrorist threat that is inherent in this type of migrant activity.

In recent years ISIS leaders have said they would use mass migration to infiltrate European nations, and that appears to have happened given the frequency of terrorist attacks on the continent. The group – in conjunction with Mexican cartels– may also be using the same tactic to smuggle terrorists into the U.S. as well.

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This brings the term "Butt Hurt" to an all new level for Left Tards who want open borders. I am pretty sure he was on his way to see Nancy Pelosi to make a deposit for The DNC election campaign in 2020.

New Mexico man arrested after police allegedly find dozens of diamonds in anal cavity

A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after police found over four dozen diamonds in a bag inside his anal cavity that he allegedly planned on trading for drugs, KOB 4 reported.

Twenty-three-year-old Eusebio Padilla was arrested on charges including receiving stolen property and tampering with evidence after what began as a routine traffic stop on April 7. Police pulled him over for allegedly riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

Police said they spotted a knife on Padilla and patted him down. He was caught attempting to remove “a baggy” from his rear at some point during the traffic stop, according to a criminal complaint filed in Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Court.

Police said they found 44 diamonds inside the bag recovered from Padilla’s rectum. The man allegedly told officers that he obtained the jewels from his uncle who “usually has stolen items,” KOB 4 reported.
Did I miss the part where this guy was described as an immigrant, legal or otherwise?

Sure. Plenty of Lega Law Abiding American Citizens with Drivers Licenses ride on Motorcycles with No License Plates, and having 44 Diamonds shoved up their ass. He was just on a Sunday drive, going to see his sick Aunt, and the diamonds were for "medicine'

You know very well they leave out the fact that these criminals are usually illegals or gang members.

So you deny that Illegal Aliens smuggle drugs, and things like diamonds up their ass from across the border?
So you're just making that part up, are you?

Who said all Americans are law abiding citizens? Around here if you haven't got a license plate, you just go out and steal one from someone else's car. As far as sticking things up their ass, I worked at a prison, and it always amazed me what they could and did shove in there. They weren't immigrants, either.

Of course there are drug cartels, and I'm glad they caught this asshole. I am just objecting to making up the part about him being illegal or even an immigrant. You do realize that most of the MS13 gang members in this country were born here, right?

"I'm glad they caught this asshole"

This made me laugh!
LOL. No pun intended! Good catch.
Terrorists being smuggled in to the US inside Illegal Alien's Butt Cavities.

Muhammad after being apprehended said that he was glad ICE rescued him! When interviewed about his Ordeal, he simply said,

"It was a Dark Night, filled with horrific sounds, and smells. I still cannot get the stench off of me, nor can I ever forget the Trauma from being forced up Juan Castillo's Ass feet first, and then being carried in his rectum for 4 straight hours. Every 2 minutes I had to poke my head out of his ass like a little turtle to get my next breath of air. But Juan's Sphincter nearly strangled me several times. Praise be to allah, Juan was able to dump this hot steamy loaf on dry land the minute he got across the border, as I cannot swim, and I am not a floater. My biggest regret is that Juan stopped for lunch and had no concern for me at all. I was not fond at all of the Buritto he had for lunch. He was bad company. "
'Satire for dummies written by The Orginal Tree."

There are established terrorist smuggling routes INTO the U.S. (and Dems want to get rid of ICE?)

he latest rallying cry for the increasingly far-Left Democratic Party is the abolishment of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service, as well as open borders and opposition to POTUS Donald Trump’s proposed wall.

In fact, as former Secret Service agent, noted conservative pundit, and NRA-TV host Dan Bongino pointed out this week, at recent counter-demonstrations to a tiny white nationalist rally in Washington, D.C., committed Leftists were seen chanting, “No Border, No Wall, No USA at All.”

A new report reveals why these positions are not simply extreme, they’re harmful to our national security.

In the waning months of the Obama administration, then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson sent a three-page memo to the 10 most senior federal law enforcement officials responsible for border security, according to the report by Todd Bensman, the senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies.

In the subject line, Johnson made a reference to a terrorist threat at U.S. land borders that had rarely been referenced beforehand by President Obama and most everyone else on his senior national security team during the previous seven-odd years in office. And thus far, Bensman writes, the threat hasn’t been fully enunciated by the Trump administration.

