We are not like countries that punish treason-we go after gropers.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In the midst of mounting evidence that our democracy has become so corrupted that a Democratic Party candidate for the highest office violated national security laws and indulged in a mercenary quid pro quo with an enemy state, the national media is alive with gossip about public figures in politics who groped females. While US security agencies like the FBI and the Department of Justice betrayed their missions as impartial investigators to cover the tracks of the perpetrator, allegations of sexual abuse against politicians, some of them forty years ago, dominate the news cycle.

If you think the mass media in the United States functions as a powerful antidote for the Flynn Effect you’re not alone. Right now Americans are immersed in a soap opera-like circus of celebrity and political female abuse while a malignant political establishment cleans up the crime scene of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One deal. After Hillary Clinton’s yellow cake uranium made its way out of the US through Canada to who knows where we get entertainment news right out of the annals of Fatty Arbuckle riveting us to our screens to see who abused who next.

Going out on a limb here one can conclude that inflating your personal bank account by using the State Department to procure the rights to components to build nuclear bombs for sworn enemies is far worse than groping every man woman and child on Earth that ever existed since the beginning of time. But someone has decided that we don’t prosecute and imprison popular politicians because we don’t want to look like other countries that do.

So even though Bill and Hillary Clinton make Benito Mussolini and his mistress look like the Pope and Mother Teresa we just let it slide while we sit in front of our screens and gasp at old men who squeezed girls decades ago. We can never hold the Clinton’s responsible for their treachery because it would so offend the sensitivities of their supporters it would be like aliens landing on the White House lawn.

The Clintons deserve to be relegated to a retirement home at Guantanamo Bay where they should spend their remaining days lounging on a dirty mattress looking through razor wire. We’ll never see that justice.

So we’ll just wait for that Yellow cake to come back on the tip of a missile. No harm done-apparently there’s no intelligent life here anyway.
Thank you for your lack of input. Let's try it this way:

Apparently our government does not want us to appear like some other countries that catch popular leaders in the act of betrayal so unlike Italy’s Benito Mussolini and his mistress, Clara Petacci, Bill and Hillary Clinton still roam free in our society to enjoy the fabulous wealth they have amassed by selling us out to a state enemy.

Our mass media function as an antidote for the Flynn Effect so the people have been getting nothing but friendly propaganda regarding these two miscreants but the people knew instinctively that something was wrong which is probably why Hillary lost a huge election to a political rank amateur.

The dark history of the Clintons’ speaks for itself but the Uranium One Deal which delivered twenty percent of the US uranium supply to Russia is the personification of treasonous evil accomplished behind the scenes with a wink and a nod to garner a pot of gold for the traitors. Hillary’s connection to the State Department steered the deal that funneled massive sums of money into a front organization called the Clinton Foundation.

The bonanza for the Clintons’ began all the way back in 2005 when Bill Clinton began plotting with Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra in Kazakhstan to sway public opinion in favor of dealing with countries like Kazakhstan and Russia with poor human rights records so everyone involved could make huge amounts of money trafficking in a commodity as incredibly valuable as uranium.

Huge donations began making their way into the Clinton Foundation as a payoff right from the start and Russian interests began acquiring control of uranium supplies until today with the assistance of the Clintons they have control of the market. A huge smokescreen of political groping has been launched to hide the fact that US security agencies like the FBI and the DOJ have been covering the tracks of the Clintons.

Some yellow cake uranium has already disappeared into the wind through Canada and no one can guarantee it won’t be returned to the US on the tip of a North Korean or Iranian missile. But of course the Clintons got rich from it.

Apparently our government believes that holding the Clintons responsible for their treachery would be too much for the people to handle-like aliens landing on the White House lawn. Will the Clintons be hung upside down in public from a rusty beam?

Good luck with that.
Not giving up:

The United States government finds itself in a bind with Bill and Hillary Clinton. It cannot investigate and prosecute them without appearing to be a banana republic because of the power and influence wielded by the duo. The public seemed to instinctively know something was wrong which is probably why Hillary, even with all the resources of the Democratic Party, lost the election to a rank political amateur.

Hillary’s cavalier attitude toward national security with her private emails probably stemmed from the fact that she and Bill had mostly skated on everything they had been accused of or charged with all the way back to the days of Whitewater. Law enforcement officials are all too familiar with career criminals who repeatedly beat the system. They develop a Teflon persona and just get bolder and bolder.

The dark history of the Clintons’ speaks for itself but the Uranium One Deal which delivered twenty percent of the US uranium supply to Russia is the personification of treasonous evil accomplished behind the scenes with a wink and a nod to garner a pot of gold for the traitors. Hillary’s connection to the State Department steered the deal that funneled massive sums of money into a front organization called the Clinton Foundation.

This bonanza for the Clintons’ began all the way back in 2005 when Bill Clinton began plotting with Canadian mining financier Frank Giustra in Kazakhstan to sway public opinion in favor of dealing with countries like Kazakhstan and Russia with poor human rights records so everyone involved could make huge amounts of money trafficking in a commodity as incredibly valuable and sought after as uranium.

Huge uranium company donations began making their way into the Clinton Foundation right from the start and Russian interests began acquiring control of uranium supplies until today with the assistance of the Clintons they have control of the market. Unlike the Rosenbergs who just gave away state secrets the Clintons propagated a dangerous element of mass destruction into the hands of sworn enemies of the United States.

Some yellow cake uranium has already disappeared into the wind through Canada and no one can guarantee it won’t be returned to the US on the tip of a North Korean or Iranian missile. But of course the Clintons got rich from it.

Why aren’t the FBI and the DOJ investigating the Clintons? Are they hiding their own dirt?

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