Merry Christmas to all my Christians friends!

CSM doesn't care about facts, nor about much of anyone except his 'elite' few (all in his head). When most of those who do celebrate christmas are not even close to christian, and almost all pagans celebrate it (just without the Sandy Claws character and nativity garbage, freezing poor babies goes against all goodness), but of course CSM doesn't care about that either. The fact that the trees, wreaths, food, etc. all come from many other cultures (mostly pagan, some wiccan, a few arabian even) doesn't intrest CSM either, or any other deluded souls. Instead they want to claim it's all theirs so they can scream and yell about no one else respecting it *eye roll* because if so many who do celebrate it are not christian then they can't be the victims anymore.

I'm not even a Christian, and yet I think you need to buy a pair of big girl panties and put them on.

peace and happiness to all....may your days bring you peace and joy and many blessings
Merry Christmas to ya, bones - and friends!

PS: It's almost hard to believe somebody would inject BS into a thread like this... It takes all kinds :eek: - I reckon :lol:
Merry Christmas to ya, bones - and friends!

PS: It's almost hard to believe somebody would inject BS into a thread like this... It takes all kinds :eek: - I reckon :lol:

ya are right and I apologize for my role in that.

Sorry folks...and Merry Christmas!
And Goodwill towards all Men and Women!

Merry Christmas. Thank you bones, you are a good egg sister! Enjoy your time with your family!
Merry Christmas!

And thank you God that each day's light, gets longer from here on out till June! :)

Merry Christmas!

And thank you God that each day's light, gets longer from here on out till June! :)


Amen to that !!!! We're heading up to 70 degrees today too.

Uncovered my veggies after a tw oday freeze and all is well----there WILL be collard greens for New Years !!


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Amen to that !!!! We're heading up to 70 degrees today too.

Uncovered my veggies after a tw oday freeze and all is well----there WILL be collard greens for New Years !!

Ahhhhhhhh, southern tradition! Pork Roast, collard greens, and black eye peas all to be eaten on New Years Day for good fortune! At least this is how it was in my family, with Alabama roots!

Merry Christmas Dillo!

Glad it is warming up for you....warmer for us as well, though it is snowing again, it could turn to rain with the warmth that is passing over us, compared to last week with some below zero readings! :eek:

winter solstice has passed...i did a happy winter solstice was on the 21st...
we normally do bonfires...but the last few years are drought then this year it was too we do family dinners and quiet things....

christmas is claimed stronly by christians that is why it was directed to my christian offense meant at all.. see my signature....

i just stopped in.....

blessed be all
winter solstice has passed...i did a happy winter solstice was on the 21st...
we normally do bonfires...but the last few years are drought then this year it was too we do family dinners and quiet things....

christmas is claimed stronly by christians that is why it was directed to my christian offense meant at all.. see my signature....

i just stopped in.....

blessed be all

I hate living in the city, can't even have a decent BBQ roast here.

I usually celebrate Solstice on christmas myself, just because everything else is closed on the 24 and 25 and need something to do, but since moving in the city all I get is bored.
Um ... because it's not a christian only holiday, it's older and has more rituals and magic than christians could ever invent on their own.

Good grief, she was being nice and open minded and wishing believers a Merry Christmas.

I love it. YOu don't believe or celebrate CHRISTmas but you want to be included...

what a remarkable twit.
Good grief, she was being nice and open minded and wishing believers a Merry Christmas.

I love it. YOu don't believe or celebrate CHRISTmas but you want to be included...

what a remarkable twit.

Isn't it you who also claims that changing the name of something doesn't change what it is?

Thanks for celebrating one of my pagan holidays.

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