Johnson’s memo contained orders – “unusual in the sense that they demanded the ‘immediate attention’ of the nation’s most senior immigration and border security leaders to counter such an obscure terrorism threat.” (Relate: Illegal alien enters the U.S. with pretend daughter, then rapes her.)

In other words, Johnson thought it serious enough, no matter how “obscure,” to ensure it was dealt with as quickly as possible, ordering the 10 chiefs to form a special “action group” and tasking it with the formulation of a “consolidated action plan” to address the threat.

Order ‘did not occur in a vacuum’
Bensman noted further:

The unpublicized copy of the memo, obtained by CIS, outlined plan objectives. Intelligence collection and analysis, Secretary Johnson wrote, would drive efforts to “counter the threats posed by the smuggling of SIAs [Special Interest Aliens].” Coordinated investigations would “bring down organizations involved in the smuggling of SIAs into and within the United States.” Border and port of entry operations capacities would “help us identify and interdict SIAs of national security concern who attempt to enter the United States” and “evaluate our border and port of entry security posture to ensure our resources are appropriately aligned to address trends in the migration of SIAs.”

The report noted that recent research turned up a number of SIA smuggling routes into the U.S. from “Muslim majority countries” originating in the Middle East, North and East Africa, and South Asia “all of which invariably landed migrants in South America, Central America, or Mexico to stage treks to the U.S. southern border.”

It also said that Johnson’s order, with its urgency, “did not occur in a vacuum” and that the former DHS chief and other top border security officials were aware that in 2015 and 2016, as millions of migrants streamed into the countries of European allies that ISIS operatives and sympathizers were increasingly launching attacks (one occurred again this week in front of the U.K. Parliament building in London).

The report notes that while there are “obvious differences” in terms of distance from smuggling points of origin to Europe and the United States, the threat remains.

It also concludes that few other national security researchers are aware of the SIA smuggling threat, but one of them – Small Wars Journal– has been critical of the lack of “a more dedicated whole-of-government approach to” countering the terrorist threat that is inherent in this type of migrant activity.

In recent years ISIS leaders have said they would use mass migration to infiltrate European nations, and that appears to have happened given the frequency of terrorist attacks on the continent. The group – in conjunction with Mexican cartels– may also be using the same tactic to smuggle terrorists into the U.S. as well.
With almost anyone else I'd laugh that off as a joke, but you probably believe it.
Terrorists being smuggled in to the US inside Illegal Alien's Butt Cavities.

Muhammad after being apprehended said that he was glad ICE rescued him! When interviewed about his Ordeal, he simply said,

"It was a Dark Night, filled with horrific sounds, and smells. I still cannot get the stench off of me, nor can I ever forget the Trauma from being forced up Juan Castillo's Ass feet first, and then being carried in his rectum for 4 straight hours. Every 2 minutes I had to poke my head out of his ass like a little turtle to get my next breath of air. But Juan's Sphincter nearly strangled me several times. Praise be to allah, Juan was able to dump this hot steamy loaf on dry land the minute he got across the border, as I cannot swim, and I am not a floater. My biggest regret is that Juan stopped for lunch and had no concern for me at all. I was not fond at all of the Buritto he had for lunch. He was bad company. "
'Satire for dummies written by The Orginal Tree."

There are established terrorist smuggling routes INTO the U.S. (and Dems want to get rid of ICE?)

he latest rallying cry for the increasingly far-Left Democratic Party is the abolishment of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service, as well as open borders and opposition to POTUS Donald Trump’s proposed wall.

In fact, as former Secret Service agent, noted conservative pundit, and NRA-TV host Dan Bongino pointed out this week, at recent counter-demonstrations to a tiny white nationalist rally in Washington, D.C., committed Leftists were seen chanting, “No Border, No Wall, No USA at All.”

A new report reveals why these positions are not simply extreme, they’re harmful to our national security.

In the waning months of the Obama administration, then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson sent a three-page memo to the 10 most senior federal law enforcement officials responsible for border security, according to the report by Todd Bensman, the senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies.

In the subject line, Johnson made a reference to a terrorist threat at U.S. land borders that had rarely been referenced beforehand by President Obama and most everyone else on his senior national security team during the previous seven-odd years in office. And thus far, Bensman writes, the threat hasn’t been fully enunciated by the Trump administration.

