Message for Feminists: If you want us to take sexual harassment seriously...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
....stop giving Democrats and liberals a pass.

Feminists, YOU have been inconsistent. YOU have allowed the Kennedys, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats and Hollywood liberals a pass on sexual harassment, so it is YOU that have allowed this problem to FESTER and GROW for DECADES, while millions of women have been VICTIMIZED.

OUT THEM ALL NOW and let the chips fall where they may.
Also stop parading around like this. Makes people think you might be easy peasy!

We need to realize that the political spectrum from left to right from to bottom is infected with both toxic ultra masculinity and toxic ultra feminism.xf

Toxicity culturally needs to be smacked wherever it raises its ugly head.
The Right be like: Yeah, We believe bitches on a conditional basis

The Republican Party has cut all ties with Roy Moore and asked him to QUIT THE RACE.

The Democrats don't respond that way when it is one of their own.

They covered for the Clintons and backed them up while they abused women and made them victims of first rape and sexual harassment, and then slut shaming.
STFU, Blackrook. The AL GOP has done nothing of the sort. The AL leadership has done nothing of the sort.

It goes both ways, podjo.
I love how the OP thinks Harvey Weinstein "got a pass".
YES HE DID. He's been harassing women for DECADES AND GOT AWAY WITH IT even though hundreds or thousands of liberal Hollywood people knew about it and covered it up.
STFU, Blackrook. The AL GOP has done nothing of the sort. The AL leadership has done nothing of the sort.

It goes both ways, podjo.
If you can MAKE ME shut up, go ahead and MAKE ME, faggot.
fanboy of the far right, who is lying about treating women right.

He will correct the Dems and excuse the GOP.

What a punk.

You always run from the truth.
....stop giving Democrats and liberals a pass.

Feminists, YOU have been inconsistent. YOU have allowed the Kennedys, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats and Hollywood liberals a pass on sexual harassment, so it is YOU that have allowed this problem to FESTER and GROW for DECADES, while millions of women have been VICTIMIZED.

OUT THEM ALL NOW and let the chips fall where they may.
Weiner a pass? Kicked out of the House and in prison..... Weinstein a pass? Lost his job and facing charges.....Bill Clinton a pass? Impeached and disbarred....

Trump a pass? Elected president.
Moore a pass? Still supported by Evangelicals and Alabamians.
....stop giving Democrats and liberals a pass.

Feminists, YOU have been inconsistent. YOU have allowed the Kennedys, Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and other Democrats and Hollywood liberals a pass on sexual harassment, so it is YOU that have allowed this problem to FESTER and GROW for DECADES, while millions of women have been VICTIMIZED.

OUT THEM ALL NOW and let the chips fall where they may.
Most feminists are liberals and only care if liberal women are 'mistreated'.

As long as it's only conservatives treated that way all is well...
STFU, Blackrook. The AL GOP has done nothing of the sort. The AL leadership has done nothing of the sort.

It goes both ways, podjo.
If you can MAKE ME shut up, go ahead and MAKE ME, faggot.
fanboy of the far right, who is lying about treating women right.

He will correct the Dems and excuse the GOP.

What a punk.

A few weeks ago, I called for the Trump accusers to COME FORWARD AND FINISH WHAT THEY STARTED.

Why haven't they?
The Right be like: Yeah, We believe bitches on a conditional basis

The Republican Party has cut all ties with Roy Moore and asked him to QUIT THE RACE.

The Democrats don't respond that way when it is one of their own.

They covered for the Clintons and backed them up while they abused women and made them victims of first rape and sexual harassment, and then slut shaming.
The Alabama Republican Party was still 100% behind him as of this morning. Did I miss something?
One of the things I really, really utterly detest about feminism is that most of their issues are 100% based on a jealous, childish, inferiority complex about men. For example, Swedish feminists (the worst of the worst of the worst of the worst) tried to pass a law that men are required to sit to pee in government buildings, because they said some gobbledygook about standing exercising an unfair advantage. Then they set of an "emergency hotline" (believe it or not) for what they called "mansplaining." I actually had to look that word up and it basically means whenever a male colleague flaunts a great deal of technical knowledge about whatever they're working on. Really. Feminists get "traumatized" by something as innocently ordinary as male didactism......basically smart, knowledgeable men make Swedish feminists feel stupid and they have to make an emergent issue out of it!!??
STFU, Blackrook. The AL GOP has done nothing of the sort. The AL leadership has done nothing of the sort.

It goes both ways, podjo.
If you can MAKE ME shut up, go ahead and MAKE ME, faggot.
fanboy of the far right, who is lying about treating women right.

He will correct the Dems and excuse the GOP.

What a punk.

A few weeks ago, I called for the Trump accusers to COME FORWARD AND FINISH WHAT THEY STARTED.

Why haven't they?
You know that lawsuits are in the works, right?

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