Mental Health Crisis in America: what do we do?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
So lets face it. We have a mental health crisis. Parents calling the cops on their mentally fudged up children. Drug companies prescribing pills for every damn thing imagineable. Mass shootingz.

How do we fix it?
Bring back the long term psychiatric facilities.

And that's it.

Yeah but that costs tax money. And its mean. So both sides hate it. Their answer the cops. Which is a terrible solution as we see because, well, cops arent psychiatrists.
The costs to society without them is even higher, in my opinion.
Bring back the long term psychiatric facilities.

And that's it.

Yeah but that costs tax money. And its mean. So both sides hate it. Their answer the cops. Which is a terrible solution as we see because, well, cops arent psychiatrists.
The costs to society without them is even higher, in my opinion.
Bring back the long term psychiatric facilities.

And that's it.

Yeah but that costs tax money. And its mean. So both sides hate it. Their answer the cops. Which is a terrible solution as we see because, well, cops arent psychiatrists.

Not when you live in a gated community. ..OR when your views on society is that enough hugs and govt ass kissing can cure crazy.
The mentally ill are a political party. We can't really get rid of democrats.
I do have some experience with psychiatric and brain-damaged patients.

It would be prudent to use taxpayer money to care for them and research better means of treating these fellow people suffering from these disorders. I'd like to see other nonessential things trimmed from receiving taxpayer money. If there's an up-to-date list on every single thing that sucks in taxpayer money, I would love to see it to get a better grasp on how to help solve the problem.
First we need to get rid of the stigma of being mentally ill is somehow a weakness and the persons fault. People don't get help because they know if they ask for help they are viewed as a problem, as being to weak to handle their problems and so on and so forth. In the military one does not get help for depression because the solution is usually a ticket out of the force. Even though most depression can be handled in house with a treatment that does not effect the ability to function in the military.

In civilian live one is viewed as a weakling unable to handle themselves and so is crapped on by everyone.

And if you have a serious condition you are barred from to much. Bring back long term care for the real sick with appropriate safe guards to prevent those not needing to be housed not being housed. A lot of the real sick will not, on their own remain compliant on drugs. Put them somewhere were they can be forced to take their meds.

Part of the problem with that is then it becomes an easy step to just house everyone even if they are compliant and can function in society.

As for kids we need to stop diagnosing childhood behavior as mental illness.
Bring back the long term psychiatric facilities.

And that's it.

Yeah but that costs tax money. And its mean. So both sides hate it. Their answer the cops. Which is a terrible solution as we see because, well, cops arent psychiatrists.

Explain it to them.

Slowly if you have to.

Explain treat and release.

Explain the total cost from the time of arrest, incarceration, and bench time. Explain how much it costs when they are released and then they get arrested again. Incorporate the amount of money that is spent on medication. The money that is spent if you can get them into housing so that they can have somebody come by once a week to make sure that they take the meds. Explain danger to yourself or others which nobody thinks about until after watching someone have a psychotic break harm someone.

In fact, I distinctly remember a very lengthy article some 10-15 years ago regarding parents in Atlanta that had to turn over custody to the state in order to acquire mental health services.

It's not the people. Its the people that are profiting from not having the long term mental health facilities.
When it was ADD, I called it Ass Decking Deficiency.

When I didn't pay attention the old man decked my ass.

I did learn to listen to him more attentively.

That's sad. Physical violence will not treat a chemical imbalance within the brain. Various treatments and medications can, but it depends on the situation.
The costs to society without them is even higher, in my opinion.
Bring back the long term psychiatric facilities.

And that's it.

Yeah but that costs tax money. And its mean. So both sides hate it. Their answer the cops. Which is a terrible solution as we see because, well, cops arent psychiatrists.

I said bring back the long term psychiatric facilities not wipe them off the planet.
I do have some experience with psychiatric and brain-damaged patients.

It would be prudent to use taxpayer money to care for them and research better means of treating these fellow people suffering from these disorders. I'd like to see other nonessential things trimmed from receiving taxpayer money. If there's an up-to-date list on every single thing that sucks in taxpayer money, I would love to see it to get a better grasp on how to help solve the problem.