Johnson’s memo contained orders – “unusual in the sense that they demanded the ‘immediate attention’ of the nation’s most senior immigration and border security leaders to counter such an obscure terrorism threat.” (Relate: Illegal alien enters the U.S. with pretend daughter, then rapes her.)

In other words, Johnson thought it serious enough, no matter how “obscure,” to ensure it was dealt with as quickly as possible, ordering the 10 chiefs to form a special “action group” and tasking it with the formulation of a “consolidated action plan” to address the threat.

Order ‘did not occur in a vacuum’
Bensman noted further:

The unpublicized copy of the memo, obtained by CIS, outlined plan objectives. Intelligence collection and analysis, Secretary Johnson wrote, would drive efforts to “counter the threats posed by the smuggling of SIAs [Special Interest Aliens].” Coordinated investigations would “bring down organizations involved in the smuggling of SIAs into and within the United States.” Border and port of entry operations capacities would “help us identify and interdict SIAs of national security concern who attempt to enter the United States” and “evaluate our border and port of entry security posture to ensure our resources are appropriately aligned to address trends in the migration of SIAs.”

The report noted that recent research turned up a number of SIA smuggling routes into the U.S. from “Muslim majority countries” originating in the Middle East, North and East Africa, and South Asia “all of which invariably landed migrants in South America, Central America, or Mexico to stage treks to the U.S. southern border.”

It also said that Johnson’s order, with its urgency, “did not occur in a vacuum” and that the former DHS chief and other top border security officials were aware that in 2015 and 2016, as millions of migrants streamed into the countries of European allies that ISIS operatives and sympathizers were increasingly launching attacks (one occurred again this week in front of the U.K. Parliament building in London).

The report notes that while there are “obvious differences” in terms of distance from smuggling points of origin to Europe and the United States, the threat remains.

It also concludes that few other national security researchers are aware of the SIA smuggling threat, but one of them – Small Wars Journal– has been critical of the lack of “a more dedicated whole-of-government approach to” countering the terrorist threat that is inherent in this type of migrant activity.

In recent years ISIS leaders have said they would use mass migration to infiltrate European nations, and that appears to have happened given the frequency of terrorist attacks on the continent. The group – in conjunction with Mexican cartels– may also be using the same tactic to smuggle terrorists into the U.S. as well.
With almost anyone else I'd laugh that off as a joke, but you probably believe it.

Isn't that how you got in to The US? My question though is "What did your coyote have for lunch?"
Terrorists being smuggled in to the US inside Illegal Alien's Butt Cavities.

Muhammad after being apprehended said that he was glad ICE rescued him! When interviewed about his Ordeal, he simply said,

"It was a Dark Night, filled with horrific sounds, and smells. I still cannot get the stench off of me, nor can I ever forget the Trauma from being forced up Juan Castillo's Ass feet first, and then being carried in his rectum for 4 straight hours. Every 2 minutes I had to poke my head out of his ass like a little turtle to get my next breath of air. But Juan's Sphincter nearly strangled me several times. Praise be to allah, Juan was able to dump this hot steamy loaf on dry land the minute he got across the border, as I cannot swim, and I am not a floater. My biggest regret is that Juan stopped for lunch and had no concern for me at all. I was not fond at all of the Buritto he had for lunch. He was bad company. "
'Satire for dummies written by The Orginal Tree."

There are established terrorist smuggling routes INTO the U.S. (and Dems want to get rid of ICE?)

he latest rallying cry for the increasingly far-Left Democratic Party is the abolishment of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service, as well as open borders and opposition to POTUS Donald Trump’s proposed wall.

In fact, as former Secret Service agent, noted conservative pundit, and NRA-TV host Dan Bongino pointed out this week, at recent counter-demonstrations to a tiny white nationalist rally in Washington, D.C., committed Leftists were seen chanting, “No Border, No Wall, No USA at All.”

A new report reveals why these positions are not simply extreme, they’re harmful to our national security.

In the waning months of the Obama administration, then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson sent a three-page memo to the 10 most senior federal law enforcement officials responsible for border security, according to the report by Todd Bensman, the senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies.

In the subject line, Johnson made a reference to a terrorist threat at U.S. land borders that had rarely been referenced beforehand by President Obama and most everyone else on his senior national security team during the previous seven-odd years in office. And thus far, Bensman writes, the threat hasn’t been fully enunciated by the Trump administration.

