Men Having Babies????

The dream of pajama boy and other millennials like him.

The dream you have is going on a battle field or sending your sons to one and slaughtering thousands of people. Gives you an erection.

Reminds of some nights in a disco called Emerald City, on 57th street.....there was this really dorky guy who'd ask women to dance, and when they'd decline, he'd go into a rant about how they were afraid of 'a real man.'

Your post sounds like the sort of thing this loser would write....

Was that you?
Actually,....he could.

The birth would be Cesarean.

Your reply proves you didn't even bother to read my post that explains that even with a cesarean section the man can't survive. Educate yourself instead of turning to personal insults. It only makes you look stupid.
Actually,....he could.

The birth would be Cesarean.

Your reply proves you didn't even bother to read my post that explains that even with a cesarean section the man can't survive. Educate yourself instead of turning to personal insults. It only makes you look stupid. me put you in your place, Miss Bundy....

"The fact that a fetus can develop outside of the uterus has raised legitimate questions about whether it would be possible for men to have an ectopic implantation.
Many researchers say that such a pregnancy is technically feasible -- the embryo would be implanted in the abdomen, the placenta would attach to abdominal organs, and delivery would be done by C-section. Any necessary pregnancy hormones could be provided with injections." Can A Man Get Pregnant?

Keep this lesson in fact, laminate it for your wallet:
I am never wrong.
Actually,....he could.

The birth would be Cesarean.

Your reply proves you didn't even bother to read my post that explains that even with a cesarean section the man can't survive. Educate yourself instead of turning to personal insults. It only makes you look stupid. me put you in your place, Miss Bundy....

"The fact that a fetus can develop outside of the uterus has raised legitimate questions about whether it would be possible for men to have an ectopic implantation.
Many researchers say that such a pregnancy is technically feasible -- the embryo would be implanted in the abdomen, the placenta would attach to abdominal organs, and delivery would be done by C-section. Any necessary pregnancy hormones could be provided with injections." Can A Man Get Pregnant?

Keep this lesson in fact, laminate it for your wallet:
I am never wrong.

Sounds like the twin of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. LOL
Actually,....he could.

The birth would be Cesarean.

Your reply proves you didn't even bother to read my post that explains that even with a cesarean section the man can't survive. Educate yourself instead of turning to personal insults. It only makes you look stupid. me put you in your place, Miss Bundy....

"The fact that a fetus can develop outside of the uterus has raised legitimate questions about whether it would be possible for men to have an ectopic implantation.
Many researchers say that such a pregnancy is technically feasible -- the embryo would be implanted in the abdomen, the placenta would attach to abdominal organs, and delivery would be done by C-section. Any necessary pregnancy hormones could be provided with injections." Can A Man Get Pregnant?

Keep this lesson in fact, laminate it for your wallet:
I am never wrong.

Sounds like the twin of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. LOL

It seems,as is the case with so many of your posts, you misunderstand the vocabulary you use.

It would be closer to accurate to point the colloquial 'treason' at the group that contracted with the Kremllin to create the anti-Trump dossier.....

...and that group would include Hillary, her campaign and the DNC.

The 'D' stands for Democrat.

Any questions?
Seeing what women go through during the entire process, it is impossible not to be filled with awe and respect for the fairer sex, and REALLY impossible to want to trade places!
I'm privileged to witness this process up close and personal right now. I'm frightened and exhausted and impressed, and I'm not the one going through it!
Was there and watched both of my children being born. No man who is a man should miss that experience. It forms a bond that lasts a lifetime. For all involved.

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