Isn't that what we are seeing though? I think I could successfully argue that as it stands right now that we are spending far more tax money by not taking care of what should be done out of fear of a system that has been down years. It doesn't have to go backwards but we cannot stay in this place.
As for kids we need to stop diagnosing childhood behavior as mental illness.

Does this include ADHD?

ADHD is hereditary, and a biophysiological disorder.
When it was ADD, I called it Ass Decking Deficiency.

When I didn't pay attention the old man decked my ass.

I did learn to listen to him more attentively.

I had the same "treatments". It didn't change the fact that I have ADD. It simply made sure I hid my faults.
As for kids we need to stop diagnosing childhood behavior as mental illness.

Does this include ADHD?

ADHD is hereditary, and a biophysiological disorder.
I seriously doubt the millions diagnosed as children with numerous supposed conditions have them. Some may but the over reaction and the lazy parents that demand treatment are part of the problem, the rest of it is the doctors that over medicate for simple childhood behavior.

You can not tell me that suddenly in the last 20 years we have millions of adhd when their parents never had it if it is inherited.

We have a local facility here that I was in and out of from 96 to 2001. It went from a very small child section with a geriatric section and large adult section to no geriatric and very few beds for adults. There is no way that many kids suddenly had problems so severe they had to be locked up.
As for kids we need to stop diagnosing childhood behavior as mental illness.

Does this include ADHD?

ADHD is hereditary, and a biophysiological disorder.
I seriously doubt the millions diagnosed as children with numerous supposed conditions have them. Some may but the over reaction and the lazy parents that demand treatment are part of the problem, the rest of it is the doctors that over medicate for simple childhood behavior.

You can not tell me that suddenly in the last 20 years we have millions of adhd when their parents never had it if it is inherited.

We have a local facility here that I was in and out of from 96 to 2001. It went from a very small child section with a geriatric section and large adult section to no geriatric and very few beds for adults. There is no way that many kids suddenly had problems so severe they had to be locked up.

I think ADD/ADHD has always been around. There are two reasons we see more cases or why it shows up more.

First of all, it is more easily diagnosed since they know what they are looking for. Are there bad diagnoses? Sure there are. And plenty of parents looking for an excuse for little Johnny. But the inability to stay focused, and the other issues are not fake.

Second of all, our world requires more and more multi-tasking and focus. We also have more and more details to maintain and remember.

Third, in my day you had your ass kicked for things that would be recognized as ADD/ADHD today. That didn't help my problem. It taught me to hide the problem and fake it. So instead of brilliant student with some issues, I became a C student who didn't buck the system.
You have more ADHD cases because usually (not always) the school sends out a referral because the kids won't sit still in class. This is not the school of yesteryear and they have to do much more now sitting then they ever had to before. A pediatrician diagnosis the kid as ADHD. The parent desperately wants the kid to succeed and understands that they are not an expert. The kid is medicated.

How Pediatricians Diagnose ADHD in Children
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WinterBorn, I'd love to talk more with you on ADHD. We both have it, lived it, experienced it.

As for kids we need to stop diagnosing childhood behavior as mental illness.

Does this include ADHD?

ADHD is hereditary, and a biophysiological disorder.
I seriously doubt the millions diagnosed as children with numerous supposed conditions have them. Some may but the over reaction and the lazy parents that demand treatment are part of the problem, the rest of it is the doctors that over medicate for simple childhood behavior.

You can not tell me that suddenly in the last 20 years we have millions of adhd when their parents never had it if it is inherited.

We have a local facility here that I was in and out of from 96 to 2001. It went from a very small child section with a geriatric section and large adult section to no geriatric and very few beds for adults. There is no way that many kids suddenly had problems so severe they had to be locked up.

There are certainly children misdiagnosed with ADHD. ADHD certainly exists. It is real.

Working in a neurorehabilitative hospital, during orientation we were shown slides which contained pictures of brain scans. Ones of those with ADHD, and those without. The differences were apparent.

It could be that ADHD has gone untreated and misunderstood because people of the past generation were ignorant. They thought hitting a child suffering from the disorder was well enough. People know how the mentally-insane were treated in centuries past, too.

Children do not get locked up for having ADHD. That is not logical. That is not factual. You should study what ADHD and its various forms are.

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