CDZ Men and Women (Differences)


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
I get tired of hearing about the differences between men and women.
Do you think women have core similarities that are consistent in all women? What about men?

I get tired of hearing about how all women like shoes. I don't.
I get tired of hearing how emotional women ar. I'm not.
I get tired of hearing about how women always want to talk about their feelings. I don't.

You? What about men?
They are generalizations but generally true. Women are much more emotional than men, I don't see how you could deny it. You may be the exception, and some men are way too emotional but most people do fit those generic stereotypes.

Now, I've got to go gaze at my shoe collection and see if I'm missing a color.
Men and women are identical except for the hormones that make us male and female. But each of us has some degree of the other. There is no female who doesn't have some testosterone and no male who doesn't have some estrogen.

The amounts vary which is why we see so many variations but that is good because it proves that we are more alike than different.

The shoebox stereotypes are more the invention of society and advertising than any actual hard and fast rules that everyone must abide by. Those who believe that those stereotypes are rigid merely expose their own ignorance.

I am a male and yet I have the ability to sooth a fractious infant. Does that make me any less of a man? Does it make me female? Of course it doesn't. It is just something that I inherited that I had no idea about until I was handed my first infant by it's exasperated mother.

On the other hand I am a male but I suck at sports that involve hitting a ball. I can kick, throw or carry a ball but I can't hit it to save my life. Does this make me less of a male? I doubt it because I can ride a motorbike at 100+ mph over a mountain pass. And I know some women who can do the same. Does that make them male? Of course not.

As individuals we have strengths and weaknesses. Plenty of women can handle pain that no man I have ever met could tolerate. Just look at the shoes women wear all day long!

I get tired of hearing about the differences between men and women.
Do you think women have core similarities that are consistent in all women? What about men?

I get tired of hearing about how all women like shoes. I don't.
I get tired of hearing how emotional women ar. I'm not.
I get tired of hearing about how women always want to talk about their feelings. I don't.

You? What about men?
There are some real differences in men and women. Our actions are dictated by instinct caused by the secretions of chemicals in our brains. Men and women have different levels of these chemicals and for the most part their brains are wired differently. I personally think women are quicker in processing thought and at the same time more emotional due to the suplus of hormones. Just found this interesting article.

How Men s Brains Are Wired Differently than Women s - Scientific American
I agree with Asclepias. It is well documented that there a significant differences in how men and women's brains work. The examples you provided were not attributes assigned to both genders but stereotypes. As a man I know that I have deeply held emotions and I do demonstrate them frequently by discussing them with my wife. As for shoes they are simply a necessity for me but I do appreciate a good looking shoe on a beautiful woman's foot. Guess I am not your stereotypical male either.
Does that make me any less of a man?

This is exactly what I mean. From my view point......

I am not naturally good with kids. Does that make me any less of a woman?
I'm not a good cook. Does that make me any less of a woman?

The list goes on ... I will say this, it makes it hard to make friends with females, because, the look at me like I have 2 heads when I say these things.....
I personally think women are quicker in processing thought and at the same time more emotional due to the surplus of hormones

I haven't read that article yet, but, I am slow to process information and not very emotional. It would be interesting to have my estrogen and testosterone levels checked to see if they are out of whack.
Oh, another thing... they show in the movies women crying when sex is too quick.
I always thought that was a compliment!
They are generalizations but generally true. Women are much more emotional than men, I don't see how you could deny it. You may be the exception, and some men are way too emotional but most people do fit those generic stereotypes.

Now, I've got to go gaze at my shoe collection and see if I'm missing a color.

The problem is people who want to set all women and men into their own rigid definition of each sex. Radical feminists, for example.
Does that make me any less of a man?

This is exactly what I mean. From my view point......

I am not naturally good with kids. Does that make me any less of a woman?
I'm not a good cook. Does that make me any less of a woman?

The list goes on ... I will say this, it makes it hard to make friends with females, because, the look at me like I have 2 heads when I say these things.....