Johnson’s memo contained orders – “unusual in the sense that they demanded the ‘immediate attention’ of the nation’s most senior immigration and border security leaders to counter such an obscure terrorism threat.” (Relate: Illegal alien enters the U.S. with pretend daughter, then rapes her.)

In other words, Johnson thought it serious enough, no matter how “obscure,” to ensure it was dealt with as quickly as possible, ordering the 10 chiefs to form a special “action group” and tasking it with the formulation of a “consolidated action plan” to address the threat.

Order ‘did not occur in a vacuum’
Bensman noted further:

The unpublicized copy of the memo, obtained by CIS, outlined plan objectives. Intelligence collection and analysis, Secretary Johnson wrote, would drive efforts to “counter the threats posed by the smuggling of SIAs [Special Interest Aliens].” Coordinated investigations would “bring down organizations involved in the smuggling of SIAs into and within the United States.” Border and port of entry operations capacities would “help us identify and interdict SIAs of national security concern who attempt to enter the United States” and “evaluate our border and port of entry security posture to ensure our resources are appropriately aligned to address trends in the migration of SIAs.”

The report noted that recent research turned up a number of SIA smuggling routes into the U.S. from “Muslim majority countries” originating in the Middle East, North and East Africa, and South Asia “all of which invariably landed migrants in South America, Central America, or Mexico to stage treks to the U.S. southern border.”

It also said that Johnson’s order, with its urgency, “did not occur in a vacuum” and that the former DHS chief and other top border security officials were aware that in 2015 and 2016, as millions of migrants streamed into the countries of European allies that ISIS operatives and sympathizers were increasingly launching attacks (one occurred again this week in front of the U.K. Parliament building in London).

The report notes that while there are “obvious differences” in terms of distance from smuggling points of origin to Europe and the United States, the threat remains.

It also concludes that few other national security researchers are aware of the SIA smuggling threat, but one of them – Small Wars Journal– has been critical of the lack of “a more dedicated whole-of-government approach to” countering the terrorist threat that is inherent in this type of migrant activity.

In recent years ISIS leaders have said they would use mass migration to infiltrate European nations, and that appears to have happened given the frequency of terrorist attacks on the continent. The group – in conjunction with Mexican cartels– may also be using the same tactic to smuggle terrorists into the U.S. as well.
With almost anyone else I'd laugh that off as a joke, but you probably believe it.

Isn't that how you got in to The US? My question though is "What did your coyote have for lunch?"
I'm Italian, not Mexican, dipshit.

However I'm pretty sure some of my grandparents were known as WOPs.
This brings the term "Butt Hurt" to an all new level for Left Tards who want open borders. I am pretty sure he was on his way to see Nancy Pelosi to make a deposit for The DNC election campaign in 2020.

New Mexico man arrested after police allegedly find dozens of diamonds in anal cavity

A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after police found over four dozen diamonds in a bag inside his anal cavity that he allegedly planned on trading for drugs, KOB 4 reported.

Twenty-three-year-old Eusebio Padilla was arrested on charges including receiving stolen property and tampering with evidence after what began as a routine traffic stop on April 7. Police pulled him over for allegedly riding a motorcycle without a license plate.

Police said they spotted a knife on Padilla and patted him down. He was caught attempting to remove “a baggy” from his rear at some point during the traffic stop, according to a criminal complaint filed in Albuquerque’s Metropolitan Court.

Police said they found 44 diamonds inside the bag recovered from Padilla’s rectum. The man allegedly told officers that he obtained the jewels from his uncle who “usually has stolen items,” KOB 4 reported.
Well, Comrade, if you'd brushed up on your drug-running history at the Russian troll farm, you'd know that's not a new thing.
Terrorists being smuggled in to the US inside Illegal Alien's Butt Cavities.

Muhammad after being apprehended said that he was glad ICE rescued him! When interviewed about his Ordeal, he simply said,

"It was a Dark Night, filled with horrific sounds, and smells. I still cannot get the stench off of me, nor can I ever forget the Trauma from being forced up Juan Castillo's Ass feet first, and then being carried in his rectum for 4 straight hours. Every 2 minutes I had to poke my head out of his ass like a little turtle to get my next breath of air. But Juan's Sphincter nearly strangled me several times. Praise be to allah, Juan was able to dump this hot steamy loaf on dry land the minute he got across the border, as I cannot swim, and I am not a floater. My biggest regret is that Juan stopped for lunch and had no concern for me at all. I was not fond at all of the Buritto he had for lunch. He was bad company. "
'Satire for dummies written by The Orginal Tree."

There are established terrorist smuggling routes INTO the U.S. (and Dems want to get rid of ICE?)

he latest rallying cry for the increasingly far-Left Democratic Party is the abolishment of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service, as well as open borders and opposition to POTUS Donald Trump’s proposed wall.

In fact, as former Secret Service agent, noted conservative pundit, and NRA-TV host Dan Bongino pointed out this week, at recent counter-demonstrations to a tiny white nationalist rally in Washington, D.C., committed Leftists were seen chanting, “No Border, No Wall, No USA at All.”

A new report reveals why these positions are not simply extreme, they’re harmful to our national security.

In the waning months of the Obama administration, then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson sent a three-page memo to the 10 most senior federal law enforcement officials responsible for border security, according to the report by Todd Bensman, the senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies.

In the subject line, Johnson made a reference to a terrorist threat at U.S. land borders that had rarely been referenced beforehand by President Obama and most everyone else on his senior national security team during the previous seven-odd years in office. And thus far, Bensman writes, the threat hasn’t been fully enunciated by the Trump administration.

Johnson’s memo contained orders – “unusual in the sense that they demanded the ‘immediate attention’ of the nation’s most senior immigration and border security leaders to counter such an obscure terrorism threat.” (Relate: Illegal alien enters the U.S. with pretend daughter, then rapes her.)

In other words, Johnson thought it serious enough, no matter how “obscure,” to ensure it was dealt with as quickly as possible, ordering the 10 chiefs to form a special “action group” and tasking it with the formulation of a “consolidated action plan” to address the threat.

Order ‘did not occur in a vacuum’
Bensman noted further:

The unpublicized copy of the memo, obtained by CIS, outlined plan objectives. Intelligence collection and analysis, Secretary Johnson wrote, would drive efforts to “counter the threats posed by the smuggling of SIAs [Special Interest Aliens].” Coordinated investigations would “bring down organizations involved in the smuggling of SIAs into and within the United States.” Border and port of entry operations capacities would “help us identify and interdict SIAs of national security concern who attempt to enter the United States” and “evaluate our border and port of entry security posture to ensure our resources are appropriately aligned to address trends in the migration of SIAs.”

The report noted that recent research turned up a number of SIA smuggling routes into the U.S. from “Muslim majority countries” originating in the Middle East, North and East Africa, and South Asia “all of which invariably landed migrants in South America, Central America, or Mexico to stage treks to the U.S. southern border.”

It also said that Johnson’s order, with its urgency, “did not occur in a vacuum” and that the former DHS chief and other top border security officials were aware that in 2015 and 2016, as millions of migrants streamed into the countries of European allies that ISIS operatives and sympathizers were increasingly launching attacks (one occurred again this week in front of the U.K. Parliament building in London).

The report notes that while there are “obvious differences” in terms of distance from smuggling points of origin to Europe and the United States, the threat remains.

It also concludes that few other national security researchers are aware of the SIA smuggling threat, but one of them – Small Wars Journal– has been critical of the lack of “a more dedicated whole-of-government approach to” countering the terrorist threat that is inherent in this type of migrant activity.

In recent years ISIS leaders have said they would use mass migration to infiltrate European nations, and that appears to have happened given the frequency of terrorist attacks on the continent. The group – in conjunction with Mexican cartels– may also be using the same tactic to smuggle terrorists into the U.S. as well.
With almost anyone else I'd laugh that off as a joke, but you probably believe it.

Isn't that how you got in to The US? My question though is "What did your coyote have for lunch?"
I'm Italian, not Mexican, dipshit.

However I'm pretty sure some of my grandparents were known as WOPs.

So you hid in "Antonio's" anal cavity when you came to America?
Developing: dozens infected in Hepatitis A outbreak in northeast Alabama

News Channel 9 ABC) – The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) says there is currently a hepatitis A outbreak in several northeast Alabama counties. It says since September 1st of last year, there have been 26 confirmed cases of hepatitis A in Jackson County, and 19 confirmed cases in DeKalb County. There have been a total of 51 cases throughout the state in that same time frame. As of April 16th, the ADPH says
DEVELOPING: Dozens infected in Hepatitis A outbreak in northeast Alabama

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