My own mother was terrible with kids. It wasn't that she didn't love us or anything, she just didn't have a clue when it came to being a mother. I learned to cook as a survival skill because of that shortcoming of hers. ;)

If those females react like that then they won't make good friends anyway so they are actually doing you a favor. :D

When it comes to being a good person, male or female, what matters are things like empathy and trust. Your real friends will be there for you when you need them and will know what you are going through. It won't matter if they are male or female.

And yes, my best friend is Mrs Te. I am a better person because of her.
I get tired of hearing about the differences between men and women.
Do you think women have core similarities that are consistent in all women? What about men?

I get tired of hearing about how all women like shoes. I don't.
I get tired of hearing how emotional women ar. I'm not.
I get tired of hearing about how women always want to talk about their feelings. I don't.

You? What about men?

It doesn't depend on if you are a man or a woman, it depends if you think your example of manhood/womanhood is the only one that exists. The current crop of feminism seems to have devolved from "women can do what they want" into "women can do what I want to do"

As for men, I think there have always been different types that have been able to co-exist (after high school), jocks, nerds, slackers, etc.
I personally think women are quicker in processing thought and at the same time more emotional due to the surplus of hormones

I haven't read that article yet, but, I am slow to process information and not very emotional. It would be interesting to have my estrogen and testosterone levels checked to see if they are out of whack.
Like most things its not found in every single person. Just in general. Some women cant have kids. Doesnt make them less of a woman.
The problem is people who want to set all women and men into their own rigid definition of each sex. Radical feminists, for example.

Something along these lines that always bothered me is how men usually get blamed.... and women are viewed as victims. It's OK for women to get made and strike out, but not men. OK, I will say men (in general) are stronger, but even verbally women are given a pass. That's not right.

Men have ZERO say on their children until they are out of the womb. I have an issue with that too.
The problem is people who want to set all women and men into their own rigid definition of each sex. Radical feminists, for example.

Something along these lines that always bothered me is how men usually get blamed.... and women are viewed as victims. It's OK for women to get made and strike out, but not men. OK, I will say men (in general) are stronger, but even verbally women are given a pass. That's not right.

Men have ZERO say on their children until they are out of the womb. I have an issue with that too.

The "women as victims" thing is pissing off a lot of women on the right (yes they do exist).

And yes, men are physically stronger, but in the age of firearms that isn't what it used to be. Shooting skills are gender neutral once kickback is taken into account.
When it comes to being a good person, male or female, what matters are things like empathy and trust

It's hard to even get to that place - most people don't want to be "involved" and prefer superficial relationships (and I'm talking friendships here) - at least that is what I have found..... don't want to have to make sacrifices or be there emotionally, but OK to be there for dinner, shopping etc.

There are people I started to befriend, but then, nothing happened unless they needed something or they were having one of those "sales parties" then suddenly, I'm their friend? What is that?
Oh, another thing... they show in the movies women crying when sex is too quick.
I always thought that was a compliment!
Uhh....I wouldnt take that as compliment necessarily. Personally I like to spend hours if I like the person and its good.

Well this all goes to personal preference.... sex is so much in the head.... (pardon the pun) - and we all have our varying likes and dislikes.... probably not a topic I should even broach as I'm sure I'm fairly dysfunctional there... or at least "out of the ordinary"
Well, I guess I'm out of this conversation because I am definitely a lover of shoes and all things girly. Let the men squish the bugs and handle the garbage. :p That is what they are here for.
Well, I guess I'm out of this conversation because I am definitely a lover of shoes and all things girly. Let the men squish the bugs and handle the garbage. :p That is what they are here for.

Nope! You are very much part of the conversation. You don't have to be a "weird woman" - most men prefer the soft, sensitive, traditional women! I mean, look at my Avatar!!!
Reminds me of a story... someone (female) tells someone (male) they don't like RECEIVING oral.
Man says, well, those guys are just not doing it right.

Like he's the ONE GUY that knows!
Or, it's IMPOSSIBLE for a woman to not like oral...